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Everything posted by Macross007

  1. Kawamori is a James Bond fan ?
  2. What a bunch of ******* !!! They cut Isamu's hand gesture !!! And where are the VF-171 in all that !?!?!? Graham can always complain about Gundam 00, but at least Gundam 00 does not have a poo editing like the that. With that kind of poo, Macross will be always light years behind Gundam. Macross Frontier will be another Macross Zero : A WASTE !!!
  3. Not Mexico again please, NOT MEXICO AGAIN !!!
  4. Maybe we are going to see some football/soccer in Macross Frontier.
  5. Barasa rules indeed. Maybe he is selfish, but at least he has a lot more heart than some haters.
  6. Roblowtech lol.
  7. And the award goes to ... ROBOTECH !!! Congratulations Carl Macek.
  8. So SDF Macross introduced to the Macross universe and you became a fan, I guess ?
  9. Macross Plus for me. And you ?
  10. You should make a Macross OVA about this lol.
  11. Exactly. They refuse to open their hearts to Macross 7.
  12. No one hold the trademark for the term "Protoculture". Search Google for "Protoculture" and you will see that "Protoculture" is the name for a music group. Also, "Protoculture" has many meanings : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protoculture_...sambiguation%29 So HG cannot sue BV for the term "Protoculture".
  13. Remember what happened in Gundam Seed Destiny.
  14. Seiyan version sucks. "Brief"-25 remember ? Shinsen version for the win.
  15. Currently watching again SDF Macross and Macross Plus Movie Edition but this time remastered.
  16. Indeed. POWER TO THE MUSIC !!! FIRE BOMBER !!!
  17. I'm considering buying Macross 7 remastered but I want to see pics before. So can somebody post some pics please ?
  18. I guess I owned myself on that one.
  19. NANI !!! I really said that !?!?!? Limited IQ because of his devotion for Robotech, I guess ?
  20. I can't believe he compared a crap like Robocrap to Gundam. Gundam is not crappy ripoff like Homotech. I never heard that Gundam has to steal from other shows. Gundam is God itself compared to a piece of poo like Roboass. And at least, Macross has REAL sequels and even a prequel. SC is a complete joke and even Robotech fans know it. That guy should compare Robocrap to ..., to ..., to ... The best of all, he said Macross II as a Robotech sequel. :D :D Lack of imagination on his part because he is so in love with Carl Macek, I guess ? Oh boy, he just made Robotech fans look stupid farts.
  21. I'm hoping so. Haters must be disciplined with Basara's music. FIRE BOMBER !!!
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