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Everything posted by Macross007

  1. But these lunatic Robotech idiots keep lying about it : http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...&forumid=31
  2. Yeah, I have read that thread too. I don't want to go into details, but I am amazed of how some of these Robotech idiots are saying the VF-1 runs on protoculture when Tommy Yune said HIMSELF that thing runs on fusion power. Also, these same cretins refuse to acknowledge the OSM (Original Source Materials) when Carl Macek HIMSELF used them to "create" his crappy ripoff. Can't believe you have the patience to deal with them. Can't believe you are still on the Robotech forums too.
  3. Yeah, but at least we are not talking about nonsense. 10 pages of "Who really killed Roy Fokker?". Some of these Robotech fans are mentally unstable I tell you.
  4. Reading that thread made my month. 10 pages of that nonsense and keep talking about it.
  5. Too bad the only that came out from his mouth is "LOOK EVERYBODY HOW MAN I AM !!!".
  6. For me, have not watched Macross II yet. Maybe in the future but not in a near future.
  7. Well, glad you are still on your feet.
  8. Since when Ozma is an interesting character ?
  9. We do know the existence of special forces (shown in Macross 7 with the Diamond and Emerald Forces), but my question is can each fleet decide to have them onboard or not ? Macross Frontier did not acknowledge any kind of special forces. And no, I don't consider SMS personals as special forces since they are private military contractors although they did some special force operations (shown in episode 7).
  10. Great, that series is never going to have an official worldwide release.
  11. Explaining why Scotty was not safely transported onboard the Enterprise. Yeah, make sense.
  12. That's certainly why the japanese releases cost a lot of money then.
  13. Sure about that sir ?
  14. Memory Alpha took that number from the "Enterprise Tour" : http://www.experience-the-enterprise.com/ww/ "Class: Constitution class ship. Type: Heavy Cruiser. Registry: NCC-1701. Designer: W. Matt Jeffries [sic]. Construction Site: Starfleet Division, San Francisco Fleet Yards. Overall Mass: 495,000 metric tonnes. Length: 2500 feet. Saucer Diameter: 1100 feet. Ship Height: 625 feet" The 3000 feet number comes from the CGI artists : "The overall length roughly agrees with the 3000 feet stated in the Post Magazine article 'Star Trek' Returns : http://www.postmagazine.com/ME2/dirmod.asp...2FB2117F7DD841F . We also learn during the tour that the bridge is located on A Deck and the sickbay on G Deck. The stated crew size is 1100." Crew : 1100 !!! The Big E in the prime timeline had a crew complement of 430. The Big E is bigger than ever. But that does not make any sense at all given the size of windows and the bridge.
  15. May the Dark Side of the Force be with Star trek then.
  16. I have read that the updated Big E is now 2500-3000 feet long (762-914.4meters long). Is that even possible given the scale of the windows and the bridge ? Even the 24th century Federation ships like Enterprise-D (642 meters long) and the Enterprise-E (685 meters long) are not that big. P.S. : The original Big E is 289 meters long and the refit version of it is 305 meters long in the prime timeline.
  17. Me I'm starting to think Star Trek has finally surpassed years of mediocrity (Nemesis, Voyager and the crap Enterprise).
  18. Glad to see some people loving the new engineering section like me.
  19. Just saw the movie this afternoon with friends and two words come to my mind : F*CKING AMAZING !!! Love the updated exterior and interior U.S.S. Enterprise designs. Love the "iBridge" and yes I like the new engineering section even if it looks like an oil refinery. Don't care because it shows why the Enterprise is called the "Big E". Love the updated uniforms. Love how they keep the original sound effects like the transporter and bridge sound effects. Love how the geek discussions were actually funny unlike in other Trek incarnations (Star Trek : Voyager anyone ?) Love how each character had their moments (Checkov moments were priceless !!! ). Love how the bridge interact during the whole movie (Scotty FTW !!! ). However, I must say that I did not like two things about the movie the first being how "Cadet" Kirk became "Captain" Kirk in one day. Earning the privilege to command the most advanced Starfleet ship is an honor you would think that will require YEARS OF EXCELLENT WORK. But somehow, Kirk did it in a matter of hours. And I did not like the fact that they NEVER mention the Vulcans having fleets to defend their own homeworld. I know Vulcans are pacific people but this is a diffence between being pacific and being an actual dumbass. If you don't want to defend yourself, then you deserve what you get. The Vulcans learned the lesson the hard way I guess. Sure the plot was simple, but the movie as a whole was well executed. "Well executed" is what was missing in later Trek incarnations like Enterprise and Nemesis. Don't care if the hardcore fans are saying that the movie does not fit in the timeline. Star Trek was a dead franchise and this movie is bringing back Star Trek from the death. The reboot did it job well. In the future, I hope seeing Star Trek going the Gundam way : all the other movies and TV shows are considered as parts of the original universe and this new movie starts another universe. Like that, die hard fans are are happy. I hope so at least ... But anyway, thank you very much J.J. Abrams for this wonderful movie. STAR TREK IS BACK IN THE GAME MOTHERF*CKERS !!! Oh and I give this movie a well deserved 9/10.
  20. What a waste of beautiful mecha designs if you ask me.
  21. On other news, our "dear friend" Robotechfanplus has been banned from Robotech.com. "ROBOTECH.COM BETRAYED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as he said. He is a Gundam fan now.
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