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Everything posted by mcpaz

  1. BOBBEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Thankx!Thankx!Thankx!Thankx!Thankx!Thankx!Thankx!Thankx!Thankx!Thankx!Thankx!Thankx!Thankx!Thankx!Thankx!Thankx!Thankx!Thankx!Thankx!Thankx! Geez, I've been crying almost all the movie! This is freakin' hilarious! I'm gonna tell all my friends! Cool, very cool. Everybody at work is staring at me with that 'what the heck is goin' on with this guy' face, but I don't care at all, believe me. Oh, how much I've laughed! Thanks again, Bobbe! Manu
  2. Yep, she did a great job on the guitar... and her parents did a superb job making her...
  3. Hi guys, BTW, can anyone help me identifying this Gundam? Thanks in advance, Manu
  4. Another one... just for fun...
  5. Hehe... Hikaru playin' with... Hikaru??
  6. Mmmm.... couldn't resist... My 'idiot' anime name is... Mecha Angel Sakana -Chan Whatever Sakana-Chan may mean, it can't be worse than idiot Hehehe... Call Me Mecha Angel!!! Muhuhuhahaha!!! M.A.
  7. I guess I'm not alone (I found at least one relative): I seem to be Hamano Kazuma (...), sth like 'seaside field - one reality'. Well, if this implies a big house near a fantastic beach (with chicks and all that), then it's cool. Otherwise, I can't get it... Manu
  8. I am... <a href="http://www.gaijindesign.com/lawriemalen/jedi" target="_blank"> <img src="http://www.gaijindesign.com/lawriemalen/jedi/hansolo.jpg" width="285" height="123" border="0"><br>:: how jedi are you? ::</a> Damn html code... Nah, I'm Solo, Han Solo And solo rulez...
  9. Yeah, there is quite a large Hasbro facility in Pawtucket. Actually, I think Hasbro's HQ itself is somewhere in RI (though I'm not sure if is the Pawtucket facility). Yep, I guess those should be main HQ. Some years ago, a wrote a letter to them, while trying to find out a place to buy transformers from... Oh... those years... before knowing anything of anime, diaclone... and very little about macross, robotech, [damn] Harmony Gold... Life was so... (oh well) Manu
  10. Yeah, I love 1/48's... they're cool, they're fine, they've got my money... But I love MORE the yf-19!!! I know it's vapourware, we're not going to see it... But plz, Mr. Yamato... MAKE IT!!! (... we'll buy variants of 1/48 after that ...)
  11. Mmmm... Pawtucket... Isn't it near a Hasbro facility?
  12. Hi all, haterist, could you please tell me anything more about the fun-tac? Both of my 1/48's (1S hikaru and 1J hikaru) have their airbrakes a little loose. Thanks in advance, manu
  13. Hi, I'm at Tres Cantos in Madrid, Spain. Coords: 40° 36' 10" -3° 42' 51" BTW, impressive work! Keep it up! manu
  14. hehe... welcome to MW, and be prepared to say goodbye to all your money... Manu
  15. Toonz... Just... WOW! Very good! Guess who's got a new wallpaper... As always, thanks for sharing! Manu
  16. Hi Greg, just remember that you're not alone. You've got your daughter, friends and us. And please remember: every single breathe, every single smile of your daughter worths a life. Believe me, I know it. Don't EVER surrender. NEVER. Do it for them: for your daughter, and for your wife. Make her be proud of you, man. Manu
  17. mcpaz


    Hi all! Well, as (I think) all of you, I feel deeply disappointed with Yamato's attitude, but not with us, but for Graham. I mean: I can understand that they have been growing, they came to MW in a very, very polite way (i think, please correct me if I'm wrong), and they received (and I'm pretty sure they already do) our feedback. As a payback, they let us know some privileged information through Graham, who never revealed critical information to anyone, even though we have summited G-man to all kind of tortures ever imaginated by the... forums(?). He's also been very kind to Yamato. But I guess there are two different problems here: the first one, us; during the past years, this forum has been a privileged Yamato information source, mainly to G-man and Yamato's good relations. We had G's reviews, critics... The expectation was always high, and that was a good sensation, which kept us glued to the forums day after day. But folks, those days are over, and now WE are the ones who have to lurk the web to get those little pills of information. Yep, things have changed a little bit the soul of the forums, and I think everyone is disappointed with that. But we have two chances: accept it or not, but we have to assume that many things will have to change to return to old gold MW age. And the second problem, which really makes me angry: Yamato's attitude with Graham. I would calify it as miseducation, since G deserves more respect than what he has received. That's what I see: you are a company dedicated to the 'glorious' art of making toys, and you have found a source of information that can help you. You contact him, and establish a colaborative relationship. You give him samples, receive feedback, suggestions... (remember that this is priceless!!) and sometime, for no reason, cut that relationship. It's really frustrating, for G, and for a huge fan community (but that's the first problem). Well, it seems Yamato is not our kind friend anymore. What a pity. Manu
  18. Hi! Very good draw, pal! Really refreshing. Thanks for sharing... got more? Manu
  19. I have to agree... In in fact, everything but the flowers is just great. But that 'flower texture' gives some kind of 'flat' sensation in those places where the word 'flat' doesn't have any sense BTW, excellent work, as always! Manu
  20. Joseph, as always, amazing work you're doing there!!! Guess who's going to change background... See ya, Manu PD: ah, y que aproveche (creo que a estas horas es la cena... yo aún estoy trabajando -4.21am hora española- geez...)
  21. mcpaz

    new to forums

    Hi! First of all, welcome to valkaholic club. Sit down, relax, and try to prepare a big bunch of arguments to tell your friends family, boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife and children why are you spending so many money on this strange addiction... Welcome to the party, and enjoy! Manu
  22. Hi! I'll try to answer some of the questions I've read: * I used excel. Nothing more. Just a couple of mods since my first version, but that's it. * I'll try to include more members in the next issue, but, well, maybe should be more interesting to integrate SQL and PHP togheter to make the 'data harvest', so you'll be able to update your data as well. Yep, that should be fine... We could even add more data about each user: age, sex (not amount of it, nor strange meltrandi advanced techniques, you perverts!), country... It's going to take some time, and that's what I don't have now... * Graham: Patience. The same happened to my daughter. And to me... well, what happened to me has no name: 10 months!!! But believe me, my mother loves me at all (well, I guess so... mommy! ) As for the profits, I do agree with RHTT, and with a couple of appointements: 180K is the amount of money factured, not profits; the profits may be around 25% of that quantity (45K $). That isn't much money at all. We have to think in a lot of money spent: marketing, salaries, design, computers, CAD software licenses... Thanks for viewing. Kind regards to everyone, specially to Graham and Amy, Manu
  23. Skull Leader, welcome to the vast majority of us... Yep, well keep on tryin' to reach to the top... BTW, for your reference, I have finally found the version 1.0 stats at: MW yammie stats, version 1.0 <Click me!> Thanks for viewing! Manu
  24. Hi all! Welcome to the valkaholic-statistics version 2.0, here @ MacrossWorld. First of all, my best wishes to Amy, Graham for their family's newest member. From the deep of my heart, congratulations! Well, let's go straight to the stats. The first thing I realized is that there hasn't been any major changes in the percentages, so the version 1.0 wasn't that bad at all. Right now, I have stats for 350 users, and as someone stated before, they may not be updated at all. For example, our master, sithlord, didn't update his collection at all. We have to respect, above all, his privacy, even I'm pretty curious abuot his real numbers. Yes, guys, PURE envy. S, I officially hate you. BTW, what we all got is: 1/72 valks: 964 1/60 valks: 2147 1/48 valks: 1131 total valks: 4242 (nice number!) 1.- First thing to consider: the 1/72 valks were sold to a smaller crowd (yamato was not that popular by the year 2000, and its popularity may have grown with macrossworld as well). The 1/72 line sold well, but it was the worst until now (even with the yf-21FP and the vf-11B FP re-issues). Taking for reference a average cost of 65USD per 1/72 yammie, we have a total of 62660$ (not bad ). 2.- number of 1/60s: it's more than the sum of the other two. We may think that this has been the most successful valk in quantity terms, and was something like 'the way to success' for Yamato. The average 1/60's yamatos per user is almost the double of the rest! (6.13) The 1/60 amount, taking 65$ as a average cost is near 140,000$ (it gets better ) 3.- Oh, our beloved 1/48. Their numbers: 3.23 yammies per MW user (but 70% of us have less than 3.23; so there are a 30% of us who are REAL 1/48 freaks!!!), and the money spent... near 170,000$!! simply WOW. So, what can we conclude? That we aren't typical customers: we CARE more for quality than money, and 1/48 are just beauties for all of us. In fact, only the 18.5% of us has not already bought one!! (and again, look at the price!). Well, let's continue: Averages by type: 1/48 - 1/60 - 1/72 - total 3.23 6.13 2.75 12.12 Average money spent. (assuming average costs of 150, 65 and 65 USD for 1/48, 1/60 and 1/72 respectively) 1/48: 484.71$ 1/60: 398.73$ 1/72: 179.03$ total: 1062.47$ And the masters are... 1/48: 34 Godzilla 1/60: 42 s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d 1/72: 31 s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d total: 89 s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d Rankings: For the 1/48 line, we got: 34: Godzilla 24: SkullFighter 23: kensei For the 1/60 line, 42: s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d 33: valkyrie-exchange.com (congrats, Kevin!) 27: trueblueeyes (I'm sorry, but I'm no longer single... ) And finally, for the 1/72, 31: s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d 23: valkyrie-exchange.com (congrats again!) 19: SkullFighter Totals: 89: sithlord (mmm... again, I hate/envy you sooo much.) 68: valkyrie-exchange.com 66: SkullFighter As you can check, distances with S have decreased... Percentages under the average 1/48 line: the 70% of us have 3 or less 1/48 valks. 1/60 line: the 62% of us have 6 or less 1/60 valks. 1/72 line: the 58% of us have 2 or less 1/72 valks. Totals: the 65% of us have 12 or less Yamato valks. Probability distribution graphs 1/48 Line: 1/60 Line: 1/72 Line: Totals: Final Conclusions: 1.- Yamato really needs to say thanks to G-man and S-man for their work. Amounts of money are in Yamato's pocket thanks to them! (how was yamato's macross line gonna reach anywhere but japan? Any answer, Mr. Yamato? Plz, forgive Graham for any sins we all might have commited and return talking to him... Yep, we hate when he begins with that 'I know, but I'm not sure if I can tell' stuff, but we love to hear that from him!!! We need reasons to speculate!! We need it as air to breathe! 2.- We all have a problem. A valkaholic problem. We need therapy. Really, believe me. 3.- We need to stop lurking MW. Doing so gives us the wrong feeling that having more than one single valk of each variant is... normal. Guys, come on, it isn't normal! 4.- Sithlord can't be our hero. Believe me, he can't. He... mustn't! 5.- We need a salary increase. This basically throws arguments 2, 3 and 4 to hell. Well, I'm a valkaholic and... I love it! And yes, I would like to have as many yammies as S. Or even more... Well, it's too late and I'm not too inspired... please post your comments. Thanks guys for sharing, and let's say all together... Thanks Yamato! And... We all hate you sithlord, kevin and skullfighter! mcpaz (I'm going to bed, too tired...)
  25. mcpaz

    Yammies per user

    Boys... I'm going to post the results. See you there and thanks for sharing!! mcpaz
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