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Skull Hunter

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Everything posted by Skull Hunter

  1. Hey thanks alot guys. That's just what I need to know.
  2. Thanks. I wanted to get one from BigBadToyStore, but he doesn't know if the new shipment he got this month is the second edition. Anyone have any thoughts or got one from there recently?
  3. Hey guys. Can anyone tell me if there are any more original 1/48 VF-1S fockers floating around? I want to know if there was any difference in the new batch compared to the original production run. I was thinking of getting the newer version, but wanted to know if they have improvements, and if so what are they. Thanks.
  4. Skull Hunter


    By the way. I'm not much of a newbie. Just don't get a chance to post too much. Wish I had more time. And money!
  5. Skull Hunter


    No kidding man. You will be hooked! I spent about a grand one month just in macross stuff just to catch up to some of these guys. And you know what? They're not even the original ones. They're the reissues and newer ones. But as long as they are Macross, that's fine with me. It's not that fine with my girlfriend. Instead of going out, we just watch cable tv and eat noodles. Welcome aboard, and remember that you have been warned.
  6. Why don't we just as Graham to ask Kawamori-son himself what color the visor should be so that we all know.
  7. My pick would have to be: "The Outsiders". Even though not a very high budget movie, it had a great storyline that I could relate to and an innocence yet brutallity about it. Awesome movie: You guys should check it out! It's actually by Francis Ford Copolla and stars all of the big names that we know today like Patrick Swayze. Thomas C. Howell, Emilio Estevez, Tom Cruise, Matt Dillon, Rob Lowe, Ralph Macchio, and Diane Lane. Well maybe not big stars anymore, but it was a big cast. Check it out.
  8. I choose the Hikaru VF-1J Strike. Great overall look and awesome head sculpt.
  9. I think that having these toys is a way of holding on to our memories when we were younger. Just the nostalgic feeling I get when I hold one in my hand, reminds me of just how something so simple, could mean so much. My childhood memories were the best, and I'll do whatever I can to hang on to them. Also, we didn't have much money back then, so I didn't come by to many toys. Now that I'm older and have a job, it seems that the toys have made me poor again! At least I'll still have the memories if money runs out.
  10. Does anyone here think that the price may go down on these babies. I thought that they may go down to the price of the VF-1D, which I was able to snag for $70 at Twin Moons Anime. I know that's not much of a difference, but every little bit helps when you're buyin' valkyries. Or do you guys think that they will all be sold out, and cost even more because of availability? I need to know in order to wait, or to buy now. What should I do? Any opinions guys?
  11. Fo' shizzle my vizzle!! LOL.
  12. I've gotten my fix from MW members, Valk Exchange, Ebay, Twin Moons, BBTS, Hobby on Sale, and HLJ. Need more valks!
  13. That thing looks sweet dat! What program was that created in? Do you have any other views of it? Side, back, fighter, gerwalk? Great job fellow viet! B)
  14. That makes sense.
  15. Imode, that is sweet! Did you just put the 1S head on the 1A low visibility and paint the heat sheild and head that same color?
  16. 1/72= 0 1/60= 8 1/48= 1
  17. Anyone know where I can get some of these? When did they even come out?! I never heard anything about them?
  18. I think Yamato modeled it after my own face, cuz I have the same mole on my face. LOL. Seriously, I was disappointed when I got the one with the beauty mark, but what can you do? I don't want to screw it up by sanding and puttying. I just wish that they sold the heads separately so that I could switch them. But according the the parts list that we can order from, they're not selling heads. Getting head is great don't cha' think?
  19. Robotech and Battletech aren't bad words here. Harmony Gold 'is'. Most of us got our bases with Macross thru Robotech, so we owe some background history to it. Tru that 007-VF-1. Although most of us won't admit it, but we know it's true. We did get our love of Macross from Robotech. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just that some company named Harmony Gold had to screw everything up for us fan boys. I'm just glad that there is so much Robotech/Macross toys out there for us to relive our childhood again. Thank God for that!
  20. I would rather watch this sequel. I was just messing around in photoshop and put Casper Van Dien from Starship Troopers on Superman's body to see how he's look, since they still haven't found the right actor for it yet.
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