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Everything posted by Sergorn

  1. She's not too young, but admintingly by the way she looks you'd think she was more around 12 years old like Mao than 15. -Sergorn
  2. And as much as I love Macross Zero, Macross Frontier's integration pretty much blows anything in Zero out of the water... (I watched some Zero yesterday, and as impressive as Zero already was ; Frontier is better in that respect - no doubt about that). -Sergorn
  3. It seems there's the actual .VOB files of the remastered DVD also floating around and not just the Rip. So I downloaded one to compare to the RIP - and while there's a bit of grain the picture quality *is* much better than the DVDRip - nowhere near the same amount of grain and even the constrast seems better. I have to assume they screwed up the Rip somehow. That being said yeah it doesn't feel they did a very thourough remasterisation though it seem to look better than the old DVD. Comparatively yeah it doesn't seems to look as good as the Macross TV, Plus or Seven remaster (The Plus and Seven looks so good I'd really wish someone would redo a fansub ) -Sergorn
  4. Yeah Alto really doesn't feel the Angzty type... he only gets mad when compared to a girl and seems rather likeable actually. Hardly the usual whiny and annoying anime hero. -Sergorn
  5. The TV-Japan version. It's in mp4 format, while the other HD rip is in .avi format. It's worth getting just to see the full episode 2 teaser in HD -Sergirn
  6. For the record BTW.... the HD .MP4 Raw for the first episode includes the trailer for the second episode at the end of the episode, unlike the other version -Sergorn
  7. What is "deculture" supposed to mean anyway ?
  8. The AiA translation of the song is somewhat different : In this weightless world, it shines like a volcano Don't you know ? It's my daring heart This galaxy is delusion, falling into a poison sea Because of a daring kiss over millions of light years We'll overcome it ! Deep down we hunger for it Let's move to the next stage Take Them ! The days of shooting starts ! This if the fight of our lives We'll leave our mark here Fly! There's sweetness in your heart Gime me a sign And I'll do it ever so gently. It's gonna be a lovely day I wonder which one is the closer one to the original text (AiA version seems to "flow" better but it could be freely adapted) -Sergorn
  9. I don't if it is.... but it'd certainly fit IMO... and it's the proper lenghth too. Though it would be kinda be weird for the series to have an opening that is sung within the series. -Sergorn
  10. Yeah... I got the raw too to have a look at it - and really it looks awful. Overbrightened, and overly grainy... and there's also black borders aroung the image to boot The previous version looked much better. I don't if it's because the rip is sucky - but if the actual DVD looks like this it's extremly underwhelming, especially considering how great the remasters of Macross Plus and Macross 7 are -Sergorn
  11. Either the Shinsen-Fansubs or the AiA version will do (I like the AiA one a tad better, but I wouldn't know which one has the better translation). They're both linked on the first page. -Sergorn
  12. A bit off-topic.... but I felt love never really was a issue between Max & Milia. I'd say they've always been still in love - but that their respective position within the Fleet just created a lot of strain between them, and thus hurt their relationship. That being said I watched the episode again with the proper subs... and yeah it's even better when everything make sense ! I keep watching the concert scene over and over too... I love that song (I wonder if it could be the opening theme for the series... it'd fit) -Sergorn
  13. I'm sure he's still singing somewhere though -Sergorn
  14. Looks like Shinsen Subs has released a fansub of the first Episode (Though no HD version ) It should be much better than the Seyan one... they usually do good subs. -Sergorn
  15. Yeah wasn't the whole casting earlier this year for the new series' Idol was for the Ranka Lee character ? I assume her character will follow a similar arc than Minmay. Two major idols in Macross will be a first though (well yeah Macross 7 had Mylene and Basara but it was a band so that doesn't count) -Sergorn
  16. Well I saw it again with the subs... compression was kind of crappy, but at least I got to understand it better even though the subs weren't that great.... (Brief 25 ??? Come ON !) And so..... -Sergorn
  17. I have to go with the general sentiment - there's really nothing that remotly indicate Macross Frontier is a reboot. No offense, but I think you are really reading *way* too much into the intro recap. At "worst" there's a small retcon. Geez no big deal... there were some slight retcon here and there in Macross 7 and Macross Zero as well - yet I don't see anyone arguing that they take place in a whole different universe. (And the 1995 time space event - It always felt to me it was just a way to differenciate the Macross continuity for our own) -Sergorn
  18. Yeah it's neat. It create some sort of sense of familiarity - that pretty much goes for the whole episode though... there's a real sense of familiarity with the previous series, while at the same time being different enough to get its own feel. It's gonna be four long month... (oh well I survived the long wait between Macross Zero episodes, I'll survive this) -Sergorn
  19. Yeah that's what I thought as well actually - it's kinda weird really even though I don't speak I felt I understood more than I thought I would. Oh and I really liked the music too ! It felt it was very reminiscent of Macross Plus at times. -Sergorn
  20. I'm not sure since my japanese kind of suck... but I got the impression that he gets angry because he is picked on for looking "too feminine" (seemed like one of his pal nicknamed him "Alto-Hime" ie. Princess) Also.... BTW... did you noticed ? The military blond chick we saw in trailer ended with brown hair rather the blond hair she had in the trailer. Than and I can't seem to decide what Sheryl's natural air color are supposed to be... they look pink some times, and blond the others -Sergorn
  21. One word : Holy f*cking poo ! (Ok that was three....) I didn't understood a word they said.... but that was freakenly amazing ! Kawamori really wasn't kidding when he said he wanted OAV quality for this series I like how it feels like sorta like they're blending all the Macross together stylistically.... some things remind of the original series, others of Macross Plus, others then of Macross 7.... and the dynamic for the battles is just mindblowing. Hopefully someone will release a sub soon ! I can't wait for episode 2 (damn.... four month to go) -Sergorn
  22. Awesome Now the real question is do I watch it or wait for subs ? :-P -Sergorn
  23. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one -Sergorn
  24. Isn't the 25th Anniversary special supposed to air a full 27 minute "director's cut" of the first episode rather than just MF clips ? That's what they announced on ANN earlier this month.... Linky -Sergorn
  25. Finally saw part 2. I loved it I wonder if the movie version has any difference with the two OAVs... As for the ending... -Sergorn
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