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Everything posted by protogarland

  1. It is this one: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=5892752
  2. Forgive me if this question is asked before.... One of my x-mas gifts this year was the Hasbro Transformers Optimus Prime from the craptacular Michael Bay directed movie. How the HELL do you transform that thing?!?! I grew up with G1 Transformers in the 80's and they were NEVER that complicated. Hell, even the Yamato 1/48ths aren't this complicated. I find it funny how the box says that the transformers are for ages 5 and up. Seriously, 5 year olds are able to transform these things?!?! I must be getting old. If anyone knows how to do this or can send me to someplace that has more detailed instructions than the minimalist manual, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks. Cheers!
  3. Mine arrived today and I've skimmed through all 3 discs. Ladies and gentlemen, the Holy Grail has been obtained!
  4. Thank you. That definitely helps.
  5. Forgive me if this has been posted before but I was unable to find it. What is the best tool to use for panel lining Yamatos 1/48ths? Thanks for your time.
  6. Thanks for the info everyone.
  7. Which size if these flexi-stands works the best with Yamato's 1/48th Valks?
  8. My collection can be found on my website: Protogarland.com The full collection isn't quite up there yet. There is still a Gundam toy I need to photograph as well as my two 1/48's when they arrive.
  9. Sweet!! Thank you.
  10. Thank you. I'm not sure how much my collection will grow but I might as well start someplace. In the year or so that I've lurked on here I've seen some amazing things people have done with their Valks and photoshop. It always made me want one of the 1/48's.
  11. Oh I hear ya. Giving up the real world to become a student again has left me with little money but what I do make gets divided between anime and maintaining all the upgrades to the softsynths on my laptop. Cheers!
  12. Thanks everyone. Yea, this is kind of a drug. Ever since I was a child in the 80's I feel in love with the "chunky monkeys". I felt special back then because other kids did not have Macross toys. And thus, as an adult, I get to relive my childhood again. And no, I'm not a Yamato spy as I have, regrettably, been bitten by the Crapnami bug one too many times. No more I tell you. Oh yea, and thanks for the info about the army-colored Garland. I might have to invest.
  13. I purchased the VF-1S (3rd reissue I believe?) and the brown/green camo Low-Viz VF-1A. I've also got a 1/60 Super VF-1S laying around from a purchase a couple of years back.
  14. Greetings everyone. First time poster, LOOOONG time lurker. Been a fan of Macross and other assorted anime for the past 25 years and thanks to this site, I've been able to keep up on the resurgence of Macross related goodies. Just order my first 2 1/48th's the other day. I also want to thank you all for doing such in depth coverage of the Garland. Thanks to you guys, I knew not to buy one. I am hoping that the Proto-Garland will have the arm joint issue resolved. Cheers everyone!
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