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Nexx Stalker

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Everything posted by Nexx Stalker

  1. wow, 1S is gorgeous!
  2. TV hands down! DYRL is nice but it's basically just a fast paced recap of the TV series that adds something to the protoculture background but nothing more TV, apart from a longer, better storyline and much more developed characters, is also the one I fell in love with. Some other points that make the original beat the theatrical version: - Roy's demise in TV can't be beaten, I still cry like a calf everytime I see it - Flightsuits and helmets (I never liked their DYRL reimagination) - VF1J
  3. Gorgeous!
  4. I've seen your Armored VF0S, it's great! (by the way, does that kit come with a full battroid + armor?) I am rather bad at panel lining, but I've added some to the wings, arms and legs. The seams don't bother me too much, they give an "old toy" feeling to It I rather like . This is probably my final version (lacks white paint on upper arms, but I like it more this way). Again, in these pictures Roy's Battroid is joined by other 1/72 valkyries. The posability of this model is astounding (along with the incredible level of detail - which doesn't show on the pictures, I'm rather bad at taking photos, sorry - makes it one of the best, if not the best, battroid model kit ever made. The hands even have movable fingers, a la 1/48).
  5. After finishing Bandai'ìs 1/72 VF1s and VF25F, my new soon-to-be-finished valkyrie is the gorgeous VF0s by Hasegawa, probably the most stunning and solid battorid model ever created. Before I assembled it I thought it would be a big, bad robot. I was right, because now that it's taking shape, the 0s towers over all other 1/72 battroids. Here he is in its work-in-progress state, along with other models for size comparison.
  6. Almost ALL VF1As cannon fodders (brown) in Macross DYRL have super packs.
  7. It hurts my eyes to look at that neck on the VF1 v.2
  8. Your custom is awesome. Here's my Kay in its original form (I finally managed to finish it yesterday!) Comparison with other 1/72 scale Valkyries
  9. What's wrong with VF1? It's still the best valkyrie ever made!
  10. I hate Klan too, she could have been a nice character but her role as sex-toy really spoils her of any credibility. However, I hate her slightly less than Ranka. Ranka should have been blown to smithereens more or less after episode 11.
  11. Thanks Gubaba for your fantastic work!
  12. Just finished Alto's VF25 (Ozma is next on my to-do list). No panel lining or painting applied, just stickers and out-of-the box assembly. This model kit is awesome! Here he is with his 1/72 brothers from Macross 7 (Wave resin kit) and Macross TV (even if it seems white, the 1S is light gray). Macross generations! I'm eagerly awaiting my 1/72 VF0s from hasegawa to complete the display.
  13. Original Kay with his 1/72 brothers from Bandai (1990 on the left, 2008 on the right)
  14. From Animage: Macross Frontier movie to be released in June 2009 as OAD (original anime DVD). No theatrical release. I smell a 120 minutes mega-sumup coming. Can someone confirm this?
  15. You are my new hero. Thaaaanks for the pics!
  16. Where does the illustration on the left come from?
  17. I'm building this same kit, and I must say it's fantastic. This is a semi-finished version.
  18. Nice, but you did that with a computer, so it doesn't count
  19. After a complete marathon through the whole series (this time with Italian subtitles, which are really very good even if the karaoke thing is a little bit unnerving) I must say that Ranka really spoils the fun for me in the latter episodes of the series (13 and 19 to 22 in particular). She's so annoying I am always tempted to fast forward her scenes. This is the first time in a Macross series I don't look forward to seeing some episodes because I know she will irritate me beyond any measure. Loli Klan is still bad, but my dislike for this artistic choice pales compared to my hate for Ranka. To add to this, after repeated views the CG mecha do appear for what they are: big computer generated toys. I must confess they are really well done and have mazing detail for a TV series (space battles and all, coreographically speaking they are magnificent), but I miss traditional animated mechas very much. After the excitment for this new series has settled, now I would lower my vote from 7 to 6. Luckily, there's Sheryl. If Ranka missed the mark, Miss Nome is really an intriguing character and a wothy addition to the Macross universe, along with Bobby (Canaria has potential, even if she had a very short screen time). Episodes 17 (thanks, Fukuyama!) and 25 remain the best for me. I would have preferred a more adult story, but I guess it was mainly aimed at gathering new fans instead of the "old guard". All in all a nice series in general, 100% better than any Gundama (hahaha) and a good Macross series at that, but it could have been so much better.
  20. That sketch is soo much better that the CG render. CAD will never beat the hand of an illustrator. Now, if only Mikimoto and Ishiguro weren't involved in that boring Tytania...
  21. 1/48 all the way.
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