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Nexx Stalker

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Everything posted by Nexx Stalker

  1. GNU fighters-mode only? No, thanks. PS: you should have made a poll.
  2. Ep.23 images on the official site are out.
  3. That's what I think, too, but it bothers me that he tried to shoot down his former comrades nonetheless. It doesn't make sense. Or maybe he's just a moron.
  4. I wonder why Perry or Wylder never shout "Don't take your eyes off your monitor!" PS: by the way, what's the complete name of Battle Frontier's captain?
  5. I couldn't have said it better. The last two episodes have made the last remnants of simpathy I felt for her character disappear.
  6. That would be marvellous!
  7. Ok, I trust you when you tell me to trust you when you tell me to thrust him when he tells me to trust you
  8. Are there any pic comparisons between the old 1/60 VF1s and the new version? My old Roy Skull 1 broke the chest plate peg (the one that locks it in fighter mode) last year and I'm still undecided if a new toy is worth it or not.
  9. Nah, I would have cried out loud "best episode ever!" only if Alto had shot Ranka first.
  10. From the comments to that post: "I want to use a MDE bomb on Ranka" GO GO GO!
  11. After watching the subs, Ranka get even more annoying "oh, look, people around me are dying by the hundrends but.. who cares, I jiggle!". And by the way: is the VF27 a stealth fighter? because if it isn't, how could it remain hiden in gerwalk behind the "hill"?
  12. Ranka's is one of the most annoyng Macross characters to date. She was not so at the very beginning, but in a couple episodes she became a green doll with a very limited vocabulary composed mainly (90%) by "I-I'm sorry" and "Alto-kun!". She deserves a painful demise.
  13. hehehe, too bad. Italian dubs rock, so I'm all for dubs over subtitles.
  14. You meant "among Macross World fandom", right?
  15. As for the the background music, I used to love the RT one until I saw the original. From that moment on, RT BGM simply didn't sound so good anymore, even if the original took a while to grow on me (being first exposed to Robotech). I don't like Minmei's music or singing in both incarnations. Finally, I honestly do prefer the Robotech Theme over the Macross theme. A lot more. But I must add that the only Macross Opening worth listening (in my opinion) is Dynamite. Have I cleared your doubts?
  16. Mmm, the new OP sure uses an awful lot of recycled animation from the episodes. Sheryl & Ranka animation is subpar, too, for a TV opening. And What's up with Sheryl grabbing her left breast???? Even the song isn't anything to write home about (but then again, I didn't particularly love Triagler either). Otherwise, another great episode and thanks a lot GG for the subs!
  17. You have to admit it: Robotech's theme is just sooo way better than SDF Macross opening! MA-CU-ROOS, MA-CU-ROOS!
  18. Thanks everyone for the pics! The more I see that neck, the more I wish Yamatto had engineered it so as not to look so painfully ugly. And I say this with great sadness, because if not for this fault, the 1s looks gorgeous.
  19. That poor guy is Kawamori.
  20. As I don't know a word of japanese (with some exceptions), ALL the groups subbing Frontier are the best for me! Thus said, thanks Shinsen, come back soon and good work.
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