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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Winny is a Japanese file-sharing program, I once use it. Its not very complex as long you got the hash of the file that you wanted it, and if the seeder is big enough its quite fast. Its been a while since I used Winny, I might try it tonight. I'll post an update if I managed to make it run and get the file.
  2. Well trained eyes MisaForever Finally, Sheryl X Basara duet
  3. Make that in scale with Quarter and I can open my own Macross Frontier museum.....
  4. Wow, I want that whip-phone and blob-phone.
  5. Unable to see both Miro Klanologi and Makro Klanologi, the only thing I saw is "do not steal" pic.
  6. Hikaru is the best space pilot since he can take a bicycle to space, or Gamlin who can take out a valk with his kick.
  7. So Setsuna is the new CB slapping boy instead of Saji, oh wait, even Saji managed to slap Setsuna With Cherudim and Arios damaged, I think its time for CB go back to (another) ateroid base, although I wonder why Revive/Hiling failed in destroying the Ptolemy II after they breach the defense line.
  8. Hmm, standard stereotype character with a gothic-loli, old geezer mechanic getup and main char with failed Yu-Gi-Oh hair. But does this show got anything to do with magic girls?
  9. The shoulder joint screams for separation in that pic. I'm not convinced with its durability unless they're showing Quarter in another pose, eg. aiming the BFG with both hand while holstering the flight deck.
  10. Hmm, did he missed Macross VO on purpose? Since there are two freakin SDF class there beating each other.
  11. Oh yes, I always want this remake. Nothing can beat the original rocket punch
  12. What? No VF-17 or VF-171 this time?
  13. Alto Hime and Queesn Sheryl? There, I managed to restrain my imagination.
  14. Wow, a perfect gift for Azrael who is already overdose with Chronicle VF-1.
  15. I got a question, but its not related with valk. Which company design and built the Quarter? Is it under LAI?
  16. anime52k8 Do you know that Escaflowne was once name "Air Cavalry Chronicle" with WW2-esque variable fighter/bomber for Fanelia Kingdom? The concept of the variable fighter can be seen in Kawamori Design Book. If any of you want a "Dark" Macross series, we can make a petition for Tomino or Hideaki Anno to direct the new Macross series. Hmm, Anno mind-screw techinque combined with Tomino kill-em-all tragedy........in the Macross Universe where love and music always prevail.......
  17. Darth Louise : Setsuna, I'm your Gundam Setsuna : Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo :lol:
  18. Saji and Louise forecast? So, Louise is an innovator wannabe now, so she need a new name, how about Lousy Louise?
  19. Gah, I wish I could go there yesterday instead of getting stuck in front of my computer for 12 hours, applying online for more than 2000 jobs in rikunabi Need more photos before my nerve cells exploded.....
  20. I can see the forecast of my financial.....bankruptcy due to toys...
  21. What about Last Exile? You got Vanships for racing, combat and mail delivery.
  22. Quick question, the Quarter will be transformable right? So it will have cruiser mode -> gerwalk mode? -> storm attacker mode?
  23. I choose : Michel and Sheryl Epi.7 Mecha pron Epi.17. aka the day SK trolled us Epi.25 orgasm of music and mecha pron.
  24. I'm humming Aimo during shower, and my wife wants me to stop it
  25. Wow, that was one awesome episode, whats the deal with those death gods anyway? I don't think its related with newtype since Earthnoid can not develop newtype ability without some short circuit in the brain (Like Four and Rosamia)
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