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Everything posted by Mechmaster

  1. Approaching the subject from a slightly different angle, if Valkyries were not intended to engage the Zentradei at close quarters why do they need to be transformable. If the intention is to stand off and engage with ranged weapons, wouldn't conventional vehicles be just as effective and a damn sight cheaper? What is actually gained by having a humanoid form? And if the Valk's robot mode is intended to counter giant aliens at close quarters then surely some form of close combat weapon would help even if its just a sock full of quarters.
  2. I stopped buying Airfix kits in 1984, thats when I bought my first ever anime kits, Imai Macross kits as it happens, and realised that models really didn't have to be as bad as Airfix stuff. Jinnai, keep up the good work, I don't have the SV-51 and may never buy one but I'm still finding your build-up very interesting. I'm also amazed at how clean and tidy your work area is, mine looks like a disaster area.
  3. I've been upgrading the textures on my smaller mecha models when time permits but haven't got round to the SDF1 yet so its still using stock textures. The problem is it is so big that finely detailed textures don't show up in long shots and coarser textures turn to crap in close ups. Those images were thrown together pretty quick, I need to find time to produce some custom textures and set up a proper lighting rig and find some really cool camera angles. Time... sigh... another 25 years and I will have reached retirement age, perhaps have more time then. Meantime heres another one I don't think I've posted anywhere before.
  4. and another.
  5. Heres a few for you...
  6. And another.
  7. I love that metallic red look. Regarding the backpack heres a shot of the Imai model backpack which may be of some help to you.
  8. Here is how the antenna attaches on the model kit, just a simple pivot at the base.
  9. Looks like a good start Rod, I was working mainly from my Imai 1/144 scale model when I made a start on the Rau (currently shelved through lack of time) but I also had this image to help.
  10. I wouldn't rule that idea out entirely, maybe not with the mirage picture, but you may find one better suited. Thats what I did with one of my Legioss models, I found a picture, of an F18 if I recall correctly and simply used it as a backdrop when I rendered the image in Cinema4D (after erasing a few bits of the original plane which stuck out from behind the model) I've tried to "build" that heat wake myself, playing with a texture that had all the properties switched off except transparency and bump and giving both of those fields the C4D animated water shader, not quite right but I've not given up yet either. Good luck.
  11. I hadn't looked at this thread previously so I was somewhat suprised when I did. I produced a CG version of the Monster last July and rendered one in an "original" grey colour scheme, this paper model looks just like it. Amazing coincidence.
  12. Thanks, I work in Cinema4D, currently using version XL6.3 but saving my pennies for the latest ver.
  13. Well, I just finished updating my Phalanx model this afternoon and re-rendered my Mars battle scene, I think this was the last of my models that needed sorting out so I guess I'm ready to go.
  14. A Boomer running on Windows would hardly be a threat, just wait for the OS to crash and then steal its batteries before it can reboot.
  15. Well, lets face it, how much anime do we ever see on tv here in the UK? We haven't even had Sailor Moon or Gundam wing except on satellite channels. Even VHS and DVD releases tend to be second rate rehashes of US material, anyone remember a reworking of the original MS Gundam released as Johnny Destiny, Space Ninja? I don't think there has ever been a specific UK release of Votoms on DVD but I have the first 4 episodes of Uoodo City on a region free disc from U.S. Manga Corps.
  16. Mechmaster

    Gualg CG

    I should like to get more done to all three of my alien mecha, hell, I'd like to get them FINISHED, I just don't seem to have time anymore. If anyone has any time they don't need please send me a few hours, or even minutes if that all you've got. WDC - I admit I tend to overdo the mottling on my models, both CG and plastic (you should see the kits I'm using as reference) but in the case of the Zentran mecha my understanding was that the big fellas aren't too hot on maintenance and repair so I figured the glaug maybe hasn't seen a lick of paint in the last 1,000 years.
  17. Mechmaster

    Gualg CG

    Great work Rod, it is nice to see some enemy mecha here. I started to do the Glaug myself late last year but ended up shelving it to work on something else, now I've seen yours I'm tempted to dust mine off and continue with it. I also have partly built fragments of Regault and Queadluun-rau kicking around on my hard drive waiting for me to find more time for CG work. This is all I managed to get done on my Glaug...
  18. I heard about a really good camouflage website... but I couldn't find it. Sorry, but the old gags really are the best.
  19. Not much happening in this thread over the last week so... I've re-rendered an earlier picture with new lighting and textures but I'm not sure that I haven't overdone the wear and tear on that Spartan. What do you think? Is it too dirty?
  20. I hope it is a big hit but... G-Saviour.
  21. Nice job, your textures are great, they more than compensate for the low polys. Are you building it as a fixed mode fighter or do you plan to make it transformable to all 3 modes? You shouldn't put your work down so much, I've seen far worse stuff out there from people who seem think they have real talent.
  22. All the old Godzillas, Battle Beyond the Stars and what was the one where the alien was a guy in a gorilla suit wearing a diving helmet? Classic! Guess I should include Zeiram here too.
  23. Maybe I'm showing my age but I always prefered Chuck Norris.
  24. Yeah, here's the Roy Special, designated PUP-001.
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