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Posts posted by Morpheus

  1. To address a few things:

    -TBS airing will not be taking a break next week. The TBS airing of Episode 12, unfortunately, has been pushed to 27:30 JST (3:30AM JST, 2:30PM EST/11:30AM PST). The MBS airing is fine so don't go spreading misinformation.

    Ok, so next week is on TBS right, thats mean Saturday morning in here, TBS air one day later after MBS right?

    I can implied that Alto = Ryusei ^_^ Or maybe Isamu, since he also likes flying that he even neglected poor Myung.

  2. No, cause I'm not a pedo :p

    I only like Chibi-Klan because she's CUTE, nothing more. :D

    :lol: :lol: I'll rest your case then.

    Anyway, it seems like Planet Galiawhatisname is

    colonized by the 13th Zentraedi Platoon remains from the Bodol Fleet. Number 13 is always a bad number in Macross Universe, so next week...I mean next two week we will see the 13th Zentran platoon on riot involving a couple of Nupetiet class vessel and power armor, awesome


  3. Remember the Hydra/Griffon from episode 10?

    It seemed to me that the agent (who seemed to be Grace in disguise) talking to Leon mentioned it just before Ranka was attacked by it... (HIT!). :ph34r:

    Hmm, interesting, Brera faction seems like want to hide the truth about Vajra, so they could planning to assassinate Ranka. This is also make sense since Brera was reprimanded for saving their target. :unsure:

  4. Few thing I noticed from movie adaptation from anime/games, few successful while other failed hard. I can accept the Transformer Movie, but I was very disappointed with Wing Commander movie (I will not mention UB work here or G Saviour).

    Live Action Robotech? First of all Robotech is a rip-off, making a movie from a rip-off is worse then making a remake :blink:

    However I will wait until they released an official trailer or at least some script of the movie, although I'm praying it will be sent into development hell for good.

  5. Darn, first Gundam Battle Universe, now Macross Ace Frontier, I really really need an additional job right now :angry:.

    As with the other Gundam Battle series, I hope the new Macross Ace series will have its own merit, like unlockables music, VF, FAST-Pack and vehicle (Macross Quarter veryone?).

    Hmm, I wonder if some of the mythical VF will make it to the game, like the Stampede and Orguss Valkyrie :huh:

  6. Been through some discussions and pouring over footage from Macross Frontier to come up with a reasonably accurate missile count for the VF-25S Messiah Full Armor. There are inconsistencies between episode 2 and episode 7, but I've gone with episode 7 simply because the Full Armor variant was presented clearly and uniformly in the big attack sequence by Ozuma.

    VF-25S Full Armor Chest and Shoulder Launchers

    VF-25S Full Armor Leg Launchers

    VF-25S Full Armor Fighter Mode, showing outboard launchers

    16 x micro-missiles per leg launcher (with two launchers per leg)

    20 x micro-missiles per chest launcher (total of two launchers in the chest)

    40 x micro-missiles per shoulder launcher (one launcher per shoulder)

    15 x micro-missiles per outboard hatchless launcher (one per wing)

    64 x micro-missiles in total for the legs

    40 x micro-missiles in the chest

    80 x micro-missiles in the shoulders

    30 x micro-missiles on the outer wing sections

    Total VF-25S Full Armor Missile Count = 214 micro-missiles, full load.

    That's definitely a new record for a Macross valkyrie. Previous valkyries had the following missile counts:

    VF-0 Phoenix Full Armor = 50 missiles + 6 grenades.

    VF-1J GBP-1S Armored Valkyrie = 56 missiles + 18 armor-penetrating projectiles + 6 grenades.

    VF-11C Thunderbolt Protect Armor = 84 missiles

    You sure those are missile launchers? My eyes are telling me that those are frickin fridges stuffed with beers :ph34r:

    VF-25s FA is sure pack some firepower there, including those beam cannons. What about those two tubes sticking under the shoulder armor in fighter mode? Are those launchers or another beam cannon?

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