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Posts posted by Morpheus

  1. I was just wondering. In episode nine, when Alto was wrestling with the Vajra, why did neither of them use a different weapon to break the stalemate. Alto could have used his head laser and the Vajra could have used its mounted cannon maybe.

    Same goes for when Alto was wrestling with the VF-27. Neither of them used their head weapons to break the stalemate. (It looks like the VF27 has some sort of weapon mounted on its head.)


    Well, I think they did, however Kawamori said "Cut" and screams at them for not following the script. The entire shot must be retaken at least five times. :lol:

  2. By the way, I want to know how the ECA works to strengthen the armor of valks.

    From the Compendium

    STRUCTURE: Space metal materials are used for the composition of the fuselage's frame, but titanium/carbon composite is used for the outer skin. Due to AWAG/RA 105 SWAG energy converting armor which uses Overtechnology, the VF-0 can employ surplus power to triple the Fighter mode's armor strength in Battroid mode. (Future variable fighters will incorporate similar technology.)

    So I think the surplus power (electricity?) is used to strengthen the armor material (eg: making it more dense).

  3. BTW I tought death & destruction were the only issues about war in the Macross universe. :huh:

    This is not Gundam boy, not Gundam. :lol:

    The main story in Macross is always the drama and love triangle, the VF, war and aliens are just the spice to heat up the situation.

    Anyway, I feel sorry for Klan, I think she's not very comfortable with Michael in her miclon form due to the reason Michael stated on this episode. Michael shoul macronize himself to cheer her up :mellow:

  4. The miclonisation tubes still seem too magical for me. I mean its like disappear from small tube and reappear in big tube...wow how convenient. Lets do this to our cows and it can feed the whole colony for aeons. :lol:

    I prefer micloning the Vajra (it is an organic being after all), then I have my own 1/60 Vajra that could turn other Yamato 1/60 into scrap of plastic ^_^

  5. I'm guessing that Alto's has more thrust and/or missiles. While Mikhails pack has either more sensors or stabilizers as well as the grapple/anchor chain and Luca's pack has sensors and electronic warfare gear.

    In other words, Alto is for close range dogfighting, Luca is recon and radio guy, and Michael is fire support/sniper.

    Makes me wonder, whats the point flying in a VF if you don't dogfight at all. Give Michael a monster destroid and Luca an Elint Rabbit, that would do :ph34r:

  6. I think that they have missed a good opportunity to here to have an "evil black" vehicle rather than purple. That would look a lot cooler. (I know that its probably an animation issue, with most of the action so far taking place in space it probably would be difficult to animate a totally black ship)


    Not really (point to Black Selena from Nadesico) ^_^ . VF with melee weapon is good, we got gunpod bayonet, pinpoint barrier punch, and now a progressive knife...I mean PPB knife. As I recall, one of the destroid even have a baton for close combat.

    I bet the Konig monster will rock in close combat since it lack of CIWS.

  7. True but it still doesn't explain why Brera still didn't make the kills. He simply disable Klien Klan before moving on to the others.

    Brera is

    incarnation of Kira Yamato in Macross Universe :^^

    One more thing,

    the Hive is a derelict Maizuru class carrier, maybe it was captured during patrol or something. And probably the Vajra use the poor crew as an egg hatchery ala Alien.

    Also its quite interesting to know that a VF-171 can carry a sniper rifle

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