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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. I used to play RF online untill they ban all IP from asia Now I'm playing Shaiya.
  2. Sounds like SRW:OG OVA plot Somehow I lost interest on this series
  3. I want to have some bridge bunnies....where do I sign up?
  4. Here's the clay rendering. I'm still trying to figure out the angle deck structure, I'm putting the elevator to the lower deck and now working on the lower deck itself. Well, Wings does have its limitation, I'll split up the model when it started to slow down
  5. Hmm, can I include VF-2SS and Metal Siren? I pick VF-11C to honor the cannon fodders. Besides I think the list should include the Varauta VFs, SV-51, Pheyos valk and the ugly one.....the Variable Glaug .
  6. Well, I'm planning to do that, maybe by taking real aircraft carrier or Promotheus for reference. A small update on the flightdeck, the angle deck is a bit difficult to model due to lack of references, I'll try to improvise it
  7. Well, I'm trying for a high poly version since I'm not good at texturing except procedural texturing. I'm currently working on the Uraga carrier.
  8. Morpheus

    Some CG WIP

    Just started this WIP several months ago, run out of idea so maybe some of you could give some hint on what part I should do next Some info: Modelled using Wings3D and rendered using Blender.
  9. Maybe they'll develop a new valk named Valk-Buster and equipped with a buster beam to deal with the space bugs (...hides). I wonder if the bugs have their own hive ships or something.
  10. I'll probably make Warhammer 40k the OVA for the Horus Heresy story, and a TV series for the Armageddon campaign.
  11. I got a few: - Red painted valks are invincible unless it was piloted by Gamlin. - In Macross Universe, soda can is recycled into a deadly micro missiles (thus explaining the can collector bots in urban areas). - You will never see a bridge bunnies in a bunny suit
  12. Well, its not the Algenicus class, so its probably Haruna or a new class of ship. Did anyone also notice the turret upgrade on the Bolognese stealth frigate?
  13. The bug reminds me of Neo-Bahamuth from FF7 Advent Children (mouth piece), EVA-02 (eyes). The energy cannon reminds me of this mecha from VFX-2: Seems like the bug is equipped with a machine gun/cannon on its forearm (or is it energy based). Makes me wonder if its using machine gun, where the ammo came from I wonder when they will released the art of this series? My wish list for the lineart: - VF-171 (all mode) - Algenicus look alike - Bugs biomecha - The new Guantanamo and Stealth frigate class.
  14. A 2.570 km colony ship and only crewed by 8.500 people? However I like the design
  15. Hi there, I don't know if I'm posting on the right forum. Anyone have a reference pic that shows the size comparison of the UN SPACY naval vessel circa 2040? I believe I saw one years ago in Nanashi site, I wonder if anyone still have that image. Thanks
  16. So the show in April will be episode 2 then. I just hope they didn't required 4 months just to make 1 episode, or we will till August for the 3rd episode
  17. Ok which one of you votes "boring"? BTW, I rarely seen the disc-shaped pinpoint barrier on ships since the original macross series (Mac7 show it as a full barrier I think). I'm very impressed with the AA barrage from the ships. Is it just me or the Frontier fleet lack of any other colony platform like the Three Star factory ship?
  18. The VF-171 launch sequence from the Maizuru made me :blink: . I demand they released a mook or official guide with the details of those ships (naval ships maniac here ). And I think Mr.March got a load of references there about the Maizuru and the Algenicus class ships. Awesome show,
  19. Just saw it, awesome. Somehow it got the original Macross series vibes on it which is a good thing. The CG is good, I love those Maizurus, Uraga and the Algenicus look alike Can't wait for the next episode.
  20. Currently I'm using my Fujitsu Laptop and yes, I saved the BIOS setting before I quit, I've also tried by using bootable floppy (win xp recovery disk), and its also refused to boot from the floppy. Ok, I'll try to pull the HD out and connect it into this one. Another question, will replacing the HD into a new one solve the unable to boot from CD/floppy problem? Or my VAIO is dead and I must buy a new one?
  21. Episode 12. Lockon have a duel with Graham, quess who win?
  22. I have a problem with my home laptop (Sony VAIO-VGN-E50B/S), the hard disk crash with the SMART failure message. I was trying to back up some data before its completely fail so I change the BIOS to boot from the CD by using Win XP installation CD. The problem is it refuse to read the CD drive and keep trying to read the dying HD. Any suggestion on what should I do?
  23. Psycho Gundam MK II SP attack is easy to dodge except the last part when he throw its hands at you, its hard to dodge and instant dead when got hit. I'm replaying all mission with Pallas Athena now (got good combination of physical and beam attack), all completed with S or SS except the EX mobile armour mission
  24. Ok, I got the screen of it. I'll try to point several ship on the image below: 1. Looks like a New Macross class colony ship 2. A new ship, its remind me of a cruiser from Yamato series 3. Stealth frigate? 4. Acshio type colony ships?
  25. Any info about the cap-ship on this series besides the colony ship? I remember seeing a frigate like ship during the "colony under attack" scene. Oh yeah, someone also mentioned that a Maizuru stealth cruiser can be seen on the trailer as well.
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