The statement in the first page regarding the original Macross intellectual property rights need to be corrected. Why ? Because intellectual property rights include copyrights, trademarks, author rights, etc. With the japanese court rullings we know that both harmony gold/tatsunoko and Studio Nue/Big West are the owners of Macross intellectual property rights. We know that harmony gold/tatsunoko own the copyright, trademark and the economic rights part of the author rights outside of Japan for SDF Macross. In short, harmony gold/tatsunoko own the economic rights of the original Macross outside of Japan. Studio Nue/Big West only own the moral rights part of the author rights. Moral rights are, in that case, Macross design elements like mecha and character designs. So saying that "the intellectual property rights for SDF Macross still resides with Big West" is an inaccurate statement that need to be corrected in order to reflect the reality.
P.S.: I know you know that people but I think the correction must be done in an effort to avoid confusing other people regarding the Macross-roboteh legal mess.