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Nexx Stalker

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Everything posted by Nexx Stalker

  1. Maybe she tried to mate with a Vajra?
  2. My fault. I left my Galactic Radio on while travelling in outher space. Don't tell anyone...
  3. You can specify the reason behind you choice.
  4. Ahahahaha! Nonsense! But you were kidding, right? Jokes aside, the Movie will follow the adventures of Captain Bobby Margot and his all-male bridge rabbits!
  5. I think Captain Perry should sue Battle 25's radar crew for not being able to locate Battle Galaxy and be fooled by a hologram... Ah, Kawamori san, why? On a side note, why Leon had to kill the president? I can understand Grace and Galaxy, but Leon's plan was like, kinda, superfluous. If he (like it seems) wanted to install a dictatorship, he would have failed miserably: he organized a coup d'etat without the support of the high commanding officers relying only on the help of soldiers and grunts! No surprise the officers on Battle Frontier Bridge (all except Leon's aide) arrested him. Least but not last. Why Macross 11??? I understand that it's there just to let us see that the Vajra are attacking all the colonization fleets, but why not Macross 7 then? it would have been a nice homage. Thus said, despite all the enormous plotholes, I really liked the ending. I think I even got up of the chair in complete awe when the destroids bombed Galaxy's main cannon. Daedalus attack!
  6. Both the original and 7 are best than F (I liked it very much nonetheless). The first, well, it's what started it all, the second was much more innovative and original than Frontier.
  7. So, hum... were did the ending shown in the ep.24 preview went? See picture. I fear the Frontier movie is indeed an extended cut of the last two episodes, like it was mentioned in the news trhread some days ago.
  8. The two OVAs were completely new footage. I t was actually soooo much better than the series. I didn't know there was also a movie.
  9. Plus did Hail to the king! He's straight as he is now. Bobby's awesome! Well, they kept their younglings inside cans and used them for experiments. I would be mightly pissed off too.
  10. When the Vajra defolded around Macross 7 and heard Basara, they just did what the Protodevlin did: they shouted "what the f... is going on here!" and defolded back!
  11. My idea is that Bilrer wanted to have unlimited accest to the galaxy to go search for Minmei. And that means...
  12. Don't twist my words with meanings they don't have. Also, I'm not trying to change your view or anyone else's view. It's a fact that by watching the six episodes of Macross II nothing makes it "non-canon" (until ep. 24 of Frontier, of course). Written chronologies and facts besides the series, in the Macross universe, are just not reliable . Heck, Kawamori still plays with us with the differences between Original Macross movie and TV series and we still dont' have a clear answer. To be honest, I like it this way. I love to have the freedom to fill in the gaps. That's what good storytellers do: give us stories that don't guide us or tell us everything about their stories, but make us dream and use our own imagination.
  13. To be honest, Kawamori is not the sole author/mind behind Macross (not the first TV series, at least), but I see your point. That doesn't change my opinion, either.
  14. Macross II has a wondeful female pilot/main character that rocks.
  15. You forgot a whole lot Zolan girls, a Space Whale and doctor Chiba (you can't deny it). Heck, I love Basara too! Basara loves. FIRE!
  16. I'm with you when you say it's no big deal. It's just that I've never even thought, even for a moment, that MII was "non-canon" until I began to surf the internet and read Macross Compendium and join Macross World back in '03! Watching it two days ago after ages, I was afraid that my personal chronology was going to be blown to pieces, and I was surprised to see that the series doesn't stand out from the rest and still feels part of a whole. I liked what I saw.
  17. Yep, right. I meant Valkyrie II, being a new class of Valkyries.
  18. Be careful with designations: the ones in Macross II are VF II (not VF2). The Roman number means it's a whole new concept, whereas the original VF1 line continued with VF4, VF17, 19, 25, 27, (keeps going). it may seem trivial, but there's a difference here. Duke is right. Try to forget for a moment the "written background" (gathered from magazines and several other sources) for Macross II and just watch the six episodes. You'll find, as I stated early, that absolutely nothing contradicts the "canon" series. Technology-wise, I always thought the designs from Macross II to be more futuristic than, say, M7 or even Frontier. In this case, , I think it's a matter of taste. Blasphemy !!! It's good to see I'm not alone out here PS: Mikimoto rocks! Ranka & Sheryl, eat your heart out
  19. To be honest, I must confess I don't care You're almost certainly right, but then the SDF4 is the Global. We're talking MII here, pal, let's go back on topic!
  20. I re-watched it completely yesterday, and that's why I revived the thread. Last time I saw it was several years ago (man, I had to take out my old VHSs and VCR!!! ), so I was curious and I paid special attention to dialogue and events to see if there was anything that could exclude the Macross II story from the actual continuity. Well, there wasn't. It all felt perfectly fitting. More fitting than ever, to be sincere. NUNS and the military being "outdated" (media control, appearance over real streaght, etc, all the things we began to see in the original Macross, and after that in M7 and now Frontier), the Macross Cannons/Macross Quarter, advance Valkyries with armor packs and drones, etc. The list could go on. It is also interesting to note that at some point Ishtar confirms that the Marduke are a product of protoculture, making them a plausible part of the big picture (Ingues may very well be either a rogue Bodol-type fortress gone mad or - along with the Marduke and enslaved zentradi - a member of the infamous Supervision Army - The SDF1, called the Alus, is said to be a legendary Marduk ship, in fact). But let's get back on track. I agree with DestroidDefender: nothing done or said during the episodes denies the existence of several worlds and colonization fleets nor any event from M7, Plus or Frontier. Nothing at all. There's even more to it: Isamu in Plus fights against a "possessed SDF1 which is clearly used as a sort of UN Headquarters. In MII the SDF1 is not used anymore but well kept, like a monument. It makes sense that after the Sharon Apple incident (the last time in a Macross production where Earth appears) the Spacy decided to decommission it. To sum up: I liked it much more after all these years (mind you, I liked it even the first time, even if the animation of the first half of ep.6 is not good at all). Why did I enjoy it so much now? Because it felt absolutely Macross and, most of all, it felt wholly part of the big Macross saga. Everyone is free to discard it as "non canon", but as a matter of fact, it shouldn't. There is no evidence whatsoever that the SDF4 is not the Megaroad 03. Strangely enough, the Megaroad 03 doesn't appear in the much debated opening scene (ep1) of Frontier. Coincidence? So your guess is as good as mine or anyone else. Maybe the Megaroad 03 found an inhabitable planet and the SDF4 was then used as an escort ship for a Science convoy in deep space. Who knows? There's a whole thread devoted to this thing, let's keep the SDF4 argument in the place where it belongs.
  21. Sigh, much ado about nothing.
  22. No matter how fascinatig Videogames may be, I don't consider them canon (before Duke Togo has something to add , my statement remains true EVEN if Kawamori himself should ever say otherwise). And I don't mean only 2036 and Eternal Love Song, but also VFX I and II (marvellous designs, true, but just videogames nonetheless).
  23. Thanks for the host of info! Many were new to me (detailed info on 2036 and eternal Love song) By the way, I was only suggesting that by watching only the OVA series without knowledge of all this background info (we know that written chronologies are bound to be changed, especially when kawamori is around), Macross II fits perfectly well also on the "canon" continuity. Better, Frontier establishes far more connections to II than ever before. Unless something drastic happens in ep. 25 and the whole picture changes again, of course .
  24. Being what? After Macross Frontier, Macross II would fit extremely well into the Macross timeline (NUNS, advanced Valkyries with "ghost" drones and super/armor packs, wheeled destroids - the list could go on forever). There is nothing in the dialogue that contradicts or denies anything about the previous series (things happened only in written form or videogames don't mean nothing).
  25. Not me. The head position in the new 1/60 is what bothers me most. I understand the need for a 2 seater version, but they could have designed two different fuselages for "standard" valks and trainer ones. After all, even in the series the 2 seaters are a little longer in fighter mode. I was almost sold to buying a 1J and 1S Hikaru 1/60 to add to my version 1 collection before I saw your wondeful comparison article. Battroidwise, the newest Yamato toy is taller than its predecessor. Damn! That screws up my plans...
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