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Posts posted by Morpheus

  1. Hey if any body can help me find some good web sites that have various line art of gadgets, gizmos, and equipment from various sci-fi-ish anime [or any stuff that might be interesting], I'd really appreciate it.

    I've tried the various search engines and they kind of fail on this topic.


    /m/ at 4 chan ? :huh:

  2. yup... Vilra/Bilrer/Birla was not with the President, Leon and the other guys at the viewing room, which means he is viewing from another place. but why all the secrecy with Birla?

    the new prototype fold communications device which is attached to Luca's RVF-25, the technology and material might probably be provided by Birla too...

    Vilra could be a full size Zentran. So I quess the sory will revolve around fold technology then. Rmember when they are surprised to see the Vajra carrier fold in from the fold dislocation? Maybe purple crystal + song/whatever energy = fold energy manipulation.

  3. No one has mentioned this yet... they're not fighting where the Galaxy is. They are fighting where the two ships from the Galaxy fleet de-folded to (where the scouts had deployed a Relay Pod). Next episode looks like its back to life aboard the Frontier, but I am wondering WTF happened to the Galaxy and the rest of its fleet.

    The task force only cover what like the remain of Galaxy vanguard fleet.


    About the newtype thingy, I think this is whats going on between them:

    They are both newtype lol j/k. Ranka keep saying "she knows, yet...". This means that Sheryl knows that Alto is fighting in the Galaxy crisis and yet she try her best to keep singing (remember Ranka know Alto and Ozma left after the phone from Ozma). She also know the real reason why Sheryl cry in the first place. Ranka is amazed by this especially she know the burden of it (having her brother and Alto in the same situation). Sheryl then ask the audience (Ranka) to join the singing to encourade those who risk their life in the front.

  4. Man, I keep thinking that song (at the end and the one that Ranka remembers from her childhood) is VOICES from Macross Plus. It sounds very familiar to something else I've heard. Anybody know what it is that I'm being reminded of? My brain won't work.

    Umm, what is this Kanji and what does the English text say? It's not very clear on my version


    The english word say: Energy charge: Maximum, Heavy Quantum Reaction Cannon.

    Here's a better one, maybe Shun can explain the Kanji meaning.


  5. Apparently SMS lost several VF-25 in this episode. First it was Alto VF-25, and a couple of VF-25 parked on the Quarter Deck (they must lost them during defolding) :lol:

    Ok, with Alto unit destroyed, can we hope he got another different unit? :huh:

    If you looked carefully with your eyes sticking to the monitor (well, barely), you can see two squadron of VF-171 flying in the background (represented as six light in formation) :ph34r:

  6. Ok, I got some CG critics here.

    All the CG (like ships, battles, etc) are well mixed with 2D animation. But whats with the asteroids and the pitch black background? They are supposed to be near the center of the galaxy where population of star are rich. My guess is they used asteroid as "greebles" to fill the CG scene since its simple enough. So basically they sacrifice a rich background (like stars, other valk action) for faster production to meet the TV series deadline. In every CG scene I can only counted up to 4-6 unit animated while the background is either pitch black or filled with asteroid greeble. I quess the CG animator need to learn more about CG lighting technique in space. The flak barrage from the ships is fine, but IMHO they used that to fill the empty background with flak and bolt.

    (folds away)

  7. Ok, here is what I got about Galaxy fleet information from the narration:

    It was launch prior to Macross Frontier as the 21st large scale immigration ship. It focused on cybernetic and implant research and implemented it on it citizen, basically its like a huge research fleet. Maybe another reason why Vajra attack them, like they did to the 117th research fleet 11 years ago.

    My hearing is not very accurate so take it with agrain of salt :mellow:

  8. Shinsen doesn't really release raws as far as I know. It's likely someone just piggybacking on them because they're famous within the community and/or using their names as a joke. For example, someone combined my script for the Deculture Edition with some of Shinsen's work on it and titled the file "Shinsen-in-Action" awhile ago but I highly doubt it was Shinsen themselves.

    Anyway, good episode. The show really is piggybacking on everything Macross so far though. The action is definitely topnotch but there are too many songs at times. =|

    Interesting to see that the Galaxy is like that, explains Sheryl's distaste for it though. The Koenig Monster entrance was awesome and Ozma shouting "All Units, Planet Dance!" before breaking was hilarious.

    No, check their website, they are indeed releasing RAW from now on.

    I'll try watching it again, I'm curious about the Galaxy fleet explanation

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