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Everything posted by Sergorn

  1. You know - I've got to wonder is this kind of feelings is not part of the reasons why Zero was met with such mixed reactions. It seems to be that the minute it was annouched they were doing a "prequel" many people came expecting something that would really ties up with SDFM rather than (essentially) a side story that mostly stands on its own. Personally I must say I really love Zero has it is... eck if it had to change something personally it would be another episode between OAV4&5. It really feels like you missed an episodes between OAV4&5 and the build up toward the final battle felt a TAD too fast. I've always felt Macross Zero would have need a extra episode to really be perfect. -Sergorn
  2. I like side stories - si I've always thought it would be interesting to do this with Macross. A space war I side story could be really interesting if done well. It'd be an interesting way to revisiit the classic Macross series, while offering a fresh looks at the evens of the series without going the "cheap" way of doing a remake. Of course you could also go really to the side and simply use the universe of the series as a backdrop for something else entirely : which exactly what did Mikimito's Macross 7 Trash - and one of the reasons while I liked it so much. He used the Macross 7 has the setting - but did something very different from the series, offering another perspective on the life aboard the Macross 7. To be honest I kinda wish the Frontier manga had taken this approach as well instead of simply retelling the TV series -Sergorn
  3. A Macross 7 remake would be silly - the series exists as it is. Deal with it. If you don't like it as it is then don't watch it - it's as simple as. IMO the only viable and interesting way to revisit Macross 7 would be to essentially do DYRL for Macross 7. In a sens it's actually surprising that it didn't happen since it seems an habit with Kawamori's series a it happend for Macross, Escaflowne and Aquarion. (though I wonder how involved in was with Escaflowne's movie since it felt so non-Kawamorish) -Sergorn
  4. Well.... For starters yeah - that was DYRL's role so it would be pointless. Also really... SDFM would just look horrible on the big screen. They wouldn't just have to redo animations errors - they would pretty have to redo EVERYTHING from scratch to have a decent result (Yeah I know Zeta Gundam mixed both old and new animation - but Zeta looked much better than SDFM in terme of animation and err... the mix between old and new animation in Zeta was terrible anyway) -Sergorn
  5. Well... wasn't Gigil and Gepelnitch the only Protodevilin who were actually usiong possessed bodies ? AFAIK, the other Protodevilin used the EVIL Prototype series bodies that had been created by the Protoculture - which AFAIK had no counciousness of their own. Gigil's host (can't rememebr his name) died, so there is just poor Ivano Gunther left yeah. As for all the brainwashed pilots used by the Varauta fleet, I'll assume a good dose of sound energy and they'll be as good a new. Yeah I mentioned that once before. You see SDF is very unique in terme of how it ends the series - anime series often ends just like Macross 7 : it's over and voila. Indeed if SDFM didn't had an order of an extra ten or so episodes it would have ended with the bibg Bodolza battle. It's uncommon for anime to have some sort of epilogue... and that's what made SDFM too unique as well. I loved M7's ending but admintly I would have liked some sort of epilogue - I wish Dynamte 7 had done so instead of chasing after space whales :/ -Sergorn
  6. Well... everything ? Put to put a few thing specific things : - The opening sequence It's an amazing piece of work and Seventh Moonth is a wonderful thune. Actually it was this opening song that really made me want to see Macross 7. You see I had come with the asumption that Macross 7 was juste a terrible show after reading a long article in a french magazine (which in indsight was a really CRAPPY articile full of fallacies like "Basara shoots down every ennemy while singing" and was probably written by someone who never saw a single episode of the series). But then one day I just stump upon the opening on the net and I just KNEW I had to see that series. - Fire Bombers Granted not all of the Fire Bombers are masterpieces, but there are just some amzing tunes (Totsugeki Love Heart, Submarine Street, Light the Light...) - Haruhiko Mikimoti Even though he (unfortunately) only did the basic character design, it's just nice to have Mikimoto designs. He did a good work on Macross 7, and I often wonder how Macross Plus would have turned out if he could have done the designs like he was supposed to. - VF-17 That's definitly one of the coolese Valkyrie ever - a shame we don't see them more into action. - Max & Milia Always loved the characters, so seeing them back in Macross 7 as supporting roles was awesomes - VF-22 When it turned up at Operation Stargaze I was like : OMFG!!!! - Macross Plus Music Minor detail - but I liked how they used some Macross Plus music as background music from time to time, felt like it was unitning both series. - Gamlin One of my favorite macross caharter ever - Mylene and Guvava Kawaiii !!! Eck - everything -Sergorn
  7. Unrelated tote prievous postes - but I've been wondering : What the eck happened tu Studio NUE ? It seems to have basically blinked out of existence after Macross Dynamite 7... -Sergorn
  8. Heh. I know Macross II has been officially booted the "parralel universe" category since Shoji Kawamori and Studio NUE didn't work on it - but personally I've always liked thinking that it could just be a fictious sequel done to DYRL in the Macross universe. After all we do sci-fi films all the time - so it's not far-fetched to think that someone in the Macross universe could have come up with a fictious alien invasion and made a series out of it And besides there some Macross II song in Macross 7 - so you could argue Macross II must exist somewhere inthe Macross universe On a related note - has there a been a remaster DVD version of Macross II ?I bought the Manga Video DVD when it was released in France, but the image quality was kinda meh... and with a dubtitle to boot We actually had another DVD release at the same time but it was even worse : a VHS Dump with no subtile for the Japanese version. -Sergorn
  9. I'll probably be adressed down the run Nothing has been said ont he matter yet. -Sergorn
  10. It's not about extracing the details - more about cleaning the master to REMOVE the atrocious grain. I mean serisouly - the "HD Remaster" of DYRL is just unwatchable -Sergorn
  11. BTW : I know I mentioned above that I'd try to get the scanlations done before Chapter 5. However I probably won't. I'll continue doing the scanlations... but I must say the manga is way more faithful to the anime that I expected it to so... I'll probably go and edit the scans only after the anime has passed the chapter because essentially... I just don't want to have the whole story of series spoiled by doing the scanlation. I like the manga but I'd rather discover how everything unfolds by watching the series. Hope you won't mind the wait -Sergorn
  12. Yeah that's exactly what I thought too. It looks like Ranka was on some ship or space station that was wipeout out by the Varja and survived in a escape pod. My theory would be that Ozma saved her there and basically adopter here. I was more under the impression that Ozma left the military rather than being kicked out - I dunno but maybe it's related : it looks the SMS' VF-25 is the only capable VF against the Varja - possibly even that he was designed FOR that purpose : considering Ozma already fought, I'd say he'd joined the SMS for the sole purpose of fighting the Varja knowing that they would test the VF25 there from their maker (would that be the mysterious Mr Bilrer ? I wonder). -Sergorn
  13. IMO - Basara rules. Most of the complain against him can be valid. Sure he can get annoying and all. And yeah he's kind of that immuable character that doesn't change himself but makes the other characer evolve around. But what makes Basara such a great character IMO - is that you know basically...he makes you believe in miracle. That is you trully believe in yourself, that if you pull your will to it - there's no limit to what you can do. That final episode, when you see basara, singing at that mountain, singing at that galaxy - yeah you just WANT to believe that anything is possible. And that's part of what makes Macross 7 such a great series to me - because the underlying philosophy is just awesome, and highly positive ; and put in context in a genre that more rhymed with angts, violence, brutality, depressive and/or conflicted heroes and what else... for all its sillyness all we have here is a series with a very optimistic message and heroes that just want makes to believe that everything is possible ! Yeah Macross Plus and Escaflowne that Kawamori did at the same time (How did he managed that anyway ? :-P) shared the same thematic, but Macross 7 and Basara juste delivered in a unique way that went straight to your heart. (And I know I'll just sound crazy - but in the times when I'm down... I never found a better way to gets my Spirit(ia ? ) back up than listing to Basara's music) -Sergorn
  14. Speaking of which I felt the Gattai and AiA gave a quite different feeling of this scenes. In the Gattai fansubs it feels like Ozam juste don't want a rookie to fly on one of SMS' neat Valkyrie and so just kick him out for even having the idea. While in the AiA there's also a sense that he just doesn't want a rookie to be in the air because he'll get hurt. -Sergorn
  15. Yeah definitly That's whate makes Macross so unique to me.... simply enough : it takes risks. Kawamori tries to do something different everytime - even though this kind of approach always risks alienating the fans. I mean just look at Gundam - hell I'm huge Gundam fan, but truth be told the franchise has been mostly going on for almost thirty years by doing more of the same. Eck even Zeta Gundam (which I would definitly consider as the best the UC has to offer) was very much a rehash of MSG in many aspects. Indeed that's also why I love Turn-A Gundam so much - after just doing more of the same Gundam for over a decade, Tomino finally comes back to Gundam... with what was basically one of the most original take on the Franchise... taking the basic ingredients, but doing something vastly different from the previous series - eck that's the kind of appraoch I'd wish every franchise would take Of course that's not to say a Macross series simply using the "Macross II approach" couldn't be great but I dunno... if we'd just get a new Macross series that would basically feels like a rehash (even a great one), it would somewhat dissapointing IMO. -Sergorn
  16. Perhaps - but since it didn't happen with Macross Zero - I find it doubtful that it will happens with Frontier. And I got the feeling that HG would try to give some assle to any Macross release even with another title. It'd definitly need proper remasterisation. But then the HD Remaster you would tend to assume that they could just use the remasterfor a HD Release. That being said - the DYRL remaster really IS crappy and it's so grainy that it would look even worst in HD than it does en DVD. -Sergorn
  17. Bandai must likely just used the same audio and subtitles they did for the US Release. I don't except Frontier to come out of Japan for a very long time, as heartbreaking as it is too admit. -Sergorn
  18. Well... I guess it's true in a way (though I'd say personnaly that you can't get MORE Macross-ish than Macross 7 ; I mean this series is basically Macross pushed to the extremes !) - But yeah of all the sequels/spin-off, Macross II is probably in many way the closest there is to the original Macross series. But I'd argue it's because they took "cheap sequel way" by just basically ripping of the original series. One of the thing I actually like about all the Kawamori-created Macross series - is that every series is very different from each other. With each one he tried to bring Macross to a different action - and that's also what I like. Macross Plus brought a grittier more realistic approach to the franchise, while Macross 7 took a more lighthearted and crazier out (In a way I've always found baffling to think that two such different Macross series were created at the same time ), Macross Zero brough some of the crazier aspect of Macross 7 in a gritty Macross Plus while also taking a much more mystical tone and approach. As for Macross Frontier... it feels like a neat binding of everything that came before yet with an identity of its own. -Sergorn
  19. Thanks I hope you guys like it
  20. Yeah, then I agree Is they creator did it, then it's definite canon even I do not like it (eck I'm very fond of his Post-Zeta work... and pretty much felt CCA ruined Char and Amuro... but since that's how Tomino wanted to end it, so be it). That's also why I consider Turn-A Gundam as defenite Gundam canon even though Bandai and most Gundam don't - since it's pretty obvious Tomino conceived it this way. -Sergorn
  21. Well of course I'll agree work from the original creator will always superced other stuff in terme of canonicity and such. But... why should it have any influence on our enjoyment of the show ? I'd say what's most important is our en enjoyment of the show and wheter it is good or not in itself. That's why the kind of heated debate there can be about picky continuity details tend to drive me crazy - that's pretty much secondary for me : the most important for me is wether or not I enjoyed the show/novel/series. (That's not to say I don't enjoy big continuous continuity... but it's silly to let some tiny details spoils the enjoyment we can get out of it) -Sergorn
  22. Yeah but Yukikaze had already been self-licensed by Bandai in the US, so there were existng subs and audio. Not so with Macross Frontier. A good remasterisation can do miracles though. Of coursen othing will change the crappy animations and thing like that - but a clean and crisp picture would be nice. -Sergorn
  23. That's an idea ! But... I'm not sure if posting such link are allowed. Guess I'll just PM a mod to be sure -Sergorn
  24. Say I was just looking at Wikipedia and I found this on the Macross Frontier page : "Two separate manga adaptations have been running in Shōnen Ace and Comp Ace, since February 2008 and April 2008 respectively." There's another Macross Frontier Manga ? What is it about ? -Sergorn
  25. Ok so.... I've finished doing the scanlation for first Chapter However now... how am I supposed to distribute this to you guys ? I thought openinga new Thread for the scanlation would be nice, but well turns out the file (13 Mo RAR) is to bid to be uploaded anyway. So... if any of you nice moderator have an idea ^^ -Sergorn
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