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Posts posted by Morpheus

  1. Enh, it's a joke that probably no one gets. Back on Gundam.com, someone once started a new thread that just said, "WHY EVEN ZEON ARE FIGHTING". No punctation, nothing. The member posted once and never came back, leaving everyone to speculate on what he meant. One person got all high and mighty about "useless posts," and another repsonded that he had been asking why the One Year War started, which is a very important question for Gundam.

    My favorite response was that it wasn't a question at all, but rather an exclamation: "Why, even Zeon are fighting!"

    I was hoping someone else here would get it (and I was trying to follow in the noble footsteps of those who asked stupid questions when the first Newbie Thread was opened), but it's pretty obscure.

    Is it the same as the question "Where did the SDF-1 fold drive gone to?" ^_^

  2. Another question, I was reading mecha specs on the macross mecha manual(Mr.march rules) and came across the VF-1X Plus the 2047 modernized version of the original, I was wondering if this version could reach the atmosphere's ceiling without the aid of escape boosters?

    Maybe I'm mistaken, but in Macross 7:Dynamite, there's a VF-1 whale hunter variant that can reach orbit without the escape booster (just with the booster pack). Even the original VF-1S are able to reach atmosphere ceiling, when Roy rescue Hikaru, they flew directly into Macross which is in orbit I think.

  3. I wonder if there will be more connections made to Macross Zero or if S.K. just used it because is was the most recent OVA? I wouldn't be surprised if this is the last we here of Macross Zero in the rest of the series.

    Both Zero and Frontier are produced by the same studio so its easier to get stock footage. Another thing is (put capitalism hat) to boost Zero DVD sales which will be re-released shortly B))

  4. just so i'm not OT :p - regarding flabortast's theory about Sheryl fame being 'made-up', maybe we can think of it as being 'set-up' instead. Sheryl had backers making her shot to fame much easier as opposed to Ranka being hampered by Leon. although Sheryl definitely has lots of talent in what she does.

    And why Leon didn't prevent Ranka from starring in Zero movies then, now her song is all over frontier. Expecting a massive Vajra migration by then.

  5. Either way the simple revelation of Doctor Mao makes it feel liek some of the goings on are gonna end up intersecting with Zero

    The return of Monster destroid with The Claw :ph34r:

    I bet this got something to do with blood type. If Mao and the birdman share the same blood they can be considered as alien and there is still no explanation whether this got something to do with the Vajra infection or their blood type.

  6. I'm didn't understand about this Hydra creature. So Hydra is an Eden native beast, so it would be natural if Galaxy have a few of them (Galaxy is from Eden afterall). Another point is the attraction to songs. If I recall, there are several Hydra raised as pet in the Zentreadi mall, however they didn't turn aggresive toward Ranka when she sing there but the one on the island is affected by the singing, probably this one is infected by Vajra (V-type) virus. Hmmm...

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