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Posts posted by Morpheus

  1. Have anyone translate the Ghost fighter explanation from the Newtype page? All I can get is that some of the Ghost can be controlled by Luca. Is this the same Ghost as Ghost X-9 from Plus or a different model.

    Also if the Vajra could jammed the Ghost AI/sensory equipment, how can Luca controlled his pet Ghost later?

    I already checked with the compendium, however it seems like the article on the Ghost (both from Frontier and Plus) is not finished yet.

  2. Well, I'm not complaining about the animation quality, I started to realize the drop in animation quality after I read the discussions thread :lol:. So they got 2-3 different 2D animation studio doing it which may explain the difference in animation quality, so my guess is the CGI scenes are all done by Satelight.

    I just hope they improve the animation quality for DVD/Blue-ray or whatever, but for the TV series currently on air, I don't care (as long they didn't draw it like Crayon Shinchan).

  3. Without knowing more about the current political and economic situation in the Macross universe, it's really difficult to speculate why the Frontier fleet NUNS forces are using the VF-171 and not a version of the VF-19 or VF-22.

    It may well be that the VF-19 and VF-22 are still in service on some other planets/bases/fleets.

    I would imagine the VF-171 is cheaper to produce than either the VF-19 or VF-22. It's been stated that the VF-171 is also an easy Valk to fly.

    Possibly individual colony fleets have some latitude in choosing what VFs to arm their fleet military with and the VF-171 offered acceptable performance, at a more reasonable cost than the competition.

    It's been stated that the VF-171 entered service in 2058. I'm intensly curious to know what Valk they had prior to the VF-171. I can't see the aging VF-11 as still being in service, unless perhaps they had a Version of the VF-11MAXL. I also can't see the Frontier NUNS as having had the VF-19 and then downgrading to the VF-171.


    NUNS are definitely on a budget there if they are forced to downgrade from VF-19 to VF-171. But at least they got several squadron of Ghost (cheaper than VF-19?). SMS seems to use the latest model (Macross type ship, Konig Monster, VF-25) so if the VF-19/22 are to make a cameo, they probably came from SMS hangar.

  4. Hmm, I'll try buying a revoltech today, what should I buy? ^_^ I only have a budget for one and I can't decided between Max, Miriya or Regult ^_^ .

    BTW, is these thing safe to be played with young kids? (Ages 2 and up).

  5. Ok, after watching the colonization chart again, several things pop in my mind.

    1. It is well known that Frontier is launched from Earth and Galaxy is from Eden, however we are not certain when they are launched (is it Frontier first or Galaxy).
    2. Some fan are quessing that the change from UNS to NUNS occurs after a near civil war depicted in VFX-2 game, so this may also change the govermental/politics on each Super Immigration Ships. AFAIK, in Macross 7, the political figure in the fleet is Max (Fleet Commander) and Miriya (Major of City 7), while in Frontier we have a Presidency. So this mean the NUNS goverment is probably consist of several independent Super Immigration Fleet.
    3. This also supported that Macross Galaxy is consist of entirely different class of ships and also different policy.
    4. There's a chance that both fleet (Frontier and Galaxy) still have several old VF-11s or VF-19s in reserve (but will probably not going to be animated)
    5. So far there is no contact between Frontier Goverment with NUNS headquaters in Earth regarding Vajra attack, they act on their own.
  6. After a quick marathon from ep.1 to epi.6, this is my opinion:

    • How they blend the music with the background scene is overwhelming. For example, Ranka sing "My boyfriend is a pilot", background scene/action: Alto vs Klan Klan dogfight, in ep.6 Sheryl sing "Diamond Crevasse", background scene, Alto/SMS fold out to rescue Galaxy, not to mention the hint that Sheryl has fallen for Alto (listen to the lyrics).
    • Great mechanic design, I'm agree with Graham, where's the official art book!!
    • The background is gorgeous which almost makes me think they spend more budget for the background art than the animation quality ^_^

    I'm preordering the OST now via Amazon jp.

  7. From Macross F blog I can see that the series have quite a fanbase in Japan. Last week gathering for May'N live performance was attended by more than 1000 people. I wanted to go there at that time, too bad work tied me up. :huh:

    なんじゃぁこりゃぁ!!(;゚ Д゚)(by優作)



  8. Ironically, I was sitting here rewatching bits of ep4...thanks a lot, Morpheus :p ...and while it didn't look bad in retrospect, a lot of the middle character animation could be called "flat." Moved quite nicely, though...which might have helped a lot, since by comparison this episode had a lot of relatively static shots...

    EDIT: thanks for posting that first shot, ComicKaze...Klan looks like a Muppet. :o Moving on...

    Wow nice, I take the 2nd gif. Thanks alot Bill C, you're the man. B))

  9. Maybe I am wrong here, but it sure looks like both arms of the Quarter split open (to fire?).

    The right arm can be seen split up in the OP, so this arm is probably the weapons module. The left arm is the carrier module, this configuration resemble SDF-1 Macross (right arm Daedalus, left arm Promotheus). I don't think the carrier module can split up or have any heavier armaments.

    Need official confirmation here....

  10. That is debatable, since the Macross had a sort of energy discharge type of blast resulting from an energy build up between the two arms, whereas the NMC's gunship is more internalized. If the Vajra are any indicator, the energy build up is important for full potency and that tends to arc a lot...

    If the original series homage continues, we may see modified Daedalus maneuver here. The right arm are used to grapple enemy ships and fired it at point blank range.

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