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Everything posted by Shade

  1. http://www.scrambledcity.com/TFad/Rkive.html Those are ads from back in the day. The original Transformers were cheap too, it's just the reissues that are priced high. And let's not forget how some of the original Autobot cars had an undocumented third mode if you made one mistake: the convertable, as you snap off the roof. And of course, Mirage occasionally broke in half. And Ironhide and Ratchet, well, sucked. As for "Paint a brick with a bus on one side and a 2D robot painting on the other and voila! Instant TF," they did something like that in G1. His name was Broadside.
  2. Hasbro does have the Energon Axe, Megatron, and the Matrix. The only differences from the Takara are the smokestacks, the paint job, and the packaging. Oh, and the price.
  3. I doubt the Japanese would import it anyway, since Sunrise refused (and is still refusing) to turn over the Japanese language tracks to Bandai America.
  4. You think the deluxe Prime is fat, you should see the larger one. The designers went for a balanced Super mode look, and screwed the Prime without armor. Of course, Super Prime's helmet sucks too.
  5. It's a deluxe Grand Convoy, much like the deluxe Prime in Armada. He's able to combine with the other Energon deluxes, and I think there's a special prize Double Convoy set coming out, with a gold plated deluxe Grand Convoy and a silver-plated Rodimus Convoy. Kicker is a remolded Microman figure. No word on if Hasbro is planning on releasing either one in the States.
  6. It's not the first time. Magmatron from Beast Wars Neo was a Target exclusive several years back. And a good chunk of the Dinobots subline in Beast Machines were repaints of the Beast War Neo Destrons. Hopefully, other stores will get the rest of the Micromaster combiners, and SixBuilder will be released in the chase Devastator colors.
  7. Odd. The prototype pics show a molded Autobot symbol on his chest, instead of the Decepticon symbol that's on Dead End there. I wonder if they're still going to release a Sunstreaker in addition to Dead End.
  8. Female yellows in sentai are infrequent, but not too rare. Anyway, I can't really say it's a rehash of the GoGo V yet, since only a couple eps have been released, but it's worth noting that while the GoGo V were all brothers and sister in different rescue jobs that fought demons,the Dekarangers aren't related, are all cops, and fight aliens. Plus, they have much better outfits. DekaRed irritates me, but he is one hell of a fighter.
  9. I wouldn't get your hopes up for any really cool exclusive toys. BotCon is no longer the offical Transformer convention, and so Hasbro doesn't have much reason to show the love. They have OTFCC for that now, like last year when they put out four exclusive toys.
  10. Looks like they redid a lot of the car shell for Sunstreaker. I like the head sculpt, too.
  11. Hasbro's re-released the Combaticons 3 times in the last 3 years, actually, including the new one. The first time as a part of Robots in Disguise, then in 'city-camo' last year, I believe.
  12. Those are from Machine Robo Rescue.
  13. The Original Series. Kirk is so very much the Man.
  14. That's because Hasbro has some weird Megatron fetish, where the main villian always has to be Megs, even though he was called Galvatron at the end of Armada. The Japanese took the intelligent route of calling him Megatron all through Armada, so that his new body will be called Galvatron. No doubt, there will be a repaint of Energon Megs down the line in G1 Galvatron colors. Oh, and Firefox? It looks like Omega Supreme because it is Omega Supreme. His Energon form, anyway.
  15. Check it out.
  16. No, Takara owns it as well as the rest of the entire Brave Saga line ... the only thing close (largely sentient transformable robot anime and toy lines that arn't part of Hasbro's Transformers) that Bandai owns is Machine Robo. Sunrise did the animation for GaoGaiGar, which is why people connect it with Bandai.
  17. Personally, I think Omega Supreme's ship half looks look a Salamis or Magellan from UC Gundam. Anyway, it looks Takara decided to take a page from GaoGaiGar and give him a ChoRyuJin-style combination.
  18. Well, Takara and Hasbro have been good about matching names to vehicles (as far as they can, anyway), so I'll bet that the upcoming Decepticons were already cars and such in their G1 forms. Hound becomes Swindle, and everyone else becomes the Stunticons and such.
  19. So where are you getting yours for $75? I'm seeing them for $60-65.
  20. Where in the US do you live? I know Sideswipe's starting to hit Targets, Walmarts, and Toys We Be across the south, as I've seen him in multiples of all three stores.
  21. Unless Hasbro licenses the Humvee, I think a Dodge Ram would make a swell Ironhide.
  22. Because not everybody wants to blow an extra $30-50 for long smokestacks and a slightly better paintjob.
  23. ... Well, there's something else we'll never see in the States.
  24. Uh, they used guns in RiD and in Armada. And they use guns a lot in Energon. An awful lot.
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