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Nexx Stalker

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Everything posted by Nexx Stalker

  1. Scans are gonna take a little more than I expected, because I have only Entertainment Bible 51 handy at the moment and to do some good mages I would have to stretch the pages too much (I'm on of those sad guys who touch their books with extreme care). On the other hand, the 2ja pictures in TIA are clearer and bigger, but unfortunately I won't be able to scan them until I go home (my trip back was sheduled for last weekend but I had to postpone it).
  2. Yep, it's faded but it's not my fault: the copy of the magazine I bought back in 1991 had that page (and only THAT page) with an annoying "blur" effect due to wrong printing process. It can't be helped and can't be better than that. As for the 1JA and Mothership, working on it. Will 600 dpi be enough or do you want them in even higher resolution?
  3. Nonsense. A soldier who stays alive is a smart soldier.
  4. I like their subs. And, b the way: thanks Gattai for the work you have done. You made us enjoy the Fastest Macross ever!
  5. I don't know if this can be useful, but here you are two images taken from Animage 161 (november 1991) with lineart and color reference for the prototype VFXS Valkyrie II (an early design, from what I know, never animated in the Macross II series). Please note the traditional Super pack that will later become the SAP. If you need more scans, I have both TIA Macross II and the MII Entertainment Bilble (with destroids lineart and color reference)
  6. Why pink? Red would be more appropriate. Basara rules!
  7. It's the one and only Hikaru's VF. Because Jeffry Wilder is... Hikaru in disguise! Just joking. As far as the VF1a 011 is concerned, I dont'know. Maybe it's only a visual cameo and nothing more.
  8. Ooops, actually someone posted this in the previous pages. Sorry. Oh, well... I said it first (see page 1) !
  9. I'm glad no one reads my posts It's aVF1a (011 on the fuselage, no UN kite nor UN SPACY markings, small Skull insigna just beside the canopy)
  10. If he's indeed italian, Luca is correct.
  11. I agree. For the first time the characters designs is not anonymous.
  12. flv file is not bad, either (for those of you who are eager to see the episode). Animation isn't bad at all, design is good too and I found the episode funny, with some nice character interactions ( ). Subs will never get out too soon By the way: 1) 2) )? 3) the eyecatch is fantastic! I like the slow pace after last week fireworks. And next week we're gonna see some more action, as it seems.
  13. Don't listen to them , what you did is cool .
  14. No problem here, as Ep 7 wasn't up to par with ep 4 (for me, of course) . by the way, I can't wait for the raw to come up!
  15. Here you go. As you said: similar but definitely not the same model (see the missile launchers on the shoulders)
  16. GG has english subs and they seem more accurate than Gattay, at least judging from the opening scene.
  17. In the meantime, Gattai .txt file just finished downloading. Here you are what it says: " For this ep, songsubs during the main act are limited to where the song is audible over the dialogue or background noise; while we have a full translation of Sagittarius☆9PM, the new insert song, Infinity, is only available in closed-captions. Thus, to maintain consistency, the limited style is used experimentally. The names of the ships from Galaxy, Kaitos and Dulfim, are Arabic for "Whale" and "Dolphin", respectively. The names of the other ships from Frontier, Hyperion and Crius, are titans of Greek myth. To give further detail on the hanamichi: I'd contemplated using "catwalk" or "runway", but the hanamichi is both kabuki-specific, in a show where Alto's kabuki background is important, and functionally different. While a runway or catwalk extends out into to audience from the stage, and fulfills a similar function of allowing the audience a closer look at the stars, a hanamichi extends to beyond the seating, and from there connects to backstage; it's used for entrances and exits, with a position 3/10 of the way from the stage reserved for dramatic speeches during these moments. The Kaitos's sinking is a particular type, "轟沈" (ゴウチン), defined by the IJN as a sinking within 60 seconds of the fatal blow, due specifically to bombing, mines, cannon fire, or similar. "Carrier" and "mothership" share a word, "母艦" (ボカン), in Japanese; for stylistic reasons, I'm using "carrier" for humans and allied races, "mothership" for the Vajra, except in cases where the wording is more specific. Depending on how you watched last week's episode, you may have noticed the Quarter's main energy source as either a "Reaction reactor" or a "Reaction furnace"; these have been standardized between versions from this week on."
  18. Have you tried K-light codec pack? That does wonders. Unless your friend has an ante litteram machine. In that case... cheer him up!
  19. Gattai is in MKV format, too. There's also a .txt file along with it (translation notes) and a comment: "apologies for encode quality"
  20. And Gattai is out too! Was it a race or what? From tokyo Toshokan GG: So, 8hrs ago, this fag decided to do Macross F, then after he did it, he went to go play NS.​ :V Gattai: Well played, gg.​ Well played.
  21. 21% done. I'll let you know if it's worth a try in less than an hour, if dl rate keeps this pace.
  22. Yep, we're on the same boat. And I've never heard of them before, too (at least, never heard of them doing MFrontier). I thought at first they were Gattai under an acronym. Guess we'll just have to wait (patiently) and see. **edit** As I was writing, the speed began to increase and is now going really fast. I hope to have some news in and hour or so.
  23. There is one that just popped up on tokyo toshokan named GG which is listed as english sub. I'm dloading it now.
  24. Maybe, maybe not. This is the complete text of the "new" chronology: 2052 Alto Saotome monte pour la première fois sur scène à l'âge de dix ans dans une pièce de kabuki. 2053 Novembre Le Gouvernement de l'U.N. gèle le mouvement de colonisation et les accessions à l'autonomie. Il s'instaure une vraie guerre froide entre les mondes mais les échanges culturels continuent d'avoir lieu. 2055 Saotome Alto s'inscrit aux cours de théâtre du lycée Académie Mihoshi. 2057 Juin Dans des concerts de rue sur le Macross 7 apparaît pour la première fois ReaVe aux côtés de Veffidas Feaze. Août Nouvelle hausse des tensions entre les planètes colonisées et le Gouvernement des Nations Unies de la Terre. Octobre Reformation des Fire Bomber avec de nouveaux membres: ReaVe (Vo,G), Celia (Vo, Ba). Leur vrai nom est New Noboru mais ils sont surnommés "Firing Bomber". Les fans de la génération de Nekki Basara et Mylene Jenius attendent le retour de ces derniers. Les Firing Bomber ne récupèrent que 30% des fans à leur "Revival Live". Novembre Le Maxi single des Nouveaux Fire Bomber (Remember 16), est placé 197 au Silver Con. Tirage limité aux Macross 7 et 11. 20XX (à confirmer) Dissolution du gouvernement de l’UN, remplacé par le Nouveau Gouvernement de l’U.N, le N.U.N.G.(New United Nations Government).
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