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Everything posted by harlock

  1. I would be pleased to get me hand on these kits. Are they available somewhere ?
  2. Randy Cooper produce a one meter long Star Destroyer : http://randycoopermodels.com/ http://randycoopermodels.com/content/avenger-star-destroyer Having set side by side the two unbuilt kits' hull (a friend's Anigrand and my RC), while being "only" 30% longer, the RC looked 2 times bigger ! The Anigrand kit is a difficult but very nice kit (clean, well cast), the RC is far more complex and needs more work (casting so-so (bubbles, aging molds...), recommend to add of an inner struts) Looking at the detail, the RC is closer to the ESB studio model than the Anigrand.
  3. I am in for 1
  4. I am in for one
  5. I maybe interested too. It depends on the price.
  6. I am also in for one !
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