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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. VF-25 Night Shadow VF-25 Night Hunter VF-25 Thundercats (hides...) One question here, does the VF-171 have an official name yet?
  2. Whoops, my mistake on posting that youtube links (sorry mods ). Battle 25 looks like a modification of new macross class ship, maybe it more fit for heavy battle unlike Battle 7. I can't wait for the official line art of that ship.
  3. Opening from youtube, hurry up before Bandai strikes again: Darn, that freaking Battle25 is awesome
  4. Argh, I was scrambling my TV channel last night (I have an old analog TV, very old, MBS doesn't show up on channel 4 ), and I completely missed it :angry: (head explodes...) . Looks like I'm going to watch it on TBS tonight..........
  5. On other note, IREM will be making a theme park, nope, its not R-Type theme park, its a Zoo, yups, a zoo with real animal.
  6. Awesome video Kresphy, is that going to be MF opening ? Need more pics of new valks, more and more......
  7. Darn, I missed it due to hanami in Shinjuku Gyoen, got to wait for the raw from saiyaman
  8. In Macross universe, enemy capital ship can only be destroyed by: - Macross cannon - Super VF-1 - ARMD carriers - Suicidal armored VF-11C Meanwhile allied capital ship are destroyed by various mean: - Enemy capital ship - Tons of beer cans from Q-Raus - Freakin huge monsters - Enemy valk with huge gun - A nuke from it own munition
  9. Minmay and Misa, need to say more?
  10. Boomerang in space Boomerang comes back in space I guess beam boomerang from Seed can be a reality then.
  11. If you're interested, I can get you several scan from Ginga sengoku gun yuuden rai manga, they have samurai themed warships. Examples attached.
  12. Massive spoiler for episode 24: That's remind me of Zeta....
  13. I don't know about Gall Force revolution, maybe you can find some in this site : Gears Online, Gall Force section
  14. I think Nirvash was also designed by Kawamori. VF-25 Morpheus VF-25 Trinity VF-25 Neo VF-25 Smith I remember someone misread an annoucement of a Valkyrie into Broccoli, so I add them here VF-25 Broccoli
  15. If you live in modern Japan long enough, your blood pressure will increase by ten fold.
  16. Redshirt academy? We train cadets to became redshirt for the future........
  17. I don't know that tempura and sushi can be that lethal That movie reminds me of Robotrix.
  18. I think Ali is the best villain in all of Gundam series, everytime he appear he's always causing trouble and he killed most of the character in 00. Let see, he already defeated 3 Gundams, which I think making him the best Gundam villain in term of Gundam kills.
  19. Rest in peace. I love his work, and I also saw him live on the screen when I attend Space Generation Forum as a delegates from my country back in 1999 in Vienna. He's a great man.
  20. Destroid, destroid, destroid. I also want some scale model of the ship. Or maybe they're making Gubaba ala Haro toys
  21. I'm still playing gundam battle chronicle as I found more easter egg, such as: - Anavel Gato vs Kou Uraki. Playing 0083 campaign with them in their respective MS brings most of the dialogue, including the famous "I'm the enemy you idiot" from Gato - Amuro, I once use him in a Gundam, and he literally count all his MS kill (up to 12 unit)
  22. Nice epic battle in epi.23.
  23. Lolitech lol. HG should take this one
  24. I have a question about C.C. In the anime they pronounced her as C.2 (si.two) and not as C.C (si.si). So which one is her real callsign? :huh: Probably both of them I think....... :huh: Btw, anyone have a high res pic of CC/C2 from the 2nd season?
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