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Everything posted by Rhapsodyred99

  1. I have recently started getting 1/60 yamato Valks after grabbing a 1/48. I was wondering if there was an online store people prefered. Currently I am forced to use EBAY and, soem of the shipping costs seem pretty terrible,a nd most are comming from Hong Kong, which makes me nervous on a 200 dollar toy. Thanks
  2. I was looking for a sticker map for my 1/100 monster when I came across this site: http://macrosshare.blogspot.com/search/label/Miscellaneous Scroll to the bottom and there is a file for papercraft. It has alot of vfs, and a monster and a battle pod and an officer pod. The pics look pretty nice. Also the beuty of paper, is you can print it out as large/small as you like. I suppose if you were really ambitions you could make a 1/48 monster. Assuming you have a spot large enough to put it in, and enough ink! Any way thought it was pretty cool and they have aton of other things to download as well.
  3. Pretty wierd that they would put all thsoe stickers in and not have a put em here section. I suppose I can look at alot of the animation and get a general enough Idea.
  4. ahh well I was thinking more in terms of the Zentraedi battle pods (and yes I know there were a few exosquad toys made in the 80's that are pretty darned hard to find). I have only seen the macross saga, and about half of the Macross 7 series so far, so I'm afraid I do not even know who Ivanov and Nora are. I just knwo that once i was about halfway into the macross saga and hooked, i started looking for toys and was surprised there are no Zentraedi currently made in toy form (sans models) I suppose the title shoudl ahve been where are the battle pods!?
  5. I think it's odd that with the exception of Miria 639's battle suit no other torys are being made of the bad guys. What good is it to have a million hero toys and nothing for them to fight? I like making dioramas out of my toys and at the moment its a bunch of flexing good guys. I'd love to have a few bad guys to pose with em. I have found a few 1/100 models that are garage kits that look ok, but I'm not much of a model builder. I suppose I could buy them and have them be the destroyed bad guys
  6. Just got my monster in the mail today, and it looks great. The only problem is that it lacks a sticker map. It was a factory sealed box, and came with everything my 1/48 valk did, but unlike the valk, there was only a "how to transform" thing in the book not a "put stickers here page." Anyone have a sticker map fo rthe monster they could scan for me? thanks.
  7. I am looking to get an SDF-1 for my growing macross collection and was wondering which everyone thought was a better toy? The new 1/5000 is nice, but its in DYRL paint and design which is ok, but I am partial to the old 80's colors and look of the vintage matchbox. Does anyone who has both, or seen both have any recomendations? thanks
  8. Why on earth is this thing so expensive? other yamato 1/60s range from 45-120 bucks this thing goes for twice that?? I didn't even pay that much for my 1/48 VF-1S. Granted I have never held one, but it seems pretty darned expensive. But then again the Predaking Boxed set was expensive too and this one has to be better than an 80s toy reissue
  9. Now that I have a game plan, are there any current 1/60 yamato's that anyone would recomend, or should I just go ahead and wait for the new ones? thanks
  10. Thanks for all the opinions. And I actually do not mind words like suck and crappy, it shows a strong opinion about as particular toy and thats what I wanted. I can safely say I have had several toys I wold KINDLY have refered to as crappy Anyway it seems the yamato 1/60 is the way to go for most of the valks. I have the Hikaru DYRL 1/48 and like it alot except for the wierdly small hands. I did go ahead and order a VF-17s and VF-19 fire valk from bandai for completions sake, and since Yamato isn't likely to do them in the near future. Now, unfortunately I have to hold my horses for the new 1/60 valks from Yamato. Sigh summer seems so far away
  11. Man, too bad yamato does not have a macross 7 liscence I may have to look at the bandai. What are the Diamond force Valks? VF-17s? Thanks
  12. Hello all new to macross in general and the toys specifically. It took a custom jetfire yamato 1/48 (big Transformers Fan) to make me realize what I hav ebeen missing! Since then I have seen the original SDF Macross and DYRl, as well as about halfway through Macross seven. Looking at online toy companies and Ebay however I am a bit at a loss as to which Line to focus on for the Mechs I crave. I bought a 1/48 VF-1S and a 1/100 Monster from Yamato, and have learned that the 1/60 line will soon be perfect ransform from Yamato. Should I just focus on the 1/60 yamato's from now on or is there another company out there that is producing the mechs from SDF Macross and Macross 7 that are jsut as good? I really would like a Max and Miria Valk, and a Roy Fokker VF-1S as well as Basura's (VF-19 I think?) and the Diamond force Valks. So new I am not really sure the designations, but I think the Max and Miria are VF-1js right? Thanks all
  13. ahh thanks I had sorted through that thread but somehow missed that! Gah summer... must hold horse... Must hold horses... (frantically grabs 1/48 and zooms around the room)
  14. I read that the VF-1 s are getting a redo on Yamatos 1/60 line and that they will be as good as the 1/48s. Considering I love my 1/48s I am excited about a VF-1 that is in scale with all the other great 1/60s out there. Any Idea when thye will see release? thanks
  15. Hello all recently got into collecting Macross, and after watching the dvd saga and scoring a 1/48 VF-1S I started to really covet the DYRL movie. I was dissapointed to find out it seems to be unavailable, even on EBAY. Does anyone know where I can lay my hands on a copy on dvd or vcd with subtitles that are not terrible? Thanks
  16. Sorry but I have seen a few customs that have large anime esque hands on the VF-1S valks (1/48) and having just purchased my first 1/48 I am somewhat underwhelmed by the smallish hands. I was wondering where you get the larger ones? Thanks
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