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Posts posted by Morpheus

  1. Ep 4 was awesome but there was 2 things that bug me.

    1.) Rollo's Geass: explained to stop people's perception of time...in othe words, like shutting down your brain for a few moments so it seems Rollo is moving very fast or teleporting. But if this is the case, why does the Vincent appear to disappear from people's radar in episode 1? And also people piloting the mecha whose minds get shut down, the mecha should still be moving so appearing to the victim like he lost balance. And also in the flashback sequence, Rollo shoots his victims and they remain standing....i think Sunrise screwed up abit and couldn't decide the power between stopping time and stopping perception of time.

    2.) Lelouch who didn't geass rollo when he could've. Instead, he played mind games which are was out of his character. The mindgames worked....but what if it didn't? What if it didn't play out the way he wanted it? Lelouch that we know should've just eliminated the threat then and there. He does things like this with Suzaku due to emotional attachment but he has no such feelings for Rollo.

    1.) You forget when Vincent teleporting in combat when he chase Lelouch Knightmare, area limited time stop? More like teleporting geass to me.

    2.) If Lelouch eliminate Rollo, it will alert the Brittania Intel that Lelouch has regain his memory back which could threaten Nunnaly safety.

    From episode 4 I could catch that Cornelia is missing and Viletta still have some feeling for Ougi.

  2. Here's the official announcement on the Pizza Hut campaign.


    And some quick notes in the blog, DYRL? and Macross Plus: Movie Edition will be available on Bandai Channel, free on May 9th. http://www.b-ch.com

    Why don't they make an anime pizza hut mascot, I still feel that C.C. is their unofficial anime mascot now ^_^ From Macross, Ranka would fit nicely.

    By using Gyao you can watch them online, but I think its only for Japan resident since they ask for registration.

  3. My official request:


    animated avatar of Alto victory pose


    My boyfriend is a pilot Ranka version


    Valkyrie backpack, or better a Monster backpack lol


    Get rid of this spoiler stuff ^^

    <-----Ignore this one ^_^

    Is it just me or the SMS have a very crowded hangar there. If SMS flagship is indeed a Macross class ship they should have a spacious hangar, I wonder how many squadron SMS have.

  4. With more than 5 people replying to this thread at a time, there will be more of "they didn't read" incident :lol:

    Ok, i'll bite,

    what is a derelict Zentradi gunship doing out there?

    I believe Michael said something about a battle around 7000 years ago in that asteroid field.

    And about the Vajra explanation from Ozma:

    NUNS make a cover up story about a colonization fleet which was destroyed by Vajra. Ranka is the sole survivor of the incident make me suspicious that she is not human after all, she could be a Vajra avatar sent to spy on human.

  5. My only major gripe with the VF-25 is that the swing-wing design doesn't really blend well with the over-all shape of the craft. It would have looked more natural looking like a fixed-wing type like the VF-11. We all know ofcourse that all the VF's are variable-wing to some extent to accommodate transformation and add-ons but this particular model just doesn't seem to go well with the concept.

    In the OP where you see the VF fly-off with wings fully extended it just looked plain ugly.

    FYI, VF-11 have a swing wing according to Kawamori design book. ;)

  6. Hmm, let see, in my parents house I have several Tamiya 1/350 battleships, a cabinet of Tamiya models in diorama, an X-wing, a Star Destroyer, papercraft of VF-1S and Monster destroid, several gunpla and many others. I don't have the pic of it since it was nearly 5 years since I left home and stayed in Tokyo with my family.

    Which reminds me I have to make another call to my parents, this time to check whether my collection is still there or its already been passed to my cousins...... :huh:

    Meanwhile I have several gunpla and some LoGH resin and plastic kits, most of them are now stored away for safekeeping from my rampaging 2 years old son. Here's some old pic of it:



  7. After watching this episode for the ** times, something start to bother me.

    When Michael is aiming for the red Vajra, he can see Alto behind it, he even get a lock on zoom on him, which mean Alto is dead behind the red Vajra from Michael position. This mean when Michael pull the shot, the bullet penetrated the Vajra head and should continue to hit the dome (killing Alto cs in the process).

  8. Did they actually mention the size of the factory satellite? In all my years of watching Macross, I don't recall them ever saying that the factory satellite was larger than the moon. Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean that it isn't.

    Probably the same size as Bodolza fortress. Which reminds me, did the UN Spacy ever built another space fortress like that?

  9. According to the blog, the June edition of Newtype (on shelves May 10, hey ain't that the one where the naming contest winner is announced...:D ), it's gonna be a very big article on Macross F. 11 pages of article if I'm reading that right.

    Hmm, I think they will also release several character and mechanical data, Ranka phone number? ^_^

    Macross Chronicle will be published in June I think, what interest me is that they listed Macross II on one of its volume. I'll try to buy them when I got permission from my wallet B))

  10. One of the many things that’s really impressing me about this series so far is the extremely high level of detail that they are putting not just into the mecha, but also into the backgrounds and spaceships.

    Some of the exterior spaceship shots in episode 3 really blew me away.


    Yeah, the greebles on the 3D ships is spectacular, makes me wonder what are those tubes anyway.


    Getting ready for a B.J.?? :ph34r:

    WTF!!!? Wait a minute I thought Macross was a mecha anime show and not some hentai stuff. :wacko:

    Anyways lets just agree that BOTH scenes are quite disturbing because of the amount of detail. :D

    Must be the reason why they choose to broadcast Macross:F in the midnight slot, this show is definitely not for kids <_<

  11. A Battle Seven would be great, as would TV Arms...

    Don't know about TV color though - it probably wouldn't be enough to just recolor it - the mold is some what different if I recall correctly :)

    In any case - transformed it today and am fairly impressed at the complexity of the transformation!

    Have a question: WHERE exactly was Macross City built inside this thing? Was the city centered somewhere? Any schematics?


    The city is located in the engine/leg section. I believe there's schematic somewhere in the web.

    Btw, can you posted some pic of it on attacker mode and how well does it transform? :rolleyes:

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