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Nexx Stalker

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Everything posted by Nexx Stalker

  1. Fire Bomber's music!
  2. Don't be afraid, say it loud: BOMBA!!!
  3. I deny the evidence. It's a pity the head is not clearly visible.
  4. My my my, no one here seems to have underlined tha real beauty of this episode. !!!!!!!!!!
  5. That's not entirely true: both Entertainment Bibles and the original Macross TIA books all have color section for VFs, destroids and main spaceships.
  6. There's Shadow Chronicles waiting for you, then
  7. Mmm, is this the first animation series (and by animation I don't mean anime only, but TV animation in general) series you have ever watched? Recicled footage is a well known "trick" used by weekly based shows, frontier is no exception. PS: Sucker4meltrans, your avatar scares me!
  8. I disagree, best concept ever conceived by japanese animation - EVER! Dynamite!
  9. The perfect moment slipped away, in a certain sense, and it seems he has lost all the courage he had summoned to tell nanase back before the battle. And she sure seems not very much concerned about what he had to say. but that's just my spicing up things a bit.
  10. It sure seemed out of character. Translation error? Maybe he's just becoming bored at being treated as a sidekick, or just annoyed by Nanase's concern for everyone else except Luca.
  11. Yakk Deculture edition subs by THORA are out.
  12. Macross 7 exists to remind us that, no matter what, we want to believe.
  13. Ironically, Macross was a Huge success outside of Japan, in its Robotech incarnation, and it really became a staple of pop culture in the 80s. I hear Macross 7 (primarily Fire Bomber's music) was a huge success in Japan.
  14. Nah, he said Basara was a marvellous pilot and that he was insanely jealous of not being able to pilot a Valkyrie witha guitar. Again, try to pilot a Valkyrie with a Takamine or equivalent and then tell me who's the best out there
  15. Are there any *cogh*scans*cough* available somewhere?
  16. You are still running away from the truth: Max said that Basara is the best. And he is. Like it or not, he's the hero of Macross 7. Just because he's a civilian and shoots songs instead of missiles shouldn't be enought to exclude him from the list. Nor Sylvie, Shin or Guld. And Hikaru is just an average pilot, he wouldn't stand a chance against the others.
  17. Nah, just horrible custom valkyries
  18. I actually liked much much more episodes 15-16 than the so acclaimed eps. 7 and 14. Besides, I don't know but a word or two of japanese, but the ones I understood made me jump out of my chair, and they were and... yes, .
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