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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Hmm, this news must be taken with a grain of salt since I took it from 4chan
  2. Not quite, in Vandread they're separated so the harvester could harvest their Does the SDF-1 bow popping from Megas XLR count?
  3. lol, I just unlocked Nemo during the AEUG campaign (GBC), I used GM mk II five times. Now I need to find out how to unlock Barzam in the Titan campaign (not by capturing it).
  4. I think the winner of this poll can be seen from how many of Ranka/Sheryl/Nanase/Klan avatar used by the members
  5. So we enter a room, fight/duel, we win then we got credit + XP right, if we loose then we have to spend credit for repair bill. It seem similiar to Navy Field which I played around two years ago, however in that game I ended up bankrupt due to loosing and are force to ride a puny little destroyer all over again after selling the cruiser . I might check it out once I'm bored with Rappelz
  6. After watching Macross Zero again looks like Vajra is related to AFOS, several fact below: - The symbols - BFG - Has internal fold drive / fold reactor. Since AFOS was left by the PC to monitor humanity, I wonder if Vajra is the same (like watchdog or something). And for Vajra being created by some fanatical NUNS is still in question. But I have to agree that some faction (Brera superior) has more knowledge about Vajra which mean they are somehow related to the 117th research fleet. If the Vajra are just mindless drone, then who is the Cerebrate (Brain/Main Hive/Queen whatsoever). I doubt that the mothership in epi.7 is sentient, it must be another drone warship. Darn, my head hurts.....time for some ninjin.....
  7. A private military provider has access to reaction warhead? The policy regarding reaction weaponry usage must be changed significantly after Mac 7/VFX-2 era.
  8. Great, we can discuss this episode for another week, unless Azrael decided to open MF Episode 10.5 tread So VF-25 is used in the movie and CG converted into VF-0, so I can also presume it was the same for the SV-51. Btw, the movie set is on island 3 right? Since I can see the island from the Formo mall.
  9. Yeah, and she was sent from the future with order to assasinate Ranka whose son will led a guerrillas resistance against the Cyborgs. j/k
  10. I wonder if Save is all right, he works in Akihabara AFAIK. Damn, I'm not gonna take my wife and kid to Akihabara again after this incident, unless they tighten the security.
  11. Great, now Nanase x Klan Klan pairing? What about Luca x Michael pairing?
  12. I think it was in Bamboo Blade when the teacher give a girl a deluxe edition of SDF Macross video tape. And also plenty of Macross reference in Robotech (runs away...)
  13. Any high-res scan for the Macross Quarter and VF-27page?
  14. Frontier needs some homage to Macross II. Hmm, I'm picturing Sheryl as Wendy Ryder, kidnapped while flying her first valk
  15. The cellphones, yeah I love seeing Alto and Ranka chatting over their phones like a couple of lovebird until Sheryl voice came in.
  16. Epi 9.
  17. (looks at the english text in the image....) Nope, its not canon I think, it was made in you-know-what universe.
  18. I don't want a another remake, I want a sequel to Children of Dune. Come on, there's plenty of stories in Dune universe that can be made into TV/movie. Hell, there's even dozens of good sci-fi book there thats screaming to be put into the big screen (as long is not by Uwe Boll hand).
  19. I want to ask something. What is ice cream made of......j/k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ok, the real one We know that the Vajra is attracted to Ranka song, the question is, what they will do to her? Will they eat her (Noooooo...), kidnap her and place it into a control room like what AFOS did to Sara, or used her in their breeding program (Noooooo.......). And also there's a relation with the purple crystal thingy, IIRC AFOS didn't have those crystals.
  20. No, she was turn into axlotl tank and NUNS use it to produce Vajra and their ships
  21. Shinsen epi.7 is up, yay
  22. The Hydra meal "Yuu-chan" got the same hair style as Mao I think, while Ranka got a totally different hair style.
  23. Is it the same as the question "Where did the SDF-1 fold drive gone to?"
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