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Everything posted by biggooftoybox

  1. Thanks for all the translations and information. it is very interesting. It has totally got me interested in MacrossTheRide. Like Graham said, if there is a book with all the art i would put that on my list but mostly i'd like to see 1/100 VF-HiMetal toys. Now that would be good.
  2. That is actually a good question. I can barely remember how they linked it in the series but it was linked somehow.
  3. Yes thanks to everyone for posting the spoilers in spoilers tag. I only just finished watching the first movie the other day and for sure the long wait for a subbed version of the second movie will take forever but good to know the info first. when i do get to watch the second movie, i would have probably already forgotten all the spoilers here.
  4. So when you say May2011 magazine, you actually mean March is that right? I seem to recall JPN magazines comes out something like 2 months ahead.
  5. Lucky i decided to read through the entire thread. So the YF-29 model is a 1/100 and out on Feb26 same day as the movie. I'm going to be in Tokyo end of March, do you guys think this model is worth to pick up? Personally i would like to get the VF-HiMetal 1/100 or DX 1/72 but there hasn't been much Macross stuff recently. Weren't they going to make a YF-21 VF-HiMetal?
  6. What's this Nanja town with Macross themed attractions? I'm heading to Tokyo last week of March. Would this be worth going to? Thanks Nice pictures for Macross so far. Everytime i see the local pictures you guys take i wish i was there in Tokyo permanently.
  7. Hmm would the movie still be cinemas last week of March? (Mar28-Apr2)? Then again, i was thinking whether it would be worth it to go since i barely understand Japanese at all and i'm assuming they don't have subtitles fo any kind of course.
  8. So in other words, there is absolutely no special Macross merchandise viewing or showroom or event or otherwise? Damn i was hoping to see a Macross museum and get limited edition good.s
  9. Hi Hello boardies, Ok i wasn't sure where to put this thread so please excuse me if i'm in the wrong place. I've seen in various threads here about different Macross events in Japan (the ride? wonderfest etc etc). I'm heading to Japan last week of March, is there any Macross related events or other macross places i should visit while i'm there? Thanks
  10. Ahh ok so those are mid-wing engine nacelles and not just missile pods. Now i finally see. Actually i never noticed on my VF-27 that they had 4 engines. guess i don't look at it enough. Usually i by the DX, open it once and then shelve it.
  11. The YF-29 just looks odd to be each and every way i look. I just can't get into it. As a space fighter i can see having the weapon tubes on the wigns make sense but when in atmosphere the weapons tubes got to affect the lift for sure. Still i wish Bandai would just stick to a certain line or scale. I find it is very difficult to get all the Valkyries in the same size or line. I thought VF100s was going to do it till they canned it and moved on to the VF Hi-Metal.
  12. The design doesn't speak out to me. in fact when i first saw it, i didn't even realise it was for Macross Frontier. I was thinking it was for another show. This design just doesn't thrill me much. the YF-21 design is still the best in my book. Well i'm hoping they release it as 1/100 VF-HiMetal and 1/60 DX (which i think a new articles says yes to) so that it would at least be in scale with the others. Of course i hope they stop releasing those VF-1x in VF-HiMetal, it's getting super boring. Just bring out the YF-21 already. =)
  13. Sorry i've been away from this forum for way way too long so i'm completely out of date. The Macross Frontier first and second movies are re-hashses or re-tellings of the series right? kind of like DYRL?
  14. YEah anyone else know of any source to get the toys? I'm also tempted to buy the larger sized ones. Is the "king" size about equivalent to Bandai's 1/60 VF-25 size? They would make good fodder or wing-men planes. I was hoping they would release in HKG so i can get my friends to help me get it.
  15. i for one am glad to see the YF-21 in the VF Hi-Metal 1/100 line. I always liked that and it is one of my favourites. However i echo Graham's sentiment, i'd much rather see a VF-17 or VF-171 or even a VF-4. They simply don't get enough love. =)
  16. Another one? Didn't TMA crank out one video before with Rui Saotome as Ranka. Nuts, i haven't even been able to find the first video and here comes another. Anyone have a download location for the first TMA cosplay video with Rui Saotome?
  17. Hi Graham, Actually i have a hunch the Astro Plan toys may be available at a HongKong ToysRUs. The reason i say this is becasue when i was back in HKG in December, i noticed TRUs selling toys from a series called "People's Liberation Army" which was basically the Chinese army. However there was a supporting cartoon playing at TRU which basically made the PLA series like a chinese version of GIJoe. The toys were cheap but had all teh accessories and things. So there is a good chance. Everyone, Also i noticed that fighters 1-3(white/red, grey, blue) is a YF-10 with the single rear fin and that fighters 4-6 (purple, yellow/orange, green) is a YF-11 with the dual rear fins. I was looking at the pictures of the toys on TaoBao. Basically there are 2 molds in use there and the others are all repaints. Although i can't see the weapons or gun complements so not sure if that is repeated as well. I've also asked my HKG friend to keep an eye out. IF anything at all i'm going to pick up the weird colour ones to use as fodder for my macross VF-25s. While i cannot condone this almost blatant copying but at least they are trying. With time, eventually they'll come up with somethin of their own.
  18. Yes let me correct my post a bit from before. The VF-25F i saw was the "movie" version but basically it was the VF-25F+super pack(in bluish tint). Yes Bandai was milking the molds. Although if i understand it correctly from the dude at the store, the VF-25F was the 2nd version with the extra holes. But since i didn't buy it, i cannot confirm. VF-27 is in february, if i recall correctly the fodder version is 2 months after or something. Seriously though, give me a VF-171!
  19. Yeah i couldn't even tell that was Grace. she looks totally different. Her face is more round and the hair more blue rather than the purple it was supposed to be.
  20. I kept seeing the movie version of the VF-25F when i was in HKG a few weeks ago. I was sorely tempted to pick up a new Macross toy but i already had the original VF-25F but without the super pack parts. Still another VF-25F in the stable was too much and my wife would kill me. I can't wait for the VF-27 though. It is an awesome plane in its own right. looks good. i hope they fix the problem with the loose elbow joints. I had the VF-25G posed with the sniper rifle in hand but it can't hold a decent shooter's pose for long and now it looks like it is aiming down for good.
  21. Ah that is so sad that Bandai is going back to the VF-1s for the VF-Hi Metal line. Seriously i'm really bored for VF-1s. They have so many more Valkyries to choose from but why VF-1. Yes yes i know it is popular but seriously how many VF-1s can someone own? I already own just about every variant in the Yamato orginal 1/72ish line. Enough is enough already. Ok sorry for my rant. =) just really disappointed that's all. I've been wanting a VF-4 for ages.
  22. ANyone know when the VF-19kai is coming out? They got to speed up these releases for the VF100s line or it'll fizzle out. Or rather my wallet is going to get drained in other ways before i buy the VF100s. I just received my VF-25F Armoured yesterday. It looks great in box but I've yet to open it. Come on Bandai, bring on the other VFs already.
  23. Would this re-telling me a straight telling or how DYRL was more like a movie within the series that depicted the events of the original Macross?
  24. Is there any more news after the armoured VF-25S?
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