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Nexx Stalker

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Everything posted by Nexx Stalker

  1. ... hey! Where is Bobby?
  2. Nope, there are still major scenes missing, even if some have been reintroduced. Most of these scenes were left intact by HG (some violence and nudity) but were edited out by request of the TV network. It's written in Italian (with english quotes as well), and I could dig it out of my library when I get back home (in a week's time, I hope).
  3. The list would be too long. Robotech (Macross saga) has more or less 60 minutes of "lost" (cut) footage. Every single episode has cuts, none has survived in its integrity (we're talking about visuals only, of course). I've done the comparison myself for my university degree thesis. That means that 2 episodes worth of animation were trimmed by Harmony Gold. The reasons behind that isn't always "adult" scenes (nudity etc). Many of the edited content were scenes deemed "unnecessary" to the unfolding of the events (no comments, please) and most were taken out to allow for longer commercials during the broadcast of the episode.
  4. Haven't you seen M7, brother? He's a Diamond force pilot along with Kinryu (bald bad-ass leader) and Gamlin. He takes Dokker's place when the latter gets "spirited away".
  5. You took the words right out of my mind.
  6. Yep, when the image pans even more closely to the cockpit, the fuselage insigna can be seen more clearly and it seems nuns. Only time will tell.
  7. WARNING: be careful when posting robotech related topics or you may get vaporized by some members:) Thus said: 1) Protoculture Collection (unless you can find Legacy for an affordable price) 2) 'Love 'em both
  8. I heard it too (I almost jumped on my chair). That makes sense, since Ozma plays FB songs in his car
  9. Did he? Really? (this is a sincere question, I'm not mocking you)
  10. Aha! So I'm not alone here, after all
  11. Uh, am I the only one who finds Kran Kran Giant Mammaries just sad?
  12. Dude these are cartoon characters. You guys are sick!
  13. From looking at the scans it seems there could be some other pages other than the ones showed (we see for example only Michail's VF25 rifle noozle). Are there any?
  14. Small screecaps from Episode 6 (from Macross F official site)
  15. Except that character animation is "stiff", not at all fluid. Mind you, I really adore the series and I think the backgrounds are very well done, but I hope the animation quality improves in the next episodes.
  16. Oh, and by the way, That's my prediction.
  17. And speaking of As for the Subs won't ever come out too soon. This series really rocks! Now, if only a certain rock band popped out of a fold I'wouldn't mind
  18. In Macross 7 we had to wait till episode 18 (if I remember correctly)
  19. Copy & Paste from what I wrote yesterday
  20. Their sub of episode 2 has just hit the street. And while I'm at it: a big, big thanks to all the various fansubbers (Gattai and AiA first and foremost, but others as well). Thanks to you we are able to follow Macross Frontier in what we can call "real time", and that alone is marvellous. Just wanted you all to know your efforts and work is really appreciated.
  21. Just listen carefully (in ep.2) when Ozma is driving Alto to sms. The song that is playing on the car's radio is pure Fire Bomber goodness
  22. And about the "throwing things at Ozma": behind the pan there's a VF25 "Alto" model (I could actually catch only the legs, but it's there)
  23. The Captain is Hikaru (that's why he has a scar on his face) and he is referring to Max!! Ok, just joking. It's referring probably to Ozma. Well, it looks more a "homage" to Robotech The Sentinels (for those of you who had the courage to actually watch it from beginning to end... I did...): the exact same scene (with more or less the same words, oincluding "reckless" and "reminds me etc.") occur when Max (Sterling) is talking to Rick Hunter after watching Jack Baker's flight simulation/test. But of course this is ridiculous...
  24. And a lot don't, but that proves nothing
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