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Posts posted by Morpheus

  1. The trailer shows a ton of ZZ pilots as playable characters, so I'm pretty sure there will be a ZZ campaign. Chances are it'll go all the way up through Char's Counterattack, with the F91 & Hathaway's Flash suits being unlockable extra's.

    I bet the mission involving MP Quebeleys with Puru clones will be terribly hard :lol:. So there will be 3 types of ZZ then? (FAZZ, ZZ, full armor ZZ)

  2. 第13話:トワイライト・プラネット(Twilight Planet)、2008.06.26

    Alto and Ranka made an emergency landing in Galia 4 by a glitch of VF.

    Through extended chat, they grew a liking of each other.


    Official promotion:

    A Super Galaxy Love Story in which love, friendship and destiny of the planet intersects.

    Is it Planet Galia 4??


    Alto and Ranka will....


    Hmmm, looks like DYRL when Hikaru and Misa stranded in Earth, makes me wonder whether

    Alto and Ranka will share their first kiss there ^o^.

  3. But that would be geass, the power that Lelouch has, not the obedience he bestows on his victims.

    Though it would be interesting if its affects were indeed permanent. Poor Carve-tan. :(

    Her fate is better compare to the thugs which Lulu ordered to do some exercises :lol:

  4. I question the actual power of the original Macross' cannon versus that of the New Macross carriers and now Macross Quarter. Visual evidence varies, but when Battle 7 opened up, it had a tendency to wipe out at LEAST several Varauta ships in formation, with the potential to destroy several dozen. SDF-01 usually took out one at a time, usually emphasizing the destruction of many squadrons of enemy fighters instead. Finally, we know that Macross Quarter can easily take out at LEAST one ship with one shot, with no other evidence of its power thus far.


    Battle 7 gunship/Macross Cannon is probably the same size as Quarter ^_^ . Macross Quarter could be designed as a tactical transformable warships by engaging specific target, while her older brother is a mass destruction type ship.

    I quess the rank of the Macross cannon is like this:

    Macross Cannon (Mac 2 if its canon) > Battle 7 > SDF-1 > Quarter

  5. Thanks wolfx :lol:

    I hope the book store near my home will sell Macross Chronicle later. Maybe this book series is like Gundam Fact series which mean we could get tons of high quality lineart.

    Btw, in Frontier, we only got CG mecha, I wonder if the lineart is available. As we can see from Newtype, all Macross F animation material are in CG and not a single lineart. :huh:

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