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Everything posted by Macross007

  1. April 2008. So you have enough time to buy you new pants.
  2. Sharon making the hacking easier of the YF-19 weapon system for Guld ? Make sense.
  3. I don't remember. What scene ?
  4. Yeah, yeah your theory can work. Yang was trying to access Sharon's emotional program and because of that Sharon surely found a way to infiltrate the New Edwards Test Flight Center computers through Yang's computer.
  5. After Isamu and Guld, there is a third possibility : the Generals. During the meeting, the Generals were quick to make the investigation as short as possible and everybody was surprised including Glud. Add to the fact Yang said that one of the Generals cleary hated the pilots. And remember everybody that at the beginning of the OAV version right after the battle, one the Generals said that he did not appreciate Isamu's attitude comparing Isamu to a criminal. So as you said, a secret agent employed by the Generals to slow down the projet seems to me possible.
  6. I am not talking about UN. I am just talking about UN Spacy. More precisely, I want to know if there are possibilities that UN took NATO organisation, technology, personnal, equipment etc to form UN Spacy.
  7. [MAD]Angel voice ~Neki Basara & Lin Minmei Duet Ver.~ Robotech Macross: Crush Super Dimension Fortress Macross Opening Theme (Full Length) Super Dimension Fortress Macross Ending Theme (Full Length) macross plus - Deify Macross Plus ost bordeline akino arai - Idol Talk Macross Plus video Macross Plus AMV - Voices (English) Macross Plus AMV - Voices (Japanese) Envoy guys.
  8. Wow ... I did not know HG was such an apeface company.
  9. Are you talking about this ? : http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCBA-3229
  10. I have a question regarding UN Spacy origins : I want to know if NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is some sort of UN Spacy ancestor.
  11. I have to go with Isamu's and Basara's variable fighter.
  12. OK. My mistake then. I thought you were talking about the whole Macross and Robotech universe.
  13. Everyday for one or two hours.
  14. If you want to die quickly, Marines is the right branch in the Macross universe. A single variable fighter can wipe out easily a whole battalion. Also with variables fighters, I don't understand why UN Spacy still need Marines since a vast majority of battles take place in space. Don't get me wrong, Marines is a nice branch but the Air Force or the Navy as a fighter pilot seems to me a more appropriate option regarding the Macross universe.
  15. It was a joke, right ? Have you ever heard Minmay singing in english ? It's horrible. Every time I hear "We will win", I want to kill her. And it's one of the many examples. Japanese actors put a lot more afford in their voice acting than the american actors regarding anime.
  16. I know a lot of people who just liked Macross Zero for the animation and Focker. They did not care about the story.
  17. And what about the story ? Did you envoy the story ?
  18. Hopefully, Macross Frontier is going to correct that.
  19. Another question regarding Macross Zero. I don't understand how the Nome sisters managed to control the AFOS. They were using genetic, mind control or something else ?
  20. - Macross Plus remastered : http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCBA-3048 - Macross 7 series, encore, movie and OAV remastered : http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCBA-3049 http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCBA-3050
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