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Everything posted by Macross007

  1. Oh god ... I really need a japanese professor.
  2. Thanks for the information. So you recommend me to buy the japanese version of Macross Plus Remastered as soon as I can, right ?
  3. Are you still there treatment ?
  4. Sorry to say this to you, but that is disgusting. Especially the black scheme.
  5. Not bad at all.
  6. Looks great. I'm considering buying one now.
  7. Oh my god ... And I paid 237$ for that ... Now I understand you guys why you watch your toys rather than play with them.
  8. 65$ for the shipping is a little excessive in my opinion. I bought a YF-19 two weeks ago on Ebay for 165$. Hopefully, I'm getting it this week. I hope ...
  9. poo !!! The pics are gone.
  10. I could not agree more. I don't understand people who are just watching them all day long. There are TOYS after all. I want to have some fun with them.
  11. Only one option for you : DIVORCE !!!
  12. I'm hoping that day will come soon too.
  13. The Desert scheme is not bad at all.
  14. A little too tall in my opinion.
  15. I bet that Star Trek fans don't like you.
  16. Go for the YF-19. I'm getting mine this week.
  17. I finally get my answer. Thanks.
  18. I am watching episode 4 and me too I am enjoying the show. The fact that the show is more serious than I expected make me happy.
  19. Another Wikipedia fan.
  20. I found out about Macross World while searching the Internet about anything regarding Macross Plus. I watched Macross Plus for the first time in 1999, 2000 and two weeks ago I decided to make a research on it on Youtube. So I found the OVA and movie version of Macross Plus and watched them. I was so pleased after seeing Macross Plus again that I decided to make a research on it on Wikipedia. On Wikipedia, not only I found out about the whole Macross universe, but I also found out about Macross World. Some people are saying that Wikipedia sucks, but Wikipedia is fine for me. Thanks Wikipedia.
  21. Try Internet with fansubs because Macross will be broadcasted in Japan only. Or go to Japan and start learning japanese.
  22. A question guys : Where I can get Macross Plus Remastered ?
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