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Everything posted by Shade
Saw it, meh. Obviously, the true way for everyone to accept peace and let go of hatred is to listen to Kira say, "Let's all be friends." It certainly did the trick on Rey and Shinn. Anyway, it wraps up Destiny better than the original final episode did, but it doesn't change my opinion that this is the worst Gundam series I've ever seen, ZZ being the only one I haven't watched. The only new thing that amused me is that Athrun and Merilyn seem to be a couple now.
Huh, that's the Astray Out Frame, all right. Looks like it comes with the gun camera, the normal backpack, the Aile pack, and possibly the manipulator pack? And what's that on the right of the Blue Frame L? Could that be Destiny Impulse?
So much for my belief that Gilbert is the only smart person. Nothing like announcing that "dreams are pointless, here's your life mapped out for you" to kill your support.
Actually, she does order the rest of the fleet to continue as is. However, then she orders Archangel to break the Zaft line, and the shots clearly show other EA ships moving with AA. Murrue was trying to use the Archangel to tear open a hole in Zaft for the rest of the fleet to escape. Of course, they're being overwhelmed by sheer numbers when Kira drops in. As for how 'extremely obvious' Destiny was going to be, I think most people here were still holding on for the possbility of good writing up until they left Orb for the first time, and Shinn wasn't getting any character development. I mean, Gilbert didn't have to be a bad guy, and it would have been a nice twist if he really wasn't. But they chose to take the lazy way out.
Just shove Athrun down the exhaust vent. He needs his self-destruct quota for the show.
I dunno, Gilbert's managed to get an entire planet of retards to dance to his tune from the start of the show. I'm sure the writers forgot by now, but I'll bet that Gilbert was the one who allowed the EA the information they needed to steal Chaos, Abyss, and Gaia; and then arranged for the Zala supporters to drop Jenius 7 on Earth.
Really, out of our entire brave cast here, Gilbert and Rey are the only people who aren't dumb. I thought it said Copernicus was a free city, and that none of the major powers ruled there. Anyhoo, even if Orb did have a moon base, it doesn't mean they're powerful. If said base only had, say, five Astrays, it's more of a footnote, and far down on Gilbert's list of "Places I Wish to Conquer."
Nope, that was a strange screwup on Tokyopop's part. Rest assured, they're not telepathic. Also, congratulations to Kira, Athrun, Cagalli and the Archangel for their fine job of stopping ZAFT from getting into Orb to capture Djibril last week - this week, Djibril killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Coordinators. Orb deserves to be bombed back into the stone age. 321756[/snapback] Considering how badly ZAFT failed at capturing him at the LOGOS HQ, they'd have bungled this operation, too. Even if Kira and friends were busy having a group orgy while this was going on, Djibril would have just left whenever ZAFT forces got close. He could have left earlier than he did in the show, he was just waiting for the Sarans. And if ZAFT really wanted him, they'd have coordinated their forces, and had a space force cheerfully waiting for his shuttle. And you do realize you just advocated killing tens of thousands of innocent Natural and Coordinators who live in Orb, right?
Ha, until Char shows up in either Legend or Justice. 319319[/snapback] Nah, it'll be Gilbert in the Comet Gundam, a bright red (pink!) mobile suit. There, he'll reveal to Amuro that he's secretly been Char all along. And then Amuro kicks his ass. Again.
They need to put Amuro in Strike Freedom. He'd end the war pretty quickly.
That's one of the many things that bugs me about Destiny. In Seed, while he disabled grunts a plenty, if there was a honest to God threat facing him, Kira would go for the kill. When he faced our favorite trio of druggies, you never heard any nonsense about him aiming for the head or arm. He was going for the center of mass shots and trying to destroy them. And of course, there was his battle against Raww. Destiny Kira would try to disable and capture him or some poo, Seed Kira ran his ass through. Even against Destroy, Kira wasn't trying to kill Stellar. He was actually saving Shinn's worthless life and disabling the cannons. In short, the writers apparently decided that Cagali's stupidity was genetic, and made Kira a fool as well. And since they also decided that character development is too hard, and Shinn should just become Anakin Skywalker, the writers should be sacked. I think the scene would have went better had Kira actually gone for the kill against Destiny, the chest cannon powering up, with Shinn realizing the danger, hits his Seed mode, drops the sword and barely manages to dodge the blast. That way, Kira is shown to be taking Shinn seriously, and Shinn still gets to show off his skills. Man, we need another recap episode now. From Arthur's point of view, where he reveals his ultra secret plans as the real villian. That kind of utter nonsense would justify the show.
So, finally watched the episode. Shinn does an excellent job of fighting here, making great use of Impulse's modular design, my favorite being when he splits Impulse in two to dodge Kira's strike. Of course, when they rematch in Destiny vs. Strike Freedom, he won't have that gimmick, so he'd better bone up on his pure skills. Yeah, I'm hoping for Kira vs. Shinn in the finals. Athrun hasn't done anything useful all season, so I'm not expecting anything from him later. Maybe he can take out Lunamaria (while screaming her name). Oh, when Chaos explodes, I don't actually remember seeing Sting's death scene. Because without one, he's bound to come back, probably in Destroy Mk II. Maybe he'll be effective if and when he returns.
Kinda amusing, really. In my opinion, Victory was nothing more than an excuse for Tomino to find new and inventive ways to kill off his characters. Uso's mom, anyone?
Decent episode. Shinn actually didn't lose any points with me, simply because his actions here are consistant with his actions in the rest of the show. Mind you, I still hate him, and I've basically given up on Shinn getting any reasonable development in the show, but I don't hate him any more than I did. Athrun on the other hand, drops some more. It was just wonderful seeing Kira tear apart Saviour within seconds. The fight would have been more even had Athrun bothered to use his Seed mode, but then, I don't recall him using it at all in this series. Chaos had just as much luck against Freedom as Abyss and Gaia did several episodes ago. I feel kinda bad for Sting and Auel. They're better characters than the first set of Extended from Seed. Pity Kira didn't decide to go after Shinn after smashing Athrun. Kira's Seed mode would decimate Shinn's, and we wouldn't have to deal with the bastard anymore.
Episode 26 was pretty good. I was fairly surprised to hear the doctor refuse to treat Stellar without orders, though. I guess ZAFT doctors don't have the Hippocratic Oath, huh? The shot of the three ZAFT Gundams is interesting. Impulse, Destiny, and Son of Providence, maybe they'll call it Fate or Judgement or some other nonsense. The ED shot of it indicates that it's got a good number of funnels, at least eight, though not quite as many as Providence itself did (13). I suppose we'll get a better count when line art is released. Kinda weird that Saviour wasn't in that lineup, but I guess since Athrun's going to self-destruct it at some point over the next 13 episodes it doesn't matter. Note to people with no sense of humor. The above wasn't a spoiler. It has not been said that Athrun is going to blow up Saviour, but I think most people here expect him to. Shinn finally gets another chance to do something besides be angry. I'm pleased with this.
I would say it's a brand new Freedom unit, as the official site states, "The final trump card which was developed to break the deadlocked situation between the Earth Alliance and ZAFT that continues to cause more confusion. It possesses several times the combat ability of the Freedom thanks to a new type of engine, etc. One characteristic is the golden color of the joints." A brand new engine is a bit more than a field upgrade. Maybe it'll be a fusion engine that produces Minovsky particles. Maybe Kira will be forced to use Freedom's nuclear self-destruct to take out Destroy, and then he'll go hijack Nu Freedom with Lacus and Andy's help. Almost like how he stole Freedom to begin with. It's an interesting thought. Probably just means that both sides will be painted as 'evil' by the end, only for different reasons. ZAFT will have all the implements of destruction, while the EA will be performing evil experiments on kids and stuff. In other news, next week, the person claimed to be the main character might get some more development! Amazing!
Oddly enough, I've lost respect for Athrun after the last couple of episodes, not Kira. He cries about the unnecessary sacrifices made in the battle. Well, I guess that means he considers all of the Orb sailors who were about to be fried by the Tannhauser necessary, doesn't it? And of course, all of the Orb and EA MS pilots he killed, well, those were necessary too, I guess. Athrun needs to get off his high horse, and remember exactly what the Clyne Faction did at the end of the previous war: Jump in between the two sides and try to stop the fighting. He didn't bitch about creating chaos then. And of course, demanding to know why Cagalli didn't prevent Orb from joining the EA. Sheesh. I realize he loves her and all, but he needs to be honest with himself, and realize that she couldn't stop anything. She's not really much of a leader at this point. It does suck that Heine died, he was the most entertaining member of the Minerva crew to me, but that can't be pinned on Kira. He went after Freedom without any weapons, wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, and got cut in half by Gaia. To be hoenst, I don't really care for anyone on Minerva now that Heine's dead. Rey's boring, Talia's boring, Arthur, though vaguely entertaining, is kinda stupid. Lunamaria is cute, but boring. She has potential, though, and her stalking cracked me up. I can't stand Shinn, and Athrun is now getting on my nerves. To be fair, though, I can't stand Cagalli, either. Episode 23 should have had less of her crying, more of Kira kicking everyone's ass. And more Murrue kicking ass as well. Her and Kira are still my favorite characters in the Cosmic Era. Bleh. I just hope Freedom gets smashed fighting Destroy. That'd be the best way to establish Destroy's power, taking down the best MS of the day.
Ha, Blast Impulse is the Sword Strike of Destiny. They've used the Blast pack what... once? I think the sword was used at least twice. Once during Heliopolis, once for killing Miguel. But yur rite....need more blast impulse..... Sword Strike was also used to fight Blitz in Artemis, and ultimately, to kill Nicol and destroy Blitz. It received an okay amount of time. Blast Impulse... looks good, never really used.
If you watch Saviour's startup, when the GUNDAM acronym is highlighted in red, Unsubdued Nuclear is overwritten by Unrestricted Network, like Impulse and the stolen units.
Of course, there's always the yearly crossover movie with the previous year's Sentai team.
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Huh, the new OP also shows another shadowy Gundam, behind Freedom and 'Destiny'. Maybe the new version of the Psycho Gundam.
Remember, this is the same Lacus Clyne who tried her damnest to bring Patrick Zala down and end the war. His fanatic followers would not hold her in a kind light. Dullindal might have been involved in his creation. After all, the current theory is that Rey is Raww's clone.
Finally managed to catch up on the last four episodes. So, random thoughts. Orb's current leaders are happily cuddling up to the EA to avoid being razed to the ground again. Gotcha. Yuna's a slimeball trying to get into Cagalli's pants while cuddling up to the EA. We get it. Cagalli is way in over her head. Message received. Now can we please end the Orb segments, since they're showing the same damn things over and over again? I really hope that Kira and company save Cagalli from her wedding so they can leave Orb behind and we can do something new. Shinn needs character development, and fast. The so-called main character of the show has been completely upstaged by Athrun so far. Hopefully, they'll finally start the Shinn/Stellar romance angle so he can see some character growth. I like Talia so far. Arthur though, his only reason for existance seems to be surprised exclamations and questions. Kira in Freedom again. Boo-yah. I'm willing to bet that Archangel is going to kidnap/save Cagalli and run for the hills, to uphold the true ideals of Orb or something. They're going to need a good AEUG-sounding acronym, though. I'm not too sure about Dullindal ordering the hit on Lacus. The timing is a little too convienant, especially since everyone is just waiting for him to reveal that he's really an evil manipulator. I think it would be unusual if he was actually a good guy, and the attack on Lacus was from the same group who tried to drop Jenuis 7. Rey's a pretty good guy. Here's hoping that he doesn't get jealous of Shinn having the Seed. After all, he has the mighty Newtype Powah. Mia's pretty hot, even if she does seem rather vapid. And Andy needs Rocket Punch. That is all.
Shinn's one of ZAFT's elite pilots actually, since he wears the red uniform. I don't think he's as good as Rey, but Rey may just like his Zaku Phantom too much to transfer. Well, if he had actually been doing damage to them and not taking any, he'd have been beating them. As it was, neither side was able to do anything to the others, a standstill. I think it would be funny if they broke with Gundam convention and made these four Gundams actually inferior to the Zakus, failed prototypes as it were. It's hard to say if the Gundams are superior to the Zakus really, since sadly we have no performance data on any of the suits. I can't argue against Athrun and Yzak's superiority, of course. Athrun was handling business without ever using his Seed mode, and Yzak was kicking ass and looking to add another V-fin to his kill sheet. On a side note, I wonder who the orange Zaku Phantom belongs to? Maybe we'll find out if there are Destiny MSVs. On a second side note, why are folks capitallizing Zaku? Yeah, it's an acronym, but so's Gundam, and that's being spelled normally.
While the other two are dead on, this one looks more like CalamaRyuJin, GekiRyuJin's long lost brother