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Everything posted by Macross007

  1. We must thank the Macross Gods that pathetic lunatic idiot will never be one of us. Seriously for being such a BLIND retard, I need years of medical attention.
  2. Maybe I am wrong (and I hope so), but why I get the impression a vast majority of Macross fans don't like Flash Back 2012 ? Agreed Flash Back 2012 is one episode of 30 minutes with only 5-7 minutes of new footages, but it almost gets no mention on these forums. A surprise to me considering the fact it was the time we have seen Minmay, Misa and Hikaru together.
  3. Yeah ... your are right, that would probably suck. How about a classic MACROSS MISSILE MASSACRE then ?
  4. Polygamy in Macross = Epic fail. Plain and simple. I really hope the idea never crossed Kawamori san mind.
  5. Every day of my life, I dream to see the SDF-1 Macross main gun blowing up Harmony Gold headquarters. I love myself for being such a violent jerk. Canadian Army, here I come.
  6. If this idiot called Dougbendo is the new face of the robotech fandom (little r on purpose), robotech as a dead franchise is a dream comes true for me. At least, Dougbendo makes me appreciate the fact how being a fan of robotech is a waste of time.
  7. Angry about it !?!?!?
  8. And they are spamming insults on Kojima official weblog : http://www.kjp.konami.jp/gs/hideoblog_e/20...00177.html#more Got to love these PS3 fanboys. :D :D
  9. I hate not being fluent in english.
  10. Usually, anime is not insulting my intelligence but Gundam 00 with all this super robot crap did it. Can't believe there are still people thinking that Gundam is a "real robot" mecha franchise.
  11. Yeah !!! Sherpard is going to kick some mother f*cker ass.
  12. Yeah, Graham was right : Gundam 00 SUCKS F*CKING HARD !!!
  13. Hollywood is getting ridiculous with all this "reboot" thing.
  14. If it's true that Macross creators are aware of this website ? And if it's true, why anyone of them never attempted to contact us ? Are they monitoring us or something like that ?
  15. Thank you for the answer. Proving that Max was indeed a FLAG officer and therefore was in the right to command a fleet. Like Azrael said "captain" is Max's position and "brigadier general" or "rear admiral" is his actual rank.
  16. Yeah, but at the end of Space War One 99% of UN Spacy personals were killed. The number of commissioned officers with great experience in space combat like Misa was certainly low. That's why Global took this into consideration and made Misa a fleet commander even if she did not have the required rank at that time. Also, nothing in canon Macross indicate that Misa was still a "major" when she took command of the Megaroad fleet. I think so at least. Misa's situation was unusual because of Space war One. This is what I am trying to say here.
  17. Now that you mention it, maybe I should pay more attention to what my father put in my meals.
  18. If Max real rank was "colonel", he was still not a FLAG officier and consequently giving him the command of a FLEET is illogical.
  19. Yeah, but both George Kirk and James Kirk were "captains" in unusual situations unlike Max. And since "captain" is a rank equal to a "colonel" of the army and the air force, no problem there.
  20. You made my week sir. :lol: :lol:
  21. WHAT !?!?!? Macek did not change that part of the script !?!?!? No wonder why some Robotech fans refuse to acknowledge the OSM (Original Source Materials).
  22. One thing I never understood in Macross 7 was how Max Jenius was always referred to as "Captain" of the Macross 7 fleet. Since he was the commanding officier of a fleet and not just a ship, Rear, Vice or simply Admiral would have made more sense since only a flag officier can command a fleet in general. I think so at least. Anyone has the same opinion ?
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