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Everything posted by mcpaz

  1. Sebastian... you can count on me , hehe... About the payment, I have to recognize that, taking apart the fact of writing in the spreadsheet all the data (really boring), getting out the statistics was quite funny . Since my college years I didn't have the opportunity to... 'play' with numbers. B) Yep, engineers are so... hehe thanks to all for viewing. :assian: (and please excuse my poor english... I have just noticed that I didn't ask for this before!) mcpaz
  2. Hi! Good news for me!!! I didn't make mistakes in my calculus!! My only mistake was that the third in position in the 1/72 are EternalD and wingcommander, with 15 instead of 24 (damn copy&paste). So where you could read You might read: 1/72: 1st- 42 1/72's: s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d (listen: I_h_a_t_e_y_o_u ) 2nd- 27 1/72's: Graham (At last! he is in the top three!) 3rd- 15 1/72's: Eternal D and wingcommander
  3. Aaaaarghhh!!! Damn finger... yes, that's true. But since the error is 11 of 2682, it makes a deviation around 0.004%, and the final differences in the percentages must be of that order. Sure... Thanks ( ) so much, BTW (j/k) Yep, that's what I tried to mean. Sorry for all the inconvenience this might have caused you. mcpaz
  4. Hi PC Valk, you're completely right. Of course, this (ahem) study (or whatever it is) has been done in a particular environment, and conclussions shouldn't be taken out of our particular environment (with its... ahem... 'particular' circumstances). Of course these are not exact stats, but they can give us a rough idea of what might have happened with yamato and MW. This brings me an stupid thought (no jokes, please ): how many of these valks have been bought thanks to Shawn and Graham (MW)? Aren't you thinking in make yamato pay you some kind of... propaganda tax? mcpaz
  5. Hi imode, yes, you're right. Spanish notation is as follows 1.234,56 (one thousand blah blah), opposite to the US one, which I guess it's 1,234.56 sorry for all the inconvenience this may cause. Thanks! mcpaz
  6. Hi all again, I have post the statistics in a new thread... Click me Thanks for viewing! mcpaz
  7. Hi all, yes, it's been a very boring evenening today. I have managed to make a compilation about every user that answered Graham's post about how many Yamatos did we have. Believe me, 234 users is a duty to complain about... well, after seeing mac+ in spanish (again), I had curiosity (and time) to take out the statistics. Well, there go the numbers: Total numbers: Total users: 234 Total yamatos: 2693 Total yamatos by scale: 1.- 1/48: 555 (20,6%) 2.- 1/60: 1452 (53,9%) 3.- 1/72: 686 (25,5%) [psst! hey! <_< yamato has sold more 1/60's than 1/48 and 1/72 togheter...] Statistics per user: Mean number of valks/user: 11,56 (but more than 63% of us have less valks) Mean number of valks/user by type: 1.- 1/48: 2,38 (but more than 64% of us have less 1/48's) 2.- 1/60: 6,23 (but more than 60% of us have less 1/60's) 3.- 1/72: 2,94 (but more than 53% of us have less 1/72's) Cash... (have you ever heard 'my wallet hates me' around here? Prepare yourselves...) Assuming these average prices: 1/48: 150$ 1/60: 65$ 1/72: 65$ (they might not be exact, but they are good enough to give us an idea...) A mean user has spent about... 953,73$ in his/her collection... And now, the rankings... LOWEST ONES There are only three MW users that doesn't have any yamato (already ). They are excar, pfunk and prons. MAXIMUMS The lotto ones (there's no other explanation... these guys must be swimming over money!!!! ) Absolute maximum: s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d. He's got: 16 1/48's , 42 (did you hear? Fourty two!!!) 1/60's and 31 (OMG!!!!) 1/72. No one beats this guy. I still hate Graham (privilege of information and an absolute awsome collection -which I hardly envy), but S, do you have family? I HATE you so much!!! Total yamato rankings: 1st- 89 yamatos: s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d (of course) 2nd- 48 yamatos: CHAN 3rd- 44 yamatos: trueblueeyes (mmm... you weren't married, were you? I'm not, so I think we could... you know...) Total yamato rankings by type: 1/48: 1st- 16 1/48's: s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d (who else?) 2nd- 15 1/48's: calvin 3rd- 12 1/48's: CHAN 1/60: 1st- 42 1/60's: s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d (again...) 2nd- 27 1/60's: trueblueeyes (have you thought seriously in my marriage proposal?) 3rd- 24 1/60's: CHAN (again!!) 1/72: 1st- 42 1/72's: s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d (listen: I_h_a_t_e_y_o_u ) 2nd- 27 1/72's: Graham (At last! he is in the top three!) 3rd- 15 1/72's: Eternal D and wingcommander (thanks Eternal D for the correction) Conclusions: due to the fact that much more than 2 thirds of us have less than the mean number of valks, I can conclude that we are not so crazy, but, in the other side, there are a few mad, damn mad MW users that have a serious problem with their wallets. For all those, I really envy you all!!! Second: I have to ask for a salary increase... Bwaaaa!!!!! Hope you enjoyed.... mcpaz
  8. Hi all! Excuse me Ignacio, but I have read that you were doing a compilation of all the quantities... But... what the hell! I was so bored this evening that I have made an excel file and will try to make some kind of statistics... let's see what happens... just give me a couple of minutes... mcpaz
  9. Happy Birthday, Monkey-N!!! Even tough it's not a real gift, we're sending you tons of boxes full of sock-monkey... As we say here in Sp, we wish you to have more and more b-days... Manu
  10. Mmmmm.... <_< Garoquel, what do you have for breakfast? Manu
  11. Tragedy?? Isamu MUST live!!! He's da man Might have been funny if Sharon had put Myung inside the Ghost. It would be a little bit sarcastic. Of course, the best ending ever should be Guld giving me his yf-21. (J/K) Anyway, I don't know why, wherever is a love triangle (any KIND of love triangle), there is NOT a 'happy' or 'moral' ending. Might be some kind of cinema basic rule, or something. Personally, for me the OVAs are just something that happens while I can't see mechas mcpaz
  12. Mmmm... you think or you know? <_< BTW, my first was the vf11b. I knew about all the issues it had, but I loved that plane... And with tons of patience, following Graham's instructions in that report in MW (where are they? I REALLY loved reading them in depth, they were fantastic!! Don't you guys miss 'em?), I did all the modifications to my vf-11 to let it transform ok to all the modes. Oh, how much I played with it... I even make some tiny improvements by sliding here and there... I must have transformed the thing dozens of times. But three months ago, I discovered stress marks on the hip joints... So now I treat him with twice care. Anyway, their other 7 yammie brothers help him not to feel bad... mcpaz
  13. Yeah, as all of you have stated in one way or another, is very hard to choose just ONE thing. I also love all my valks and transformers, but if I had to choose one, that would be my weird, nearly broken, pinture chopped off, full of hardware patches Astrotrain. I have it since 1985, when I was a little kid. Ah, those times.... so many hours playing... And from my yammies, I should choose my original yf-21, even it lacks poseability... a little bit. Manu
  14. mcpaz

    Fold Booster

    Muchas gracias, Joseph!!! How much we would like to fly such a baby... BTW, 180 meg in B/W jpg leads to a LOT of pictures, doesn't it? Thanks again for answering such a hard challenge. Manuel
  15. Got all of my valks ( at hlj. It's hard the wait (2.5 weeks everytime), but sure it worths. Anyway, I'm looking for another places to order from. And Kevin seems to be the man; hearing your V-E's comments is good enough for me. mcpaz
  16. 1/72 = 4 1/60 = 4 1/48 = 0 But I (somehow in my mind) have a 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru. Sure. Manu
  17. mcpaz

    Fold Booster

    Hey Joseph... Is there some picture you don't have? Damn, you MUST have tons of GB of pics!!! A challenge: have you got a pic of... the vf-19 cockpit (inside controls)? Full colour. Thanks in advance, Manu
  18. <_< Yeah, let's look at the combination: Yamato 1/48 Quality Poseability Ok, this drops a Very Cool mecha. Sure, and if there is not Q/C issues, then the thing is damn great... OMG, the next question in this combination is: My wallet is gonna hate me: 1.- Very much 2.- Like Hell 3.- Where's my wallet? 4.- I need a new work 5.- all of the avobe 6.- none of the avobe... BTW, I'm beggining to afford... Damn Yamato... (BTW, thanks Yamato!!) mcpaz PD: yeah, the world and its contradictions...
  19. Cool! Finally, this is gonna be my first 1/48... At last!!! But... how much do we have to wait?? BTW, thanks a lot for the pics, Graham!!
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