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Everything posted by mcpaz

  1. <Hommer mode on> Aaawwwggg.... <droool> Caan--dyyy... <Hommer mode off> Yamato, congratulations!! Me wants!! 2!! mcpaz
  2. Hi all, it's been a couple of weeks since I don't have enough time to visit the forums... and I'm very surprised this topic is not on the first page... is this because there is no news about my beloved blue or what? Please, any pic, rumour, rant, whatever... will be welcomed from spain! (mmmm... looks it's a 'bump' for this topic, doesn't it?) Manu edit: smilie and sig... (yep, I was on xmas...)
  3. mmm... I miss a "tonight we'll have dinner in hell" quote. Guess I'm trying tonight at home... hehehe...
  4. Hi Graham, thanks very much for your answer! And, BTW, merry x-mas to everyone! I deeply hope the fat guy dressed in red deliver a *lot* of yammie boxes under our trees. See you around, guys! manu
  5. So, the stand included is the private [deisupureitando] thing? I'm asking 'cos there are some sites (such as tmpanime), which says "Stand not included"... Thanks for the clarification!!! Manu
  6. Hi all, from Macross Compendium, you can read this: "Project Super Nova development halted under orders from UN government after development of the Ghost X-9 unmanned fighter ended February 2040. After project cancellation, UN Spacy First Lieutenant Isamu Alva Dyson (with Shinsei Industry's YF-19 development staffer Yang Neumann) launched the YF-19 prototype No. 2 with a FAST Pack system and the prototype fold booster towards Earth without authorization 2040 March. Colonel Johnson ordered Bowman to pursue Lieutenant Dyson in the YF-21 prototype No. 2 with a FAST Pack system and an identical fold booster. Irreparable damage of YF-21 prototype No. 2 with loss of pilot in subsequent battle with Ghost X-9 unmanned fighter over Macross City during the Sharon Apple Incident. YF-19 announced by UNAF as winning design 2041." Other from that, I haven't found any capabilities regarding "fold-capability-without-external-booster".
  7. Mmmm... how much for each? would like to get one
  8. Mmmm.... just read from new yf-21 yamato's page: (wordlingo japanese to engrish translation) Prototype production technical cooperation = flex Material = substance: ABS, PVC (non phthalic acid) and zinc alloy/base =ABS At the time of commodity size = fighter total length approximately 35cm Package formal = flap top attaching plenum chamber Package size =H370×W360×D140mm Accessory = cancer/gun pod, fast pack equipment, for [garudo] gore [bomanhuigiyua] (cockpit embarkation) and private [deisupureitando], connected leg for folding booster, marking sticker, instruction manual -------------------------------------------------------------------- hehehe... FP!!! FP included!!! G-man, can you now confirm/deny it, now its' been officially written on yamato's page? I'm already killing my wallet to get this beauty...
  9. Keeping in mind we're in page 69... in the movie version you can see Lucy naked...
  10. And... It will keep you busy for about 45 minutes every time you want to transform it... Believe me, I've been collecting transformers since '84 and I've got 12 yammies... I know what I'm talking about. Worth it, anyway. Definately. manu
  11. Quick [evil] question... keeping in mind the FP set is going to include this 'dildo-like' time-space folder, hasn't anyone before why does it have rechangeable legs? Guess I'm waiting for the FP version too... And I -VERY MUCH- like this blue babe... manu
  12. Mmmm.... simply... WOW!!!! Graham, hasn't the trigger been pulled so you can (prettyprettyplease) begin to share that hard disk of yours? Many thanks to charger69 for ending our anxiety!! manu
  13. First of all, as many mw members said, thanks Graham for sharing all this information with us. And, uhm, well... many thanks in advance for sharing all those nice pictures you're going to share with us... (you will, pretty preety please covered with chocolate? ) Please send Yamato staff my "thanks" for the macros stuff, specially the 1/48 line and the mac+ valks. I love this! If they don't do this "after 1st production real life testing", they reallyreally do. But if they already do, they should do it better. My basic concern is now about: 1.- yf-21. Release dates, gimmicks, and photographs. And also if the first run is going to have FAST packs, or they are going to follow yf-19's schedule (first w/o FAST packs, and some months after, yf-21 plus FP's and FP's separately. 2.- vf-11. If they have 'forecasted' it, and if so, as much info as they allow you to provide us. 3.- Pricing policy. Mmmm... this really hurts, IMHO. What I mean with this question is I don't really feel the extra value for a, let's say, a VF-0s or a yf-19, compared to the value of a 1/48 yammie. What I'm trying to say is they have pushed too much our wallets, and 200 bucks for a non-FP yammie is too much, IMO. They should lower prices, because at the end we will buy more! Actually, I would have more than one single vf-0 or yf-19. But those prices are somehow prohibitive to purchase more than one per each... (actually I have three 1/48 Hikaru's -various models; A, S, J, and 4 VF-1 1/60's). Anyway, thanks again Graham for letting us the chance to speak to Yamato. Regds, Manu
  14. Mmmmm (looks it again...) remind me a yf-19... Mmmm... NO. It doesn't. Graham is anti-TF? But he's bought two starscream and two MP Ops, didn't he?
  15. Sometimes I wonder who makes these decissions... this starscream is way MUCH better than the final "ape-like" robot. M. Bay and team, IMO, got wrong in this matter (also). manu
  16. Hi all, same here: stress marks before the very first transformation. Has anybody said loosing the two screws would alleviate the situation? Regards, Manu
  17. Hi again, first of all, thanks for your quick answer. Well, lechuck has posted the picture I was trying to talk about. That gap is not a big deal, or something I can't live with... But 18800 yen... you know... Have you tried to tool around, as with the first VF-11B? Anyway, mine is on its way here... mcpaz
  18. Again, thanks a lot, G-man!! one thing that bothers me is the gap that exists in battroid mode. Do you think is there any way to fix it? Great review, great photos, and neither a dirty balcony can disturb the greatness of this toy. Thanks Graham, thanks Yamato! PS: how is it going when sharing toys with your son? Or is it the perfect excuse to have twice as much of toys (you know, one for you, one for your son... )
  19. mmm... If so, wouldn't loyal Prowl be the one? Anyway, I would like to push 'em designers to a new limit: make a mechanical T-Rex; wouldn't it be kewl to have a big MP-Grimlock? ... me, Grimlock, here to save the universe!!! ...
  20. I was yesterday looking at the bottom of SS's box , and keeping in mind that the 75% of actual MP production is based on the same molds (mighty Op Prime ), I seriously doubt next release is going to be different from a SS brother, either Skywarp or Thundercracker. Maybe Megs is going to be the exception, but MP-06 is most likely some of our beloved SS bros. manu edited: damn spell...
  21. Don't know 'bout you guys, but his face doesn't look right to me, does it? I mean, unlike Op's face, which is 100% like G1 classic, Meg's is... I don't know, just different. What do you think? mcpaz
  22. Simply amazing... can't wait to see more (and final painted) pics!! I hope this time they respect Meg's color scheme... Please, please!!! Manu
  23. Looks like it's necessary to move the tailfins a little bit forward to transform this beauty to gerwalk/battroid, IMO. Manu
  24. I don't really think that's a real surprise. If you look closely to the picture Graham posted, it's easy to see that the two frontal 'sticks' for the booster go here:
  25. Cool tool! I've found I'm not the only one in Madrid, Spain... Never heard of you, twoducks! Looks like our community is still growing after all these years Manu
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