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ver CO

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Everything posted by ver CO

  1. It looks really awesome man. Real awesome! Like Jack Black's Panda said, "There's no charge for awesomeness..." And these are priceless! Oh yeah... BOOKMARKED.
  2. Please excuse the double post but this is not related to my previous question. I was browsing the reviews when this caught my attention: TRU Special Edition. I was able to get hold of that a few years back but sold it again because I wasn't happy with it. It says in the review that it's a Japan exclusive. Does that mean I sold a potentially hard to find item?! Thanks!
  3. I really appreciate the response! I'm sticking with the new 1/60s then. Thanks a lot!
  4. I'm trying to get started with a VF-1J (since it's one of the reasons I got hooked with anime) but I still cant figure out which one to get. (a) The 1/48 sounds great, "perfect variable" and all; some pointed out that the 1/60 has better detail but the proportion looks off. So which is which? Is there any chance someone can post a photo showing the two scales side-by-side? (b) I read that the 1/60 has a ver2.0; I'm assuming it can simply be identified with the packaging... Please correct me if I'm wrong. © Will this be a good buy? Or is there a ver2.0 coming out soon? One more please.... I'm sorry but does that mean that you can take the canopy off? Please excuse the questions. I haven't been lurking enough. Thanks in advance!
  5. Good day Jarrod! Great and detailed review y'got here. I've really been waiting for a review like this for some time now. Thanks for sharing this with us. Question if I may, I can see that Bandai did a great job on this and all but how can you rate this versus a Hasegawa-made Valk? Thanks!
  6. Hmm... Noted. Unfortunately, the books are a bit out of my reach. Thanks for the feedback! I'll try to research more on this now that I know what I'm looking for.
  7. Thanks for the replies! Thanks! Been lurking for quite some time now so I thought I might as well join the fray. Yep I noticed that as well, but didnt consider it because they're swappable. Unless of course I misunderstood it and that one gunpod is officially assigned to one version of the VF-11. I would not compare the M7 lineart with the M+ lineart. The M7 lineart is "dumb-down" for the animators and there is no detailed lineart for the VF-11C in M7. The marks you pointed out do exist on the M7 1/144 VF-11C model. http://steelfalcon.com/Macross/Images/VF11colors.gif I have the second image from the kit. But Im curious as to where did the lineart come from? And does this mean the kit isnt accurate?
  8. Are there any significant differences between VF-11B and VF-11C? I've read their specs and compared images; aside from the paint job and the series they appeared under (ie Plus & 7 respectively), I cant find any other difference. Thanks!
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