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Nexx Stalker

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Everything posted by Nexx Stalker

  1. This is the zentradi weapon everyone is talking about. Apparently, they carried it home since the GUs are uneffective aginst the Vajira. This weapon, on the contrary.. Maybe SMS will study it and create new weapons/ammo that can actually be useful in combat?
  2. Yep, this was my only gripe with the show so far.
  3. This is my favourite episode so far, amazing! Animation quality and design is greatly improved from previous eps. I hope they keep it up! So many characters and homages, I almost lost track of them all. Definitely a series to watch with the finger ready to hit the "pause" button very often
  4. Look at the big tuna head on the table on the back!
  5. And Valkyries: note Mikhail is VF25G and Luca RVF25
  6. New updated images from Official Site (hope this isn't a repost): characters A quick request: could someone translate the names, pretty please?
  7. Is someone nice enough to translate for us poor japanese-impaired people?
  8. By the way, music is fantastic. Yoko Kanno rules!
  9. Right, and I should have added "easy, tiger!"
  10. You are just reading too much into the question that has been asked.
  11. Ozma's car is definitely an italian Lancia Delta (old model). Couple it with music and we have a perfect old generation man
  12. I think I've found Shery'l missing earring:
  13. The car, by the way, is a Lancia (an italian car! ) As for the episode... it was frakking AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Luca may have a chance. Ozma, on the contrary, is doomed.
  15. Wishful thinking, but it would be great if these DVDs contained english subtitles...
  16. Yep, EP1 seems rushed, but we are biased by having seen the DE. I did enjoy the OP very much. Now that he show has started (I'm drooling over it), however, I'd like to point out a few things I don't like: 1) Character designs (lame) 2) character animation (poor animation) 3) Zentradi girl with giant boobs (come on...) 4) Ozma. I't not him I don't like, I don't like the fact that he's probably doomed So, now I want to see that VF1j in action (soaring high with the old UN spacy logo)!
  17. Best Macross character ever.
  18. Robotech all the way. To be honest, I first fell in love with a takatoku VF1S I saw back in 1983 in a toy shop (at the time, in Italy there was a real phenomenon of imported toys directly from Japan even if the series were not broadcasted here). It was too expensive for me, so I settled for a cheaper version (a small plastic-only one, I don't have the image here). So for me it was the images of the Valkyries and of their misterious pilot (later to be known as Hikaru) that started it. When Robotech came out in 1985, I went crazy. That's how I knew Robotech had "kidnapped" Macross from the beginning when I watched Robotech for teh first time (but I was hooked nonetheless. I still love RT very deeply, especially the Italian dub). I started collecting "treasures" at comics convetions about the american patchwork and the the original shows (artbooks, models, toy, etc). When my friends (I love them) got me the Gold Book as a present, I drooled over the images. In the 90's DYRL came out dubbed in Italian (it was not Clash of the Bionoids, mind you, but the real thing). I drooled again, but I still prefer the TV series (much much more than the movie version, to be honest). Then came Mac II. i loved the Valkyries and, to a certain extent, the story. a pity the last episodes have crappy animation. Seing Mac + renewed my love for Macross. Macross 7 at first made me cry "oh God, why?" and then put me in Macrossfrenzy all over again. Macross 0 was ok. In 2004 Macross (finally!) was dubbed in Italian (first country ever to have a dubbed version) with an excellent cast of actors. I was finally able, 20 years later, to enjoy the real thing. Masterpiece. I have many expectations on MF, even If I don't like the singing stars and the over the edge machism of some characters (Kawamori San is not very good at avoiding stereotypes, I'm afraid, but I forgive him ).
  19. I too enjoyed the first episode, and I agree that it had a good "vibe" that gives me hope for the future of the series. However, that M7 is the bottom of the line is your opinion (and that's ok). I think that it's one of the best sequels ever made, but hey, that's life One last bit. SDF Macross was absolutely not an immediate success. It could have been canceled if it wasn't for Valkyries' sales and it was only through merchandising that it endured. If it that didn't happen, we wouldn't be talking about Macross F today.
  20. I'd like Basara to show up... and make everyone listen to his songs! Sheryl and Ranka should hide away in shame if this happens By the way, to go back on topic, M7 is just marvellous as it is, non need to change anything. And to Mr March: you have yet to see Macross Frontier, how can you tell it will be the masterpiece you hope it to be after only 1 episode and some (mediocre) manga pages? At least wait a bit before firing away !
  21. The guy in the background must be dead! Any way we can have a link to this new footage?
  22. Hey, is that Breetai on page 33?
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