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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Just watched 2nd OVA, and I went :huh: I never watched the TV series, so I think I'm gonna watch them now.
  2. Hmm, let see, I'm currently registered and partially active at: - MacrossWorld - SciFiMesh - Outspark Fiesta (MMORPG) I need a life.
  3. Its dark here, can you turn on the kitty please. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20071212/ts_af...ceskoreacloning
  4. I have to agree with Bsu, I'm loosing interest in 00 since episode 9. Gundam 00 are in fact another super robot show, I miss the UC show where a Gundam can be damaged by a mere grunt suit. Just looked at episode 10, the pink Tieren got several direct hit from Kyrios beam rifle, and it still dancing all the way. I quess the show is directed to newer generation like SEED and DESTINY fan while older UC fan must be satisfied with Unicorn .
  5. Episode 10. We can see Kyrios in Id mode this time . Also the Reggae Gundam show some move by vaporizing several Tieren, Tieria is frustated since he have to use that mode.
  6. Reggae Gundam..... Somehow I prefer a fat mobile suit compare than a hairy mobile suit....
  7. I still got owned by Val varos in my fully tuned Quebeley in the Mobile armor EX mission That mission is damn hard, I managed to get to the GP03 stage with my Quin Mantha, but when they shoot down my partner (Haman in Quinn Mantha), I can only last 5 second with 2 or 3 GP03 beam sabering me to pieces I also managed to pawn char in Zeong with a fully tuned ball, now that is fun
  8. Kinda dissapointed with epi. 9 , slow paced battle and what the hell is wrong with . Since I'm currently re-watching Zeta Gundam right now, I give this episode 6/10
  9. Yesterday i read a magazine (I forgot which one, maybe its Dengeki), one of the article there mention about an upcoming game with MS from Advance of Zeta. I need to check this again. I hope I'm not the only one that want to see animated version of AoZ
  10. Anyone know whether there's a fansub of the 2nd OVA 'Taiyo no Tsubasa'?
  11. I prefer they blow up the Virtue first, followed by Kyrios, Dynames and finally Exia
  12. Midnight slot in weekend, finally I can see some decent show here .
  13. Anyone has played R-Type tactics? I need a second thought opinion before I decide to buy that game. A shmup turned into RPG game its kinda interesting, not to mention the units in that game.
  14. I didn't like the ending since nobody dies....well except for those two protodevil that was sucked by Gepelnitch and they destroy Battle 7 . I want Tomino to redo the ending
  15. Now what, a mutated sperm whale due to the underground nuclear testing in the pacific? With a creature this big, I wonder if a massive cholesterols attack would kill it . It would be funny if the monster suddenly dies from heart attack --getting bored at work--
  16. Finally got S and SS for all the 7 faction in Gundam Battle Chronicle, I also came across a special scene where I used Kou Uraki in GP03 in mission "man of destiny", during the last stage instead the operator telling me a mobile armor is coming, I get a scene where Kou is in his GP03 meeting Gato in neuel ziel, where he said "Is he waiting for me?". Boy I love this game
  17. That would explain the VF-171 version.
  18. Awesome video Boy, the VF-25 is really something. Is that a full armored VF-25 or just a Super variant of it, the gunpod is almost similar with full armor thunderbolt gunpod. If the VF is rendered in CG with full transforming parts, then Yamato can make it directly with using CAD-CAM. Come on, release one prototype already.
  19. So we have confirmed to VF for this show, VF-171 and VF-25, which one will became the cannon fodder for the show? But what is with this space monster thing? So the enemy in M-F is a freaking space bugs? My only wish for this show is they put some destroid in action, more VF action and plz....no Basara-type-char which can talk with the space bugs I can't wait for this show
  20. I got lots of Wing vibes from episode 6, 5 gundams destroying over 100 MS in a single sortie? Dynames just stand still while shooting, Kyrios destroying a dozen of planes in a single pass, and Virtue overdone it again with its BFG. I hope this doesn't turn 00 into another super gundam show. But Sumeragi somehow managed to save this episode
  21. Thanks for the tip, I finally beat it by using the Gelgoog by sacrificing my partner Once I got GP02, I keep nuking GP03 for fun Now I'm trying to finish the Titan campaign by using th Messala, 2 mission left .
  22. I just bought GBC two days ago and I already finished with the EFSF, EFSF and AEUG storyline. However I got stuck with Delaz Fleet story line mission "Man of Destiny", how the hell I can stop GP03 with my MS (I used Gerbera Tetra), that thing is more difficult than Neue Ziel Can anyone help me before I throw my PSP away?
  23. My laptop at work : Win XP home edition with SP2. Yesterday I had a terrible registry error and my laptop refuses to start up windows. I managed to repair it by using windows recovery console with a guide from microsoft support. I wonder if there's any free registry checker/repairer which I can use to prevent another registry error?
  24. Are we goiing to see due to te pilot personality?
  25. Add the bridge bunnies and Hikaru will have a personal Harem. Personally I would go for Misa.
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