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Posts posted by Morpheus

  1. VB-6 got some serious firepower and M25 has a gerwalk mode...sort of B))

    However am i the only one who thinks that M25 moves alittle to agile for such a large ship ?

    The captain has said it

    He talk to Cathy like this: Remember why Quarter is only 400 meter? It because advantage in size. Something like that.

    and lol at Quarter gerwalk mode

    Darn, the action is so fast paced that I didn't realize


  2. You kidding? I thought that episode was AWESOME!!

    It had VF-22s. It had Max and Miria. It had Culture Shock. It had Meltrandi screaming like rabid teenage school girls. It had Exeldore blushing. Wilco Tango Foxtrot are you thinking? :rolleyes:

    Basara convert a fleet of AMAZON women into FAN GIRL, its an insult to those who died that day.

    Caused of death: missile rape by Basara fan girl......


  3. Anyways, did anybody ever make comments about the CG of MF? I'm thinking that CG is still covered under "Animation Quality," yes? :unsure:

    CG is quite consistent since they got the 3D model of it even at low poly. The problem with CG is that you must balance the deadline limit with the scene rendering time, so I don't expect a scene with dozens of Valk dogfighting Vajras will be done in CG since the rendering time will take too long for one scene.

    If the character is also drawn in 3D CG, I think there will be no bitchering about it :rolleyes:

  4. As I recall, none of the female pilots in Macross Universe were killed.

    Let see here:

    - Macross TV: Miriya (red Quadlunn Rau)

    - Macross 7:Miriya (red VF-17 and red VF-22)

    - Macross VFX-2: Maria Fokina Barnrose (red VF-1J)

    - Macross Frontier; Klan-Klan (Red Quadlunn Rea)

    Oh yeah, she's gonna survive it...I hope for MisaForever sake :lol:

  5. Make sure you guys put up a BT link for those of us on the OTHER side of the Pacific Ocean!

    Must include the Mac II scene where Hibiki fights the Marduk with the metal Siren! Crazy action.

    And great idea EXO! Wish I could be there!

    You mean Nexx, Hibiki never touched the Metal Siren ^_^

    Another request, Daedalus Attack, scene where Macross 13 firing its BFG to the UNS fleet.

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