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Everything posted by Macross007

  1. How cute. Can we have a pic please ?
  2. Since Macross is set in a futuristic timeline, electronic music ala Ace Combat 3 should be the way to go. Listen by yourselves : Ace Combat 3 Soundtrack - Camber Ace Combat 3 Soundtrack - Eye Of The Storm
  3. Basketballs are women now ?
  4. What was that ? Two basketballs and a face on legs ?
  5. Macross 7 will save your heart, Macross 7 will save this world, Macross 7 will even save you from a pineapple salad curse ...
  6. I'm sensing the Dark Side of the Force ...
  7. Cyborg technology you know.
  8. I would pay to see that happen.
  9. Are you trying to assume something sir ?
  10. The VF-25 will save this world, the VF-25 will save you heart ...
  11. Excuse me dude, but a discussion between two bridge girls in Macross 7 (canon at 100%) CLEARY stated that DYRL is a movie within the Macross universe. Kawamori stated this BEFORE making Macross 7. Since Macross 7 that statement is now invalid.
  12. The music in this one is freaking awesome : A f*ucking great remix of a Macross classic : Macross - Lynn Minmay - My Boyfriend is a Pilot Remix
  13. Even if we don't know JamesBond77's true identity, we should be happy to have a secret agent like him protecting our beloved Macross from Robotech.
  14. Hey, calm down dude about Exosedol. He cleary stated that ONE Protodevlin decimated an ENTIRE Zentradi fleet (million of ships). Only ONE Protodeviln did that. If it's not a valuable reason to be affraid than you must be some sort of superhero.
  15. I have to go with the SV-51. Nora made that VF so sexy with her presence.
  16. Being gay does have it advantages.
  17. Let's honor Max and Milia. Let's honor those heroes who sacrificed their virginity for the sake of humanity. Let's honor those heroes who paid the price for getting the job done. So what about a golden p*nis statue for Max and a golden v*gina statue for Milia ?
  18. Yeah. He is a JENIUS after all.
  19. For sure. Better work than The Shadow Chronicles without any hesitation.
  20. I don't want to defend him but he wrote this : [...]This is not my Macross, and I've watched them all, and enjoyed them all up until now. I don't know who this show is supposed to be for, because no one who appreciates Macross for the reasons I appreciate it could ever be a fan of this show. Maybe you don't agree with me -- many people don't, and that's fine. I think the end-all be-all of anime is Escaflowne and Macross 7, for cripes sake. The thing is, I've been around a while and I've watched a lot of mecha shows, and given my experience with the genre I know that this is shameless and without creative thought, and that those things are everything that the original Macross was not about.'' Link : http://sdf5x.blogspot.com/search/label/review So I don't think Captain JLS is a Macross hater. After reading his review, I rather think he does not understand at all the spirit of Macross Frontier.
  21. It seems that guy is thinking that Macross Frontier is a REMAKE of SDF Macross which obviously is not the case. He does not understand that Macross Frontier is rather an HOMMAGE to the whole Macross universe. At least, he envoyed Macross 7.
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