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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Yep, after watching the raw again, the long range pack is for Michael, Luca got the recon pack. I just want to know what is the add on equipment for each pack since Michael long range pack also included the flight booster on the wing. Maybe soon we will heard "sound booster pack"
  2. Grrr, I'm still waiting/looking for alto victory pose avatar Can anyone make me one?
  3. After watching episode 4 again I can confirm several pack exist for VF-25: - Armored pack - Super pack - Long range pack <-- probably the Elint pack on Luca.
  4. I found a new rule in Macross Universe:
  5. Something for you guys.... I'm lurking in /m/chan now, looking if someone is making Alto's avatar.....
  6. My official request: 1. 2. 3. 4. <-----Ignore this one Is it just me or the SMS have a very crowded hangar there. If SMS flagship is indeed a Macross class ship they should have a spacious hangar, I wonder how many squadron SMS have.
  7. With more than 5 people replying to this thread at a time, there will be more of "they didn't read" incident And about the Vajra explanation from Ozma:
  8. FYI, VF-11 have a swing wing according to Kawamori design book.
  9. Another great episode, :lol: :lol:
  10. Hmm, let see, in my parents house I have several Tamiya 1/350 battleships, a cabinet of Tamiya models in diorama, an X-wing, a Star Destroyer, papercraft of VF-1S and Monster destroid, several gunpla and many others. I don't have the pic of it since it was nearly 5 years since I left home and stayed in Tokyo with my family. Which reminds me I have to make another call to my parents, this time to check whether my collection is still there or its already been passed to my cousins...... Meanwhile I have several gunpla and some LoGH resin and plastic kits, most of them are now stored away for safekeeping from my rampaging 2 years old son. Here's some old pic of it:
  11. Here's my list: 1/100 VF-2SS > > > > That's all, and I call myself a Macross fan I hate this thread......
  12. After watching this episode for the ** times, something start to bother me. When Michael is aiming for the red Vajra, he can see Alto behind it, he even get a lock on zoom on him, which mean Alto is dead behind the red Vajra from Michael position. This mean when Michael pull the shot, the bullet penetrated the Vajra head and should continue to hit the dome (killing Alto cs in the process).
  13. Don't forget the head laser. ??????
  14. Probably the same size as Bodolza fortress. Which reminds me, did the UN Spacy ever built another space fortress like that?
  15. Yes, he looks like female (points at Vegas Valkyrie avatar)
  16. Hmm, I think they will also release several character and mechanical data, Ranka phone number? Macross Chronicle will be published in June I think, what interest me is that they listed Macross II on one of its volume. I'll try to buy them when I got permission from my wallet
  17. Yeah, the greebles on the 3D ships is spectacular, makes me wonder what are those tubes anyway. Must be the reason why they choose to broadcast Macross:F in the midnight slot, this show is definitely not for kids
  18. About the last page, is that a new type of Vajra drone? The two drone in the background seems to have a BFG like the red drone but it has different head.
  19. The city is located in the engine/leg section. I believe there's schematic somewhere in the web. Btw, can you posted some pic of it on attacker mode and how well does it transform?
  20. Wrong again, all the waitress in Nyan-nyan is hot, especially when they walk by the frying pan.....
  21. Why do I got a feeling that Vajra will kidnap Ranka at some point and makes Alto pull some Isamu stunt to save her.... Heck with that, I vote Alto will get all the girl, theres nothing wrong with that.
  22. :ph34r: Good episode, I might be mistaken but And what is the relation between with Cathy anyway?
  23. What, Cathy is out of the equation?
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