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Everything posted by Shade
Well, this is just me, but I think the original Gundam looks like it's wear slippers.
yeah thats the kinda engineering all the old cyber jets had. its not just similar engineering that is the EXACT same transformation and design, they just gave it a resculpt No, Starscream is larger than Smokescreen. The transformation is the same, but it's a new mold.
I think the writers felt bad for all the times that Kira humiliated Yzak over the course of the series, thus letting him kill two of the three Alliance 2nd Gen Gundams. Anyway, with a cease fire in effect, and probably peace talks soon to follow, I doubt Freedom will be repaired, or a new one constructed. Kira and company probably just want to find a nice place to settle down, anyway. I'd be kinda surprised if they're the stars for Seed 2.
Except that his faceplate shattered. Even assuming he managed to escape the Providence before it was destroyed (unlikely), he'd still have to deal with the problem of breathing in space. No, I think Seed 2 will have new villians. Hopefully something relating to that damn space whale fossil that they showed, then never brought up again.
Uh, the Strike Rouge survived. It's how Cagalli and Asuran escaped Genesis. Buster got it's ass kicked by Providence. Raww turned to fight Freedom instead of finishing him off. Duel was about to drag Buster back to the Archangel when Raider attacked. And after rewatching it, I have to admit that I'm likeing Providence more and more. That paint job just gives it a feel of a NT Gundam Mk II on steroids.
Sad, but true. At least the PG GP01 will allow for the original or for the FB, instead of doing one, then releasing the other 6 months later.
Freedom could probably be salvaged. There's probably enough spare parts in the Eternal or at PLANT for repairs to be conducted if Kira wanted. I was rather amused that Duel, the oldest of the Gundams, actually came through the fight with only minor damage.
This is the continuity that I was operating under 8 RX-78-1 Gundams built at Jaburo 3 are sent to Side 7, where they are upgraded into RX-78-2s Char's lackeys attack, smashing two of the RX-78-2s (along with all but one of the Guncannons and Guntanks) White Base flees to Luna 2, then heads to Earth with the sole surviving RX-78-2. The two damaged RX-78-2s are left on Luna 2. RX-78-3 is pieced together from the two damaged Block 2 -78s, and is used as a testbed for new systems, like the magnetic coating that was applied to the surviving RX-78-2. And now it all falls aparts thanks to Bandai adding 4th Gundam and 5th Gundam to the continuity, since RX-78NT1 was commonly known as G4, and was thought to have been the heavily modified 4th RX-78-1. But now, who the hell knows? The 20 or so RX-79[G]s are supposedly built from the RX-78-1 spare parts lot. That's a lot of spare parts considering only 8 -78-1s were supposedly built. The RAG-79-G1 might simply be a customized RAG-79 Aqua GM.
And he gets all of the blame, too. Look at most of the TF threads here. When his name pops up, it's almost always paired with a demand for his removal, because the writer hates the current TF line.
He's not being removed at all. He's just been told that he can't fraternize with people on message boards anymore. And the sour grapes reference was directed at whoever whined to Hasbro about his presence on the 2005 boards.
Actually, they did spring to mind, but I wasn't sure how much characterzation they received. Was it as little as the Astray girls, shouting each others names and such inspirational things like 'We won't be defeated!'?
I'm just surprised and/or disturbed that he's actually finished writing all of it. I'm not surprised and/or disturbed that he has a guest appearance as himself later on. Too bad his publishing company is going to space out the releases. I'd happily pick up all of them at once.
To be honest, the Astray girls getting whacked meant nothing to me, because we know nothing about them. They were barely supporting characters, and received little to no characterization. Pretty faces, doomed to die... Fraga dying was a lot more upsetting, because he's been with us all this time, and we've gotten to know him. Pity that he never got the chance to smash in Kuruze's face. The writers always put him at a disadvantage in their duels. On a side note, while I kinda don't like the Providence design, I still have to give it some credit; because with it's Phase Shift scheme, it looks like a NewType equipped Gundam Mk II on steroids. EVIL.
Well, that rather blows. Regardless of how much a person loved or hated his work, it was still nice to have the actual toy designer on the boards, answering the questions that he could. I see Orson's World has already been removed. As for E-Galvy, his picture has already been pulled from several other sites. It seems that this one is a real prototype, instead of the test shots that normally get leaked. Parts of him may be altered before his release.
UNSURE SPOILER Actually I think he gets wasted by Isaac while commanding some cruiser but I dunno i'll have to recheck. I'm pretty sure that was Sutherland's cruiser that Issac applied his rifle grenade to. Either way, I think the New Gundam Team wiped out all of the Peacemaker crusiers. I suppose we'll have to wait until the next series to see what the damn space whale fossil is all about.
The Alliance tried to nuke PLANT actually, since they didn't know of the existance of Genesis. Kira and Athrun managed to intercept the missiles while equipped with the Meteors. Afterwards, half of the Alliance fleet got vaped in Genesis's first shot, and they had to wait for reinforcements before going after it. The final battle has only just begun, and it's not known who'll destroy the Genesis. My money's on Kira though.
Bleh. I think Starscream's the only decent looking one out of the batch, though I do note that Skyblast seems to have Skyfire's head. I remember something about Hasbro being unable to secure the rights to his name, though.
VF-1's are aircraft, they're mindless machines and are meant to exist as a fleet. The characterization for the series lies in the pilots themselves who are very individual. With Transformers the robots are the individuals, and to have them repainted and powered up is pointless. Incorrect. Repaints serve to extend the lifespan of a series, and might entice a person into buying a mold that they had previously passed on thanks to the hideous paintjob. Case in point, Powerlinx Hotshot. Many many people passed on the original thanks to the dayglow yellow and the stupid face, but some might reconsider and pick up his repaint, with the Hot Rod colors and remolded face. It's not bad business sense. Oh, and I'd like to point out that despite being as individual as a stormtrooper, CF VF-1s tend to be popular, even though we don't meet their pilots, and we know they have a very short life span.
Check Out Whos' Gonna Be In Transformers...
Shade replied to Kamui 777's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Or, it could be that during TWW, the Transformers simply had more power available for more complex forms. All of the characters could have changed over to simpler forms in order to conserve energy. Remember, the Micromasters were actually created to be more fuel-efficient than the larger models. I could easily see, say, the Seekers, being stripped down as the war dragged on, making them sleeker and more fuel-efficient. Or hell, maybe Kup just wanted a new body. -
You know, someone should do a photo strip where Prowl and Mach Alert investigate Sentimus Prime for kidnapping of innocent Machine Robos... Oh, and incidently, I've heard it said that if you actually like everything about a TF line, then you're not a real TransFan.
Yeah, the Gobot molds are the most abused ones around. At least Hasbro dug out four of the never released ones for RiD. Well, if you want to be really technical about it, it was originally the Car Robot Brothers from Car Robots who received their Super modes. So it's Takara's fault! TAKARA'S! For those NOT foaming at the mouth in outrage at my last comment, that's a not-so-subtle jab at those fans who believe that Takara can do no wrong, while Hasbro utterly sucks in everything it does. It's a way of life in toys. How many Yammie VF-1s are just repaints or just have a slightly different head? That's never stopped many of us from buying them.
Here's the first pic I've seen of Sentaimus Prime with his extra limbs attached. And yep, he looks ready to take on the Power Rangers.
Like a slew of repaints didn't happen in G1? *looks at Prowl, Bluestreak, Smokescreen, Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp, etc.* I do think it would have gone down better had the repaints actually been different characters instead of 'Hot Shot! With a new color scheme!'
If memory serves, this Prime is supposed to go sentai on us, and use 4 sub-units as arms and legs as his Super mode, which is where his new hat fits in. The Autobot gimmick is combining this go around.
Transformers: The War Within 2
Shade replied to terry the lone wolf's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Pat Lee isn't drawing this one. He just contributed some designs to go with Don's new ones. The actual art is going to be done by Andrew Wildman, one of Furman's partners during the Marvel run. Should be good stuff.