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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. I first saw Macross TV series back in 1993 and got hooked with it, previously I collected several mini Macross plastic kit (not realizing it was Macross stuff), my personal favourite is the airplane with leg (aka gerwalk mode ). Later when I got internet connected, I started roaming the web for more Macross material, finding Robotech, Macross 7, Macross 2, and Macross Plus. The RPG website also help alots also with the Compendium and later I found this forum (my first forum on the internet ).
  2. I just came across this site: http://www.bandaigames.channel.or.jp/list/gineiden/ AFAIK there's plenty of LoGH (Legend of Galactic Heroes) games from SNES to PC multiplayer, but I only played the SNES version. Just wondering, did any of you had played one of the LoGH games before? I want some opinion before I put the above game on my wish list EDIT: I also find some website pictures of the entire ships of the LoGH series. Here: http://www.geocities.jp/izelone0079/gingaw...s/warships.html http://gineiden.suppa.jp/index.html I'm having visual orgasm now.......
  3. But some of the gold seller are not chinese, fact that asian player is banned from RF online means that the gold seller is from somewhere else I finally manage to lvl my female mage in Shaiya to lvl 50, and now I'm starting the hard mode as a fighter . Here's some pictures of my mage from lvl 1 to lvl 50
  4. Good job Mr.March, I shall bookmark your webpage and put it on the Macross shrine with pineapple salad offering on top of it. Do you have any plan to include the Macross 2 mecha into it?
  5. No info yet on the Elint VF-171? I want to see that valk in batroid mode since I'm wondering what happened to the lower fin in batroid mode No melee weapon on the VF-25 weapon listing, so does this mean that the knife from the manga is not official? Sorry, couldn't resist :lol:
  6. Avoid those sites, they usually installed spyware or keylogger into your system.
  7. Junya Ishigaki (mecha designer) homepage: Junya Ishigaki website You can find some lineart from Escaflowne, Xenosaga and Outlaw Star in the gallery section.
  8. Chun Li consumed too many steroid :(
  9. Bastard child of Basara and Sivil
  10. <----- Canceling all appointment for Saturday evening started from April 5th.
  11. Gamlin use it when he was protecting the Mark twain from the varauta assault. He fired a few shot from the wrist cannon before he eject the gunpod from the leg compartment.
  12. Episode 17 snapshot from h-opera. Episode 17 screenshot 2nd Spoiler:
  13. DECULTURE!!!! Back to topic, I want Isamu back, as a flying instructor
  14. I think the deculture part is when the customer is paying for the food
  15. The 25th Anniversary Macross Museum exhibit is held at February 24? Darn, its the same day as my son 2nd birthday, if not I will staying at Tokyo Big Sight for an entire day drooling . Need one or two member to go there with camera, and must report it back at this forum
  16. I found several Seikai line art in my lab laptop You can see it here: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v205/Drodius/Seikai/
  17. Of course, why did I forgot about this one: Nadesico. Here's a bunch of lineart, the rest is in my other laptop in my lab
  18. Have you tried Banner of the star series? They have plenty of fleet engagement there with unique weapon (space-time mines). I used to have a collection of art of the ships from that series, but it was lost in my crashed HD . Here's a good link of it: Abh Nation Other series that I can tell is from Heroic Age anime series, halfway of the series is full with major fleet battles. I'll try if I can get the scan from my Heroic Age official magazine abaout the ships in that anime.
  19. Yay, the monsters are back with a vengeance . I just wish they show the VB-6 front side in destroid mode rather than it a$$ shot . So with the Q-Rau confirmed, there must be several hot large Meltran chick running around in the frontier fleet .
  20. During chip war, go to the mines. RF is a grinding game, both level and skill.
  21. Just saw the trailer, I think they're making a real scale Enterprise on the studio .
  22. Try this one: Codemaster RF have some serious problem with their update server. However this is one of the MMORPG with great graphics (especially the coras )
  23. Or moving your PC/TV to the toilet
  24. Reply from their admin: I say those freakin gold seller makes them pull this stunt, but that doesn't prove that asian countries is the source of those gold seller.
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