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Everything posted by Sergorn

  1. Well keep in mind Macross Zero was a few years ago though... as technology progress they can do this kind of stuff better and cheaper now. Eck you just need to take a look at Aquarion... that was pretty damn amazing from a technical standpoint, and at times it almost looked as good as a Macross Zero episode - and that was two years ago already ! From the look of the trailer Macross Frontier seems pretty close quality wise - if it's like this I must say I'd be very happy -Sergorn
  2. What's the deal with the Macross 25th Special though ? Are they airing the 1st episode during it or what ?
  3. True, though I'd say it's not so much about the "Power of Music" - as it is about the power of the human heart and how it can make the impossible possible - though in this case symbolised through Basara's music. That's a very recurring thematic throughout Kawamori's work though not always in a positive light (that was pretty much a part of both Macross Plus and Escaflowne which were made roughly at the same time as Macross 7). But that's what I like about the thematic of Macross 7... it's just very heartening... make you believe you could pretty much do anything if you put your heart to it -Sergorn
  4. Only 2 as far as a I know. But then as far a OAVs goes they're pretty long (50 ans 58 minutes) so that's enough to get a complete story -Sergorn
  5. Yeah the second episode was released a week ago. The first one had a fansub fairly quickly, so hopefully it'll come soon ! AFAIK they also released the two OAVs as one single movie a couple month ago in theater too. I really loved the first part - and I'm glad that eck, unlike Escaflowne he pretty much kept the same feel with the alternate retelling, much like he did with DYRL. (Escaflowne is probably ma favorite anime series -ever- ; I was rather... shocked by the movie to say the least :/) -Sergorn
  6. The manga style looks ok. Seems it features the characters from the series, so I assume it'll most likely be a straight adaptation, rather than a side story like Macross 7 Trash was. -Sergorn
  7. I thought the ending of Macross 7 was amazing (indeed the last third was pretty much wonderful anyway) - Basara moving the galaxy with his song, that sends a shiver down my spine every time That being said I *do* which the series had some sort of epilogue. One of the thing I love about the original Macross and that makes it rather unique - is that rather that just ending after the big final battle and voilĂ  (like eck... most anime series do), you have this small series of episodes that form some sort of nice epilogue to Macross' story and characters, while setting up the future. I wish Macross 7 had something like that (sure we got Dynamite 7 but that was rather meh and didn't brought much to the table). Yeah speaking of that - you'd think at the end Gepernitch could release poor Ivano Gunther's body rather than taking off with it I always thought this was rather unfair for the poor guy -Sergorn
  8. Hi Long time lurker (I've been around here since... geez, before Macross Zero...), and I wanted to register to share my enthusiam about the new Macross Frontier series That trailer just looks amazing - that's really a dream come true : I've been craving for a new Macross TV-Series ever since seeing Aquarion. I'm a huge fan of Kawamori's work, hopefully this new series will deliver -Sergorn
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