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Everything posted by Sergorn

  1. Say - I was wondering if anyone if anyone had considered doing a scantrad of Macross The First or something like that, or in any case if anone would be interest in doing something like that. We know how little chance there is to this this manga translated in any other language, and I'm sure there'd be plenty of people interested in a proper translation. I do have some experience in cleaning and editing RAW mangas pages (some might remember I did that for the first chapter of the Frontier manga last year), so I'd be more than willing to do this with Macross The First - that is of course someone could provide actual scans of the manga pages and a proper translation in english. So this was just a thought I had - and I was wondering if other people might be intereted in "joining up" to do a nice scantrad of Macross The First -Sergorn
  2. I'll go against the flow and say : why not ? I loved Ron Moore's Galactica. I think it's one of the greatest Sci-Fi series of all time, and I'm eagerly looking forward to Caprica. That being said I feel there is more than enough room for two Galactica versions to coexiste - especially since well let's be honest BGS 2003 was more of a niche show than a huge public success, so the audience in theatre probably won't know much of Moore's series. It's pretty clear that the sole reason Universal decided to go this way is because of Abram's Star Trek success - Glen Larson has been trying for over a decade to launch a big screen BSG reboot to now avail, and NOW it happens ? Not a coincidence... and Larson pretty much said so himself a couple of month ago. But anyway as much as I loved Moore's BSG - I also have fond memories of the original series. Moore's BSG went dark and gritty and it was great - but I'd say there IS room for a lighter more space adventurous Galactica, more akin to the original series, but with the campy and cheesy aspect - much like Abrams did with Star Trek. Brian Synger is a talented director - and even if I feel he failed his Superman Reboot I'm curious to see what he'll come up with with Galactica -Sergorn
  3. Maybe I've watched too much Gundam - but I think side stories would be interesting. Say for instance a short series about the Space War I or the Macross 7 events told from the perspective of outside character. It could be a chance to offer a different vision of known conflicts, perhaps even with a different tone. I think it could be interesting That being said - yeah assuming the next Macross is done by Kawamori (and I see no reason why It wouldn't be) It'll probably be something we don't expect, as usual.
  4. Well seems I managed to convert the ZDS subtiles using DVDSUBBER(if anyone want it I can upload it somewhere) - unfortunately it only seems to include the subs of the FIRST Episode, so if anyone has the second one somewhere I'd be grateful.
  5. Say would anyone happen to have the subtitles for Dynamite 7 OAVs 1&2 in editable format ? The archives posted a couple of page back included the D7 subtitles, but the OAV 1&2 subtiles are in a weird ZDS format that doesn't seem editable -Sergorn
  6. In a word ? It they'd somehow do "Makuroso : Ankoku Chronicles" Joke aside I'd probably be warry of any Macross series without Kawamori involvement, but I'd still be interested none the less. I doubt aything could kill all interest I have in Macross. -Sergorn
  7. As far as I'm concerned there's no choice - if you'd have to ask me favorite anime ever wether it's a series, an OAV, a film.... my answer would always be Visions of Escaflowne. It's probably the closest thing I've ever seen to a flawless anime... wether you're talking plot, characters, animations, designs, music, action... A freaking masterpiece, that's what it is. (The movie however probably ranks as my most disspoiting anime ever) -Sergorn
  8. Thanks Xeros This is exactly what I was looking for. ^^ -Sergorn
  9. Hum perhaps I should be more clear. I'm not looking for the series, just for the separate subtiles files ^^ -Sergorn
  10. Say - does anyone know where to find the subs for the entire Macross 7 series/OAV/Movie ? I managed to find subs up to episode 32, but nothing after so any help would be appreciated. -Sergorn
  11. *that*'s called sexualization ? People don't need much today then. When I think sexualization I think more like Karen@Code Geass personally -Sergorn
  12. Ok. I just got to go and ask. Where is Ranka being sexualized in the series ? There's certainly sexualisation of Sheryl, and even Nanase to a lesser degree... but Ranka ? -Sergorn
  13. Duh... how can people even ask this question ? That's whole freaking thematic of Macross Plus : the power of the human soul/spirit over machines... symbolised both by Guld blowing away the Ghost (pointing how a AI fighter will never surclasse a human pilot), and indeed symbolised by Myung's song... pointing (as Isamu says it himself in the first episode), that a synthetised voice will never convecy the same thing as a real songstresse. That's why Myung's voice reaches him even though he is hypnotized by Sharon... because her voice simply breaks it. Man VS Machine. That's all really. -Sergorn
  14. Heh ? Aquarion was a full-blown remake just like Escaflowne and DYRL, not a clip-show. And I do think considering Macross Plus a mere "clip-fest" à la Tomino is rather unfair considering it's based on the original script before the story was stretched to a 4 Episode OAV series. I'd say it's more like a "Director's Cut" of Macross Plus... which is why there can be actualy debate between the OAVs and the Movie (but then cutting 4 OAVs into a movie isn't quite like the same thing as editing a 25 episodes series into one) Anyway it would be dissapoiting if the Frontier movie was just a recut version of the series - I do hope for a full blown remake, eck if they did it for Aquarion, they sure can do it for Frontier ! I guess it depends when said movie will be released... Anyway I'd say it's pointless to hope for a Frontier continuation (not that I feel it *needs* one personally). We should all know by now that this is not the way Kawamori do things. 25 years later we still don't know what the eck happens with the the Megaroad 01, 14 years later we still have no resolution of Macross 7's love triangle, 4 years later we don't know what the eck happend to Shin & Sara... I mean really hoping for a continuation of Macross Frontier at this point is just hurting oneself. And if/when we get a new Macross series, it'll most likely be something brand new. -Sergorn
  15. And probably shitty TV-Rip quality with engrish Sub. Yay ! -Sergorn
  16. Well Kawamori + Kanno = Gold. You have just have to look at every anime they've workend on together : Macross Plus, Escaflowne, Arjuna, Aquarion, Macross Frontier... the music in each case is nothing short of memorable and breathtaking. Kanno has her ups and down... but her best work IMO has been produced when working with Kawamori. As for Macross Zero... I thought the music was awesome... within the anime. It's one of those case IMO where the music perfecly feels in adequation with every single frame of animation... but ends up pretty much "meh" when you try to listen to it separatly - which I guess is where it's different from Kanno's where's it's awesome eitehr way -Sergorn
  17. Well I saw the first episode. I certainly enjoyed it. It is reminiscent of LOGH of course... but also different in some aspect. Admitingly the animation isn't really up to today's standards, but that's good enough, and the space battle looks pretty neat. The story looks interesting as well so I'm looking forward to the next episode. I'd agree it's a nice change from the usual sci-fi stuff we get in anime. Let's not exagerate. All the 3D space-ships and al wouldn't have been possible 15 years ago -Sergorn
  18. Well I remember reading (probably here actually) that the original director just left after only a few episodes were in the can and that he basically was the only guy knowing where the series was leading... thus forcing the production staff to basically start from scratch. I'm not sure if there is any truth to ths or not but that would explain while if feels like a totally different series after a few episodes. The animation also drops dramatically after the first few episodes. -Sergorn
  19. Well Aquarion's OAV/Movie retelling was Awesome... it was very faithful to the original, but retold it in a different way/scope just like DYRL back in '84. Escaflowne though... yeah it was extremly different from the original series, and while it did grow on me with time, I was severly dissapointed at first. I've always wondered the extent of Kawamori's involvement in the movie actually, because unlike the series... it really didn't felt very-Kawamorish to me. I would expect the Macross F movie to be more like DYRL or Aquarion (assuming Kawamori don't put a Tomino on us and simply does a re-edit of the series :-P) -Sergorn
  20. Yeah I dunno if the series has been cut short or not... but it definitly could have used more episode. It feels as if the writer just couldn't find a proper way to fit all of the story in the 6 allowed episodes. I've always felt the story and premise of Macross II would have worked if they had actually made it a TV Series instead of a short OAV series. The story could have worked in 6 episodes, but not in the way it was presented - here it feels like they're trying to cram as much story as in SDFM, while using a similiar build-up... but with only 6 episodes that just doesn't work. Aww well, I still enjoy it (and I hope for a remastered released of it), but it's a real shame to see such wasted potential. -Sergorn
  21. Hopefully that means a full blown reimagination and not just a re-edit of the series. -Sergorn
  22. I really enjoyed what I've seen of it and would a like a full fansubbder series.... however while the first episodes seems to indicate a pretty nice mecha series... after a few episodes it pretty much goes more into full shonen with a semi demonic heroes battling other demon like stuff with his powers So in other word it mutate into a TOTALLY different show from what it started out to be I like it, but that feels really weird. There's a group called Mendoam who's doing more fansub.... but they are in terrible Engrish. Pretty much unwatchable to me. -Sergorn
  23. Yeah that's one of the main problem with Macross II IMO.. it really felt like "more of the same". Not bad really but... well, like it of not Kawamori has always pushed Macross into different directions every time... that's part of the the charm IMO. Macross II though could definitly have used more episode and better writting. Some part are just laughable (The "love realisation" between Sylvie and Hibiki... god that's just ridiculous ). It has some great concepts and thematics (the Marduk, military censorship so on).... but none of them really well developped. I guess if I'd have to sum up Macross II it would be : great plot, poor execution. (And technically it was really mediocre for a 92 OAV and very uneven as well...Episode 5 is the only one that stands out) -Sergorn
  24. Hum... no. She says she loves both of them and just can't choose. -Sergorn
  25. I was more of the impression that her eyes looked upward at the Sky as if talking to a dead person.... I really thought Lelouch was actually dead personally, though I guess it's possible he survives. As long as they don't use it as an excuse to do a R3 :/ -Sergorn
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