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Posts posted by Morpheus

  1. That purple fighter must be part of NUNS. Before Alto got inside the Vajra battleship, that cybernetic punk in his purple machine zig-zagged to it and went in ahead before Alto did. When Alto saw a bunch of those squid-like fighter-bodies sprawled inside the ship, he made a comment that those squids turned on eachother, but the next shot shows an impact hole on the inner hull of the battleship. Which means cyberboy got there first and finished those yellow squids earlier. I speculate that the purple VF pilot was merely spectating and sizing up his SMS competitors for a later confrontation. The way how he behaved, like a spoiled cybernetic überkid piloting a more manouverable Variable Fighter indicates that. Hate those types. Like Kedash, a Sephiroth remnant from FFVII Advent Children, Principal Dio from Last Exile. Those snobs makes me cringe. :p

    You forgot "Ultimate Coordinator" ^_^

  2. Hrmm, that would be disappointing; I wonder if that's a mistake though; unless someone else goes back to Folmo to perform What Bout My Star, the Ranka version is the only one that makes sense with that track name.

    So what is it then? Another arrangement of Sheryl's version?

    Looking at the list of the leaked songs, it simply said:

    What 'bout my star? (Sheryl On Stage)

    What 'bout my star?

    Are you sure that second one is @ Folmo? I'm wondering if it's just another track (i.e. without the crowd noise of the Sheryl on Stage) version.

    The file I downloaded definitely said @Folmo, maybe its the uploader mistake. Both "bout my star" seems to be the same version for me. I hope when the CD is released the @folmo is the true one sang by Ranka <_<

  3. 2012


    * Megaroad-01 launches as [part of] the first long-distance colonization fleet. Construction of mass-produced super-long-distance colonization ships Megaroad-02 and -03 based on the Megaroad. Hereafter, one or two super-long-distance colonization ships are constructed yearly



    * The space launch of the first New Macross class super-massive colonization battleship. This colonization fleet's population numbers in the proportions of 1 million people.

    Sir, we have launched to many immigration fleet, Earth population are down to those living in Macross City. :lol:

  4. 2. In the dogfight between isamu and guld in a city... was that an actual inhabited city? or a deserted one. i always get the impression that it's deserted (looked so dead). but the buildings are all intact and actually look new. if it's deserted, could it be a city in development, where clones and humans would later be transferred? just wondering.

    Its not deserted, the population just in trance after being hypnotized by Sharon Apple song (Literally, Sharon have enslaved the entire Earth population at that time including the poor souls on the defense fleet.

  5. By the time of Frontier, is Earth now (or still) completely uninhabitable, or is it in a bad strategic location compared to any large interstellar neighbours, or are there still some humans who remain on or around Earth - who might be in contact with the colony fleets - and has the Sol system been completely evacuated at this stage, or are there colonies on Mars, Europa or any other bodies within the system?

    Even if most of humanity is sailing around the galaxy in large colony fleets, there would have been a need for some form of advanced logistical network in Sol for these ships to be built, whether on or around Earth itself, or at one or more of the other planets or moons in the Sol system.

    Plus, if there are such large-scale production facilities, would there not be some form of garrison to protect them?

    Earth has been repopulated via mass cloning, it have a titanic factory satellite orbiting which produces thousands of ships, and it is protected with thousands of ships (Macross Plus).

  6. The FULL SAMPLE Ver of these songs is leaked.

    You can google it.... or ....



    What 'bout my star? (Sheryl On Stage)

    What 'bout my star?





    Thanks for pastry San.

    Wow, another leak :o Google ahead full.....

  7. Hi guys, I'm wondering if any of you have complete eyecatch images from Macross 7 and Macross VFX-2 since I lost mine in a now defunct HD.


  8. About the Macross Quarter Pounder:

    Ok, its a medium scale ship at 400 m, but its heavily armed with beam cannons, destroids, missiles and a Macross Cannon (Heavy Quantum Reaction Cannon), and probably equipped with barrier system.

    I wonder what kind of reactor it uses to power all of those heavy hitting guns. The Macross Cannon alone took less than 1 minute to became fully charged. Talking about the cannon itself, I think its a different Macross Cannon version compare with SDF-1 and New Macross.

    BTW, Luca noticed a Fold reactor on the Vajra carrier, is this different with the power plant on UNS capships?

  9. A quick word on the supposedly "missing" eyecatch: thus far, the eyecatch has always featured the MacF logo. You see it in this episode when Alto is screaming for Luca, and then again on the subsequent wide shot of Frontier with the concert noises as background...it's possible that a part inbetween is missing, but it wouldn't surprise me if that was the eyecatch and they just decided not to do anything radically different as (just guessing) a cost/time-cutting measure.

    I think they have spent all the episode fund into mecha action, leaving nothing for the eyecatch :(

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