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Everything posted by Sergorn

  1. Yeah... good point. Also the pacing leading up the final battle certainly doesn't feel rushed compared to Macross or Macross 7 IMO -Sergorn
  2. I might be recalling it wrong... but I seem to remember that Alto mentioned the data had been tempered with quite recently... -Sergorn
  3. I just don't see how she's being depicted as a sexual object Yeah she has big boobs. Geez big deal -Sergorn
  4. Besides we tend to see chibi-micronized Klan far more thn giant-booby Klan... -Sergorn
  5. Just saw it. Another great episode... great action, great fun. I don't buy for a second that Alto is dead... it would make for a great twist but... nay...that won't happen. I also like how Brera refered to the human as the agressor... the more I think of it the more I'd expect some sort of inverted culture shock for the ending. So it seems that Sheryl is indeed Mao grandaughter... When we saw her being taken in it by Grace from the streets I thought she had no relations, but I guess so... That "creature" (the Vajra Queen ?) we see when the path open to Grace... doesn't it feels really reminiscent of the Bird Human of Macross Zero ? Also the eery posseded Ranka, singing to destroy the humans... that felt very reminiscent of Sarah in the final episode of Macross Zero. Also I like the irony of her using Do You Remember Love for that purpose. Not to me picky though.... but didn't Alto said all the data from the GLobal had been erased ? Yet Ozma and all manage to save some stuff. Anyway the whole cybord consciouness plan of Grace is creepy. Now I wonder what will happen for this last episode... we'll obviously see Battle 7 transformed, no doubt the Quarter will join the battle... but now will we sse the Galaxy ? Bring it on ! Oh and yeah there were some compression artefact on the GG version, I don't know why :/ Guess I'll have to rewatch the modified GG once it gets here. -Sergorn
  6. Ok, I'm way late to the party but... OMFG !!!!!! One hell of an amazing episode ! Man Sheryl is back singing but she's gonna be Leon's tool now... duh. The Macross Quarter and SMS breaking off from Frontier... OMG I definitly did NOT see that coming. Somehow I felt the whole moment just had a Babylon 5 vibe Gotta love Captain Whatisname speech "From Now on We're pirates !" Yeah ! And Ozma VS Alto.... OMG Will the Quarter go head to head with Battle Frontier now ? -Sergorn
  7. Ranka FTW ! Ranka seems pretty much to be the only one that *get* it, and I'd say the latest episode pretty much prove that the Vajra aren't innerentl evil - and that really that ranks of experiment and manipulations on multi-Grace's part. As such Ranka'll probably be the one who'll be able to bring peace with the Vajra one way or another. Calling her a war criminal or a betrayer is just downright ridiculous Don't mess with my Ranka-chan -Sergorn
  8. I dunno. When you think of it the big Bodolza flottila in SDFM basically arrived just for the final battle episode... and it was still done effectively, so we'll see. But really it would be really odd to have introduced the rebuilding Galaxy at the end of episode 15 for it not the play a role later on. -Sergorn
  9. Heh ? Frankly if the series ended with basically nobody knowing of the Galaxy's role or involvement that would be rather lame. I really hope thing will be coming to a head with the Galaxy by the end of the series. -Sergorn
  10. Drat I've been rather busy and I just noticed I haven't post my impressions of of 19&20. Aww well theyre were awesome ! Now onward to Episode 21 Well... I loved it ! Battle Frontier for the win ! I want you to transform pleeeassse ! Leon really is on crappy bastard, I hope retribution is coming for this apeface... Hopefully Ozma and Cathy will be able to bring him down. I fought Ranka's departure was touching. You guys who call her annoying are crazy She's the most adorable anime character ever ! I wonder how her "quest" will turn out.... also what is the deal of Brera's involvement. I'll assume this Grace's will as well.... Luca feeles like he's going to turn to the dark side. Grown Up Ai was a nice touch... though it prove that the Vajra definily aren't evil creatures by Nature. And I really got to wonder how they're gonna manage to end up this series in only 4 episodes without this feeling incredibly rushed -Sergorn
  11. Well for starter I must point that I am a huge Star Wars, particularily of the Prequel films. I've read a lot of UE stuff as well though it tends to be very uneven, ranking from awesome stuff (Darth Bane) to pure crap (Legacy urg...) So anyway I saw it at a sneak preview last week (the theatre was far from being full but eck). And well I really liked it, and my girlfriend who isn't specially a Star Wars fans as well. It does feel reminiscent of Tartakovsky's series - in a sense that it's pretty much non stop action and great fun, altough it doesn't get quite over the top as the 2D series, and the action feels more in line with Prequel Films. There is an actual plot this time though, altough we're obviously far from the depth of the movies - but then that's not really the point of Clone Wars. In any case I'm even pleasntly suprised since even the most potentialli controversial aspect of the film work very well IMO. Ashoka is nice and fun, her relationship with Anakin is well developped and they have a wonderful chemistry. Anakin is also one of the highlight of the film - simply because he is throughout the whole movie he is painted in a positive light - which is a first in UE who tend to reduce him to a lame caricature like in the first CW series and most CW Books/Comics. It felt great and you could just really see the "good man" than Obi-Wan talked about in the OT (there were hint of him in the beginning of Episode III, but soon replaced by Darth Vader).I liked Jabba's son as well and on the whole the story was pretty decent. My main complain as far as the plot goes, is that the whole subplot with Padmé feel extraneous and unecessary as if they'd just thought "Hey let's fond a way to shove Padme into the plot !" But that doesn't really hurt the film. So in any case it's all great, techincally it's quite impressive especially if you consider that it's originally made for TV. Sure it's nowhere near as impressive as a Pixar film... but keep in mind we'll get the same quality weekly and TV and that's just mindblowingly good and lighyears ahead any Full CG TV series ever made. And it's also well directed with some impressive shots. The music is pretty good as well, though somewhat different from Williams' So basically it was fun. It's not a great film by any means, but it's very fun and action packed flick which I guess is the whole point of it. I'm really looking forward for the actual series in October now. -Sergorn
  12. Well you need to chosse the PS3 format, but you also need to configure the Video Encoding : just choose custume and click on the small "E" After you can just a encoding mode. The easiest way to go is to choose a "x pass size" The more pass you have, the better quality will be. With that you simply choose the size of your file.. basically if you put the same size as the original file, you should end up with a pretty close quality. With a too small file the video can become pixelated. I'm not sure why the SIZE of you video have been reduced though... that shouldn't happen unless you use a PSP ou Ipod profil (Note that I haven't had the time to check again, but I've read you need to use the "Main Profile" in "ACV Profile" for the encoding to work on the PS3. Audio should also be with CBR/AAC-LC/128 profil)) -Sergorn
  13. Funny, I just stump across Xvid4PSP a few days ago. I wanted to make a Full 1080p HD hardsub of the Yack Deculture of Ep01 to read on my PS3 - and it actually worked very well. It's actually quite simple. All you need is the "ffdshow video decoder" First you need to extract the .ass file from the mkv file using MKVExtract. Then you launch XVid4PSP, and open the video you want to encode. In the bottom right of your screen there should be the ffdshow icon, double click on it, the goes to "Subtible" and be sure to check the box. Under subtitle : choose "File" then select your .ass file. Now ffdshow will automatically add the subtitles to any video you play. You can check your video under XviD4PSP, you should see the subs in it. Now you simple choose the codecs/format you want and encore the Video... and voilà ! You should have a beautiful video with hardsubs ! Don't forget to uncheck the subtitle box in the ffdshow filter after this -Sergorn
  14. It would be nice but unlikely. Though I must confesse I wouldn"t mind a second "season" of Macross Frontier, if it actually furthers the story and don't fall into a crapfest. -Sergorn
  15. I really don't think Robotech's music was better than Macross' That being said... I *do* think Robotech's music was pretty great. God knows I despise the artistic butchering Robotech stands for, and I'm definitly not fonds of the crap music the American often put when they "localise" animes (*shudders* at the thought of Knights of the Zodiac). But I'd say Ulpio juste doesn't get the credit he deserver. Eck if there was one good thing about Robotech, that was music IMO (and even -that- they managed to screw up in Shadow Chronicles... TSC was a crapfest of epic proportion anyway, but when you compare to music to the original series... ugh) That being said I do feel the music in Robotech and Macross gives a very different feel... Robotech has a very militaristic/patrioc feel, while I feel Macross has a more melancolic and contemplative feel. I remember the first time I saw Macross it feel really weird, because even though I already knew the animation from Robotech, the music gave such a drasctically different atmosphere that it felt like a totally different series (which I guess it is) As far as song goes I must confesse I always had a soft sport for "We Will Win"... that part of Robotech always gave me shivers. My brains pretty much short circuited when I saw Macross and realised it was pretty much the opposite of Ai Wa Nagareru and essentially betrayed everything Macross stands for -Sergorn
  16. Just saw Episode 18 Ok that's it I'm now officially rooting for Sheryl. No one should have to go through to what she went for the last few episodes ! That one felt particularilly heartbreaking... go show 'em Sheryl ! You sing better than Ranka-chan anyway Battle Frontier FTW ! I want to see that one transform and kick some ass soon. Wiping Vajra still feels... wrong. Mao and Grave !! OMFG I guess we can now pretty much state as a fact the Zero/Frontier connection though We'll obviously have to wait some more to see to some extent... I'm really wondering how they'll manage to end the whole thing properly... there seems to have a awful lot of thing to cram up in the last remaining 7 episodes. I really hope won't feel to rushed. -Sergorn
  17. Well as long as it's a Macross-ish opening... Oh yeah... also I really loved this Ozma moment when he gives his speech about his will to fight along with Try Again in the background... I really remininded me of Macross 7's ending in a way. It feels like Ozma juste have the same determination than Basara had. -Sergorn
  18. Well I have been away for over a weak so I only just caught up with episode 17. First : much Fire Bomber Goodness in this one : me like Second : Ok now what the fart was that opening ? I kinda like the song but the visuals... ? Please tell me it's only a one episode thing, and Triangular will me back next week I really thought Ozma was gonna bit the dust, especially with the whole pineapple parralal with Roy... though on the other han it did feel a tad too obvious. The Vajra really are a nasty piece of work... so they adapt to the weapons used on them ? "We are the Vajra ! Resistance is FUTILE !" D'oh ! I wonder how Luca will turn out in all this ? Will he work with Leon or such ? I really want to know what they are doing with the Vajra... And I hope Sheryl will be coming back and kicking ass, with mucho Singing. While I enjoy Ranka's music, I do think her songs (except for Aimo) are nowhere as compelling as May'n songs. Aww well... bring on the next please... -Sergorn
  19. Well, another excellent episode ! Unfortunately Mr Bilrer remains as myterious as ever hummf. I assume we haven't seen the whole of his conversation with Alto. In any case that Ranka Attack was great... the Aimo remix is interesting... but most importantly it feels really gloomy, as if it's bringing with it a foreboding sense off doom. I mean.... in a way the episodes really feels "off". The is classic Macross... the Ranka attack works, the Vajra can be controlled and beaten... Ranka become the new shining star of hope, the new Minmary (or the new Basara yeah, I love you Bobby )... but rather than the joyful sens of hope and rejoincind you should sense in thes circunstances.... all that's left is a real uneasyness... it just feels... wrong. Other than that the mecha action is still the best ever. And I really love May'n new ending song Next please ! -Sergorn
  20. Saw Episode 15.... Well admitingly a good chunk of it was just a clip show recap which is kinda dissapointed (too seeing all the action with a new Sheryl song was pretty cool)... but it's compensated by some neat revelations and WTF moments ? Though we ended with more questions than answers (Proto-Accords ? Heh ? ) The love triangle musical moment with Sheryl and Ranka was awesome So I wonder what's the deal with Sheryl... it seems she must have been created to serve her role as a galactic fairy - but for what purpose ? I'm curious about what Mr Bilrer has to say... hopefully we'll get some answer and they won't skip the encounter. Next Episode : Ranka Attack ! Ok I love it already -Sergorn
  21. Somehow I doubt it, especially since Satelight's series doesn't seem to exceed 26 episodes usually. Also would a second seasons be a good idea ? Sometime it's nice to just let if go and quit... and a second season can be a very bad idea (I'm looking at you Code Geass !) I'd definitly go for another Macross TV series after Frontier, but I'm not sure I'd want a second Macross Frontier. I'd rather have something different. -Sergorn
  22. That seems doubtful to me... after his annoucement Brera says he'll now help with the fight against the Vajra... and we also see Ranka with Alto on the next's episode preview so... I wonder how he'll explains his previous action to Frontier though (even though Leon seems to have hidden all data regardin the VF27) Though I kinda wonder as well if the attack on the Galaxy fleet hasn't been faked to some extent. -Sergorn
  23. You know - I seen that kind of comment on various series, but I never get that whole "the enemy is invincible and should remain so" thing. That's the point : they're not. And beside where did Vajra let the impression to be invincible ? Yeah in the first episode the Vajra gives the impression to be very strong, and kinda kicked the fleet's collective ass... but the Frontier fleet was unprepared, and the NUNS didn't know poo about them. Eck as a matter of the fact the SMS (which was aware of the Vajra and prepared to face them) has always managed to hold their ground against the Vajra. And since the first episode they also had time to study them, and probably equip the NUNs forces with the same kind of ammo the SMS have been using. So... non I don't think there is any inconsistence here - quite the contraty it makes perfect sense to me. Heh ? Did you actually watch the episode ? We actually do see some of the Vajra powering down their weapons as they were about the shoot the minute Ranka starts singing, which they could get their collective easily owned by Alto. No "excuses" to make, since this is exactly what happened. -Sergorn
  24. Well now that was one hell of an episode Speaking of which I think I totally forgot to post my impressions of Episode 13 last week... well It was great too So in any case I didn't mind the pacing at all... sure I wouldn't have minded a "full battle episode" like Episode 7, but I liked the first part built-up, and second part payoff, which was just downright awesome. Oh and.... Battroit VF171 for the win Yeah ! Speaking of which it was nice the see that NUNS was more efficient this time around unliked the first épisode where they were totally pwned by the Vajra. I must say after the "I have something to tell you when I come back" I pretty much expected Luca to bite the dust... but I'm glad they didn't went with the usual cliché. Seems Raramia did bit the dust though, which is nice but doesn't have much in terme of impact since we hardly know her at all. After the last couple of episode, it seems more and more plausible than those Big Nasty Vajra must be the result of some kind of experiment gone wrong, first from the 113th Research Fleet, then from the Galaxy. The fact that the Galaxy is funded by big coorporation (I wonder if the LAI could be one of them ?) suggest that they can pretty much do stuff outside the usual NUN laws like their cybernetic research. That would also explain with they seem intend of erasing all traces of the Vajra, to the point of destroying a planet to send them on Frontier so that they can be wiped out. Somehow I doubt the Vajra will remain the main threat after this episode... So we now have the explanation of Ranka's link to the Vajra with her being the "Little QUeen" whatever that means. And yeah as someone pointed out Ranka's mom does look quite a bit like Sheryl. And what about these Vajra "larva's" with the cristal on their tails ? And so it seems Grace can transfer her counsciousness to another body ala Kusanagi. I guess this explains her "look" when she met with Leon in episode 10. Oh and yeah Sheryl's not quite ready to de the Basara thing -Sergorn
  25. Perhaps he meant Macross Frontier ? Hiroyuki YOSHINO who's the script writer of Frontier, was also the writher of Gundam Seed. Other than I don't see how you could claim Macross was even remotely made by the same authors as Gundam (altough Gundam has admitingly influenced Macross) -Sergorn
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