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Posts posted by Morpheus

  1. So far the only retcon I can think of is the explanation of the different ship type for the Meltran. In the TV series, the Meltran use standard Zentran warships while in DYRL they use their own design. The Meltran design also appear in VFX-2 and Mac7 Fleet of The Strongest Woman.

    Don't make me start with the pilot uniform ^_^

  2. I was going to post this in the Klan thread, but as we are trying to keep it clean, I'll be naughty and sneak it in here instead...tee hee!

    Here's my 'safe sex' solution for when the male is micronized and the female is macronized, ala Klan and Mikhail. :p

    Bad Graham

    Yuck deculture :ph34r: :ph34r:


  3. how's is ranka lee 1/4 zentradi? one of her grandparents were zentradi? how does a human mate with a zentradi...

    any other interesting tidbits about the sci fi in macross would be much appreciated :)

    Ask the expert, Max Genius ^_^

  4. There also fold-sickness related problem perhaps. :huh: In MF deculture edition, when Sheryl is in fold space, we can see her body glowing and something is separating from her (her soul?), this maybe related somehow.

    In any case, another problem with those colony fleet is the probability encountering with the Kyoudai Sen (Aka Zentraedi brotherhood :lol: ) who are still roaming the galaxy. You don't want to led 10 million people directly into a Bodol class mobile fortress with its escort fleet don't you?

  5. Maybe thats because most japanese people like happy person anime with little girls and all that moei garbage thats out there... Japan has really become a demented country... They have seriously lost touch with reality and it shows with their general interest in entertainment... im glad here in the states ppl arent obsessed with that garbage. Code geass?! give me a break I never liked that anime... everything about it is gay... and gundam is old.

    I suggest that when you visit Japan, don't come near to Akihabara area, all the Otaku stuff there will make your head explode in rage :mellow:

    Is Shinsen sub out yet?

  6. Maybe the ASS-1 did crash in 1999, but not with all the dramatic events that happened with it. All of the world governments decided to keep it secret while rebuilding it. The Zentraedi could still be coming next year!

    Nope, they will come in 2012. Speaking of which, Protoculture seems to be related w with the Annuaki from Sumerrian myth ^_^

  7. If the "carrier" arm of the Macross Quarter can disconnect from the main body of the ship, is it a ship in its own right? I wonder if it can function by itself and if it has its own name. Might be the same deal for the other arm of the ship too. Just wondering.


    I think its just a big slab of metal piece complete with hangars and elevators. I wonder if the VF-25s are stored there or somewhere else. If it can function on its own (like Promotheus) then it lack the bridge structure. Anyway we'll find out when they release an official stat or lineart.

  8. I didn’t get the feeling that the Vajra were any less deadly in episode 7, just that SMS used better tactics and equipment.

    As far back as episode 1, it’s been show that the small yellow Vajra are vulnerable to VF-25 gunpod fire. It’s only the larger red guys that seem relatively invulnerable to gunpod fire and micro-missiles. We’ve already seen from episodes 2 and 3 that Michael’s sniper rifle is powerful enough to penetrate a Red Vajra’s energy-conversion armour with ease.

    In episode 7, we see the small yellow Vajra taken out by gunpod fire from Alto & Ozma and mass micro missiles from Ozma, which is consistent.

    We see red Vajra taken out by Michael’s sniper rifle, again consistent.

    We also see multiple Vajra destroyed by the fire from the Konig Monster, which is not surprising given the power of the VB-6's weapons.

    The red Vajra’s energy-conversion armor is tough, but not invulnerable. The yellow Vajra, while fast and deadly are not nearly so tough.


    Except one of the red lobster is blown away by Alto, again in point blank range using his gunpod.

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