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Everything posted by Sergorn

  1. As far as I know there isn't two different vessels one called "Megaroad" and the other "Megalord" - the japanese name was just a wordplay in the sens that "メガロード" could indeed mean both (juste like Miclone/Micron) -Sergorn
  2. Wha ? When do they mention separatists in Macross Plus ? -Sergorn
  3. Well that was a very good episode ! Ranka for the Win ! Go Ranka-chan ! Altough I kinda feel sorry for Sheryl... not only Ranka sings while she could not, but she ended going to fly with Alto as well. But eck... that's just justice I must say I expected more action from this episode... but Michel flying in with Sound Boosters and Ranka singing along was just one glorious Macross 7 moment ! BOMBER ! So LAI developped a prototype Fold Booster that go throush Fold Disruption... what I find interesting is that the Vajra battleship seemed to use a similar stuff - could LAI just have reversed enginered the VF27 to get this ? Funny how we had "clones" of Breetai, Exedore and Kamjin in the Zentrandi Corps Is that me of this strange "eye" that crashed Alto & Ranka, was very reminiscent of the Bird Human from Zero ? And indeed : WTF about the ending WTH is the Macross doing there ? Of course the last time we saw it was almost 20 years before, so a lot could have happend since then... but WTF indeed (And I feel it would really be a copout if it isn't actually THE Macross) -Sergorn
  4. Crying Freeman was awesome. Eck - I'd even argue it's better than the original manga. -Sergorn
  5. I thought it was a decent game, but it just doesn't hold a candle to Sega/AM2 Macross game -Sergorn
  6. You'd be surprised how much time you gain when you remove sleep out of the equation -Sergorn
  7. It's an Alien games actually. No Predators in there. -Sergorn
  8. Regarding Alto.... (late thoughts yeah ). I definitly understand why he chose to go with Sheryl... it's not a issue per se. However not telling Ranka himself really makes him look like an ass, or a corward at best. I mean sending Michel ? Oh come on... Eck, I think Alto is pretty much aware of the feelings Ranka have for him - he obviously cares for her, but definitly not in a romantic way (yet anyway...), so I guess perhaps he'd just didn't want to hurt her feeling bu talking to her directly. But geez... sending Michel must be even more hurting. (And what the eck ? Are they all afraid to deal with Ranka ? Even Ozma juste let a voice message when he told her he went on a mission ) Anyway I stick with my first impressions - while thise episode admitingly didn't further the plot much, it did further quite a bit on the relationship front, and in a Macross series this is IMO just as important as the plot. -Sergorn
  9. There's something I didn't quite get in this episode.... at the beginning we see Ranka sending a mail to Alto, talking about his birthday and stuff. And the next scene he says to Nana he hasn't heard from Ranka. Huh ? -Sergorn
  10. Am I the only who feels *really* underwhelmed by Code Geass R2 ? I loved the first series.... but this one has been dissapointment over disspointment. The whole premise already felt very underwhelming after the kick ass cliffhanger ending ("Yeah let's go back to school and pretending ending"... geez I felt like Alias Season 4) And after that it just to goes on doing over and over the most unlikely cliffhanger ending every episode... it becomes less and less plausible after each episodes (it reminds me of Day 2 of 24 and I don't mean that in a good way), the characters becomes more and more annoying, and it's gone to the point that I'm actually rooting for Susaku (as useless and clueless as he seems no) to kick Lelouch's ass once and for all. *sigh* -Sergorn
  11. It's implied in MGS3. If you com EVA to death in the caves before The Pain's bossfight, she'll tell you that Ocelot was supposidely the son of a legendary hero, and taht he was born on a battlefield leaving his mother with a Snake-like scar. In the end of the game, The Boss tells you that she had a child with The Sorrow which was born during her landing in Normandy in 1944 and left her with a Snake-like scar and that her child was stolen from the Philosophers. Not hard to put 2 and 2 together after that. It has also been confirmed by other sources, notably the official MGS2 comic book. As a matter of fact, the fact that Ocelot was the Sorrown's son Good question.... Anyone got that MGS4 Database from the PSN ? It supposedely answer quite a bit of stuff... but it doesn't work with PAL save -Sergorn
  12. Just seen it. I've yet to read the whole topic (geez by the time I watch it it's already so long ), but it was a very nice episode. I love these character centric episodes, how the develop the characters and their relationship. I really have to say that this one of the reason I love Macross and Kawamori's work... he never forget the whole human side of the story. That being sad... yeah as we suspected Grace is the one working with Brera and feeding Leon with information. I wonder what she aims at... it really seems she's trully sending Sheryl in arm's way here... and obviously Sheryl trust her a lot. I thought the whole thing about Alto's character and how he's just "acting" to be a pilot was interesting. I hope we'll see more of this side and his family. I also find itneresting that Luca's family's pretty much that LAI conglomerate we heard about from Leon last episode. Hum. I feel really sad for Ranka I'm rooting for you Ranka-chan don't give up ! The new ending is pretty nice too. (And it that me or one of the Zentradi characters in the episode 12 preview looks a LOT like Kamjin ? ) -Sergorn
  13. I thought Orguss 02 was decent in itself - like Macross II all in all. But it just.... didn't felt like Orguss. While Macross II for all its flaws still felt Macross-ish in many aspect. Also I really wasn't fond of the character design - I wished Mikimoto had been more involved rather than just doing some basic character design - it looked like a bastardisation of its work. Eck anyway I dunno... I just felt a sequel to Orgus was a poor idea in the first place anyway. -Sergorn
  14. I don't think so... -Sergorn
  15. I thought Requiem was a poor film, but halfway decent brainless fun. Of course it felt more like a I Know What You Did Laster Summer with Aliens, than an Alien or Predator film - which loads of plot hole to boot ! A gigantic waste IMO.... especially since I enjoyed the first one quite a bit. -Sergorn
  16. Well, Orguss was made by Studio NUE and pretty much the exact same team than SDFM minus Kawamori. I saw the series about a year ago - I greatly enjoyed it I must say. Its very reminiscnent of Macross in term of style - you can just feel the Studio NUE vibe (though you can definitly the lack of Kawamori as far as mecha goes). Also it was funny because Kentaro Hanedo ripped of quite of a bit of his own Space Adventure Cobra music and put it in Orguss It's a great series anyway. Orguss 02 however is just meh. That's the Macross II of Orguss, except worse. -Sergorn
  17. Yeah... -Sergorn
  18. Finished it again in Solid Normal. 17 hours at the clock by going more stealthy this time. I almost managed a no-kill run, mais I had 2 death I don't know where (On a side not I really recommend people to play in Big Boss Hard... as always in MGS, the Normal modes are just way too easy) So anyway with hindsight I must say I have trouble situating MGS4 quality-wise - in term of gameplya well no question : MGS4 > * In term of plot I have a hard time decidint between MGS3&4. MGS3 has the main advantage of being the beigiing of it all - so it works very well as a stand alone story - which means it's simply brillant on its own. MGS4 being the final episode has the daunting tying of tying everything up and every loose up together, as well as answering every. It does all that brillantly (which is an accomplishment in itself considering how many final chapters fall short, especially in videogames), mais it doesn't really gives it the chance to shine by himself considering how much it relies on the previous episodes. So I guess I'll rate them like : Gameplay MGS4 > MGS3 > MGS2 > MGSTS > MPO > MG2 > MGS1 > MG1 Story MGS3 > MGS4 > MGS2 > MPO > MGS1/TS > MG2 > MG1 On a side note while I'm not disapointed per se... I must asmit there are a few aspect I would have prefered handled differently [DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED THE GAME] -Sergorn
  19. Yeah it's pretty much a given that Robotech won't use straight design from the series anyway. The could very much makes a movie based on the "Macross Saga" aspect of Robotech, but with enough modifications so that some king of "Macross/BW lawsuit" won't be an issue. -Sergorn
  20. Yeah the Japanese version used Liquid's voice actor for Liquid Ocelot, but that's because the voice actor for Ocelot passed away in early 2006 unfortunately. Kojima always intended for Liquid Ocelot to have Ocelot's voice instead of Liquid's in MGS4. -Sergorn
  21. Oh I rated them on both Yeah some character have great voice with some not so stellar acting at times (Otacon comes to mind - I love Christopher Randolph most of the time, but it tends to feel forced when he does the crying ). But I don't necerrilly needs the acting to be "realistic" especially with a story like Metal Gear Solid who doesn't aims to be. Take Solidus for instance - yeah he overacts, his acting if often over-the-top... but IMO it just *fits* the character - I'd even argue he's meant to sound like a cliched evil character - I meant Solidus ain't exactly subtle. I loved it. It's the same with Liquid... Cam Clarke pretty much goes all out when he does Liquid... but that's what makes the character so freaking brillant (Indeed most of the time I tend to find Cam Clarke to be rather flat as an actor like in Jade Empire or that Robotech game... but as Liquid ? I love him). (*) But I'd actually have a hard time pointing some trully poorly acted lines from the characters I named. I could name some voice acting that I greatly enjoyed as a whole but with some obious quirk (Tidus and Yuna in FFX come to mind)... but nay not here. Also the voice is perhaps more important than the acting in certains ways. I mean if the voice just doesn't fit with the character - it's over : even if the actor offers his best acting ever it just won't work. If the voice just *fit* with the character and feels natural to him, it can be enough to forget some clunky lines. (*) Speaking of which the interpretaion of Patric Zimmerman is nothing short of outstanding in MGS4 - he really does manage to *sound* like Liquid. -Sergorn
  22. No I'm with you. As much as I'd love a Macross movie, I certainly won't be bashing a Robotech movie simply because it's called "Robotech". The original series might be the anime equivalent of Frankenstein's monster - but in the end there is still a lot of potential with a Robotech movie. And Lawrence Kasdan as the screenwriter is awesome news. -Sergorn
  23. Funny how we can get a very different feeling from the voices For me : Solid Snake, Naked Snake, Liquid, The Boss, Solidus, and Ocelot (both young and old), ranks definitly amongst the best voice acting of the entire series - eck amonst the best voice acting ever heard in a videogame even. And they really have a voice that strikes you, and a strong charisma that just stems straight from their voices. Anyway I think for the most part Metal Gear Solid's acting is pretty much top notch for every games. It's the kind of games that make me wonder why the hell US dubs of anime are so crappy when they can creat such high quality VA in videogames. I must say I really liked Raiden's voice personally - high pitched, but it fit the character in MGS2. I won't spoil MGS4 but I'll just Quinton Flynn is amazin in this voice and the voice pretty much evolved in the same way the character did. I'll agree with Gray Fox in MGS1 though, I really don't like his original voice (not to mention it was the same as the Darpa Chief), while he really is awesome in the remake Some of the actors really outsone themselves in MGS4 though - if there was an oscar for videogames, David Hayter would reserve deserve it because his interpreation of Old Snake is nothing short of outstanding. -Sergorn
  24. I'm probably in the minority but I loved Raiden in MGS2. In fact I'd argue the game just wouldn't have been -that- good if you hadn't played Raiden. The whole brillance juste came from the fact that you *don't* play Snake. I mean really the last part of the game inside Arsenal Gear when you fight alongside Snake is sheer brillance and one of the most thrilling moments of the series IMO, and that just wouldn't have been possible without playing someone other than Snake. The main problem with MGS2 IMO is that it just have *way* too much Codec. I don't mind codec per se (as a matter of fact, I think MGS4 don't have enough)... but I mind when you 5-10 mn codec communications between two characters that are standing side by side in the same FREAKING ROOM Especially since after Twin Snakes, MGS3, and MGS4 it seems pretty obvious that the whole "nano comunication" thing was just a cheap way to reduce the cost of rendering long cutscenes. Oh and yeah I'd really wish they had done a "definitive version" of MGS2 that would have put back the scenes of Arsenal Gear rampaging through Manhatan -Sergorn
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